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22 hours ago, Barry O said:

  rmweb has never been free.. some people helped AndY pay for the site long before Warners took it over. Without that "free" funding we would not have rmweb. The cost of running the forum gets higher due to the amount of storage etc required to hold it. I have coughed up my £12.. no more adverts (and that is  less than what I used to donate in the past!).

12 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

One bit of good news is the new premium option. That's certainly got my attention and I'll have a bash at signing up for it shortly, hopefully it's easier than Google! I haven't been troubled much by the adverts but am happy to chip in for use of the site. Gold was too much . . . . . 


Agreed - I also paid into the appeals for cash - I seem to recall that one time over £6,000 was raised to keep the forum going. One pound a month is nothing compared to what we all get out of the forum - and the added bonus is that without any adverts, the whole site runs a lot faster as you aren't waiting for the adverts / video etc to catch up every time you view a new page.



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Morning, from a sunny and once again windy rock, where 16c is threatened.  Classic bike racing today, all the way down south, Castletown way.  Yes, there's a medieval castle, used to be the capital of Fraggle back in't old days.


@monkeysarefun that, sir, qualifies as rant of the year, and well justified too.

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11 hours ago, brianusa said:


I am not a funeral person; I've survived many relatives and not attended any funeral.  My own parents died while  was in the US and while I made the effort to fly home for my father, he was breathing his last when I arrived.  It was cold and snowy that year, I accomplished nothing, so never again.  I did go for my grandfather to the local crem  but was put off by the theatrics, dirge like musak, slow progress to the fire, lots of crying; I wanted to leave!  Why can't anything funereal be a pleasant and memorable occasion!  Even the Irish have a wake!

I have had a cry since at my own place and time, which has sufficed but prefer the happy memories of times before.


\     Brian.


You've got me puzzled Brian as I'm not sure what funerals have got to do with my post that you quoted.  However, for what it's worth, I've been to far too many funerals over the years but what most of them have had in common is lots of laughter amongst the tears when certain things are remembered about the deceased.

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Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine here at the moment, sunny spells and  cloud forecast with the chance of some light showers later.

A couple of domestic tasks including Shark wielding to be done shortly.  A case of wine is due but still awaiting advice of delivery slot so I can't go out for walk until I know when.

Rugby this afternoon will see me putting on my Irish hat (if I had one) to support Leinster v La Rochelle.  (I may have mentioned before that I'll support anyone against the French -  Wales, Scotland or even Australia!  😂 )

Have a good one,



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On 27/05/2022 at 00:54, J. S. Bach said:

Night Owl from the Piedmont.

By the time I reach this type of post the night has gone  - hope your night's sleep passed without disturbance.


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On 27/05/2022 at 06:13, iL Dottore said:



I also quickly learnt that in history and “civics” it was Not Done to challenge the myths…

I totally agree. You have all the trappings of medieval religion: blasphemy, heresy, hatred of apostates, the equivalent of acolytes and the priesthood, the anointed and the “true believers”


And there are a lot of very cynical,  manipulative (and hypocritical) individuals on all sides of the political spectrum taking full advantage of this.


Do As I Say, Don’t Do As I Do - seems to be the political modus operandi  of this era.

Agree on most points but very well remember on a US back-packing trip in '67.  In SfF history came up when visiting a friend mentioned about an Englishman teaching history who had given a different slant on the 'Tea Party' and subsequent aspects of American history including how many times they had invaded Canada.  What he did not know, that in spite of being 1000's of miles away, was that I knew the person he was talking about quite well.


Memory time - the trip also included Canada and while in Vancouver picked up a musician magazine and was surprised, and to be honest amazed, that one of the photographs in it was one taken by me.  Strange coincidences happen.

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On 27/05/2022 at 06:32, TheQ said:

Was looking at a muddling show I might attend in a few weeks time, it's in a town centre hall, with very limited parking that I assume will be taken up by exhibitors. All the car parks nearby are two hours only shopping car parks, which would mean more time in the car than at the show. That sadly is one of my no goes.


This is becoming a real problem for model railway exhibitions/open events where to find a space in the first place is difficult and then to find that it coats an enormous amount, is some walking distance away and has limited parking time.  The towns then complain that all the shopping is going to 'out of town' areas when the real problem is that nobody can park.


Banks are another problem - not everybody can do everything 'online' so the banks close the village/small town banks so that to pay in you have to drive miles, pay exorbitant parking fees during the limited time that they are open, including of course remembering not going in on the day when you find they're 'late opening due to training'.


Apologies, seems like a rant .. to be expected when the village shop first lost its post office and later closed down.

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On 27/05/2022 at 07:40, polybear said:

Bear here.....

Today is more of the same day, which isn't a bad thing; @PupCam Puppers pm'd Bear a challenge a few days ago, which I'm pleased to report has been achieved - twice in fact 😁 . I'll post piccies of the evidence later......


I see more details are emerging following recent events in the U.S, including the death by heart attack of the husband of one of the teachers who died; there are also suggestions that school security was somewhat lacking and the police were slow to respond. Bear can hear the lawyers lining up already.....

Bear gone....


Lawyers, always ready to make a mint out of other peoples misery.

Edited by PeterBB
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On 27/05/2022 at 09:08, simontaylor484 said:

Collectors Lot on Channel 4 presented by Sue Cook (formerly of 

Memory suggests that she was once married to who is currently the worlds best contemporary composer - the Australian Mr Williams. - first name eludes me at the moment.


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18 hours ago, 45156 said:

30747 reaches 66 next year, and will draw her state pension then - can somebody else advise whether she will qualify for her own winter fuel allowance, or do we split one between us.  I'm sure that somebody can answer rather than my ploughing through the verbiage on the .gov websites.


Regards to All


We both get fuel allowance - now obvious that many ERs read well before  ...


Edited by PeterBB
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Afternoon (but still pre-munch!) All


13 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Yay my first rant but it wasnt about anything that affects me personally other than too regularly taking up space on our news  because everything is pretty ok down here right now  and its not raining for a change so does that count?


And a very fine one it was too.   If that doesn't get the Beary for the week then there's no justice which would be ironic given the subject matter!


Anyway, an excellent post Mr Monkey!


5 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I believe it was a Victorian invention to make a funeral a sombre occasion.


Sounds about right .....


1 hour ago, PeterBB said:

This is becoming a real problem for model railway exhibitions/open events where to find a space in the first place is difficult and then to find that it coats an enormous amount, is some walking distance away and has limited parking time.  The towns then complain that all the shopping is going to 'out of town' areas when the real problem is that nobody can park.


Yes, I can't help thinking that many so called planners do not have a great deal upstairs - it most definitely isn't rocket science (as I'm familiar with that)!


It took us 28 years if I recall to get a (much) better venue for the St Albans show despite many previous attempts searching locally.  We can thank  "The Great Empire"  indirectly for finding the St Evenage leisure centre for us.    I was sitting in the main hall at a corporate event when it struck me there was a far better use for it ........   I mentioned this to DC, my friend and the exhibition manager for further investigation and we initially had a virtual visit with the Google Street view one evening 🤣 (isn't technology wonderful although the ability to nip inside and have a look round or even get close to the front door now seems to have been removed - shame).       Anyway, the coming of Covid and the recent redevelopment of the adjacent car parks into the new bus station, sorry "Transport Hub" seemed to have put paid to it being used.     I know not what the post-Covid plans are for this particular exhibition.     All I do know is that the combination of that "Ruddy Virus", as it is known, and the Council's "Improvements" to the centre of St Evenage have messed it right up.    As to whether the improvements are in fact improvements I have no idea but the only reason for visiting the place these days  is to visit the out-of-town hospital.


In Other News


I tried the prototype IR remote camera trigger for the telescope last night.    It sat there merrily taking repeated exposures at regular intervals whilst I watched passively.   I could have been indoors or even better,down the pub "while doing astronomy".  Anyway, it worked a treat.   What wasn't quite such a treat was the fact that having just started to take the intended 100+ exposures of Arcturus and its neighbours some twit deposited a load of clouds between my telescope and them!   For goodness sake! 🤣     So I packed up, went in and went to bed.    Just before getting into bed I had a quick look out of the window which revealed a lovely clear sky with lots of stars.   I believe the expression is Turdycurses!


It looks like the old AJ will have its legs (wheels?) stretched tomorrow morning.      A trip up to the Danish Camp on the River Ouse just east of Chrisfville is on the cards with a few biking buddies.      I believe there is a cafe there and I suspect that a hearty breakfast may be consumed.   Whether the breakfast turns out to be good for the heart is perhaps a matter of discussion.


I do hope the formatting of my post does not upset any fellow ER's  😉





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7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


I'm not certain what the set up is in the 'colonies' but certainly in the UK there is no requirement in law that you have to go through any religious ceremony or even a undertaker for that matter. So long as the body is stored and prepared properly and the death registered there is nothing stopping someone from carrying out the funeral themselves. Certainly for cremation the burial is quite straight forward. I believe it was a Victorian invention to make a funeral a sombre occasion.

I did the funeral "service" for my brother in law Steven at Pontefract crematorium most of it was ad libbed apart from reading the Nunc Dimitis I had 15 minutes to fill. I got lots of compliments. FIL has left written instructions requesting that I do his committal.

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

Afternoon (but still pre-munch!) All...


I always used to say 'morning' until after eating lunch (or dinner - oh dear, can of worms opened here...) and then afternoon until eating tea/dinner/supper - well, whatever, I can see where this is going... 


There have been significant spells in my life when I've not worn a watch, either for safety or other reasons. But give or take an hour, usually someone would let us know when it's time for the [Mittagessen] and [Abendessen]. I might not have been very conscious of the time but didn't have to think too hard to know whether I'd recently eaten or not and whether it was likely to be sometime in the am, pm or gloaming. 


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Afternoon awl,


Well, WoR/RMW's been considerably more user friendly than Google, I managed to sign up to the premium option with no fuss at all. No naughty words spoken or hissed, blood pressure not raised. 


Funerals are very personal, sometimes you can treat them as a celebration of X's life, other times, it's very hard to do that. I don't care for any 'received wisdom' demanding they should be done in any particular way - surely it's a case of whatever best suits the person and the circumstances of their passing? Often 'ad-libs' can speak from the heart and be emotionally honest. 


A bit of transplanting done earlier, to give the garden some balance, both in colours and height. It was a fine sunny dawn (and I was awake at 4 am, though thankfully I did get back for a couple of hours) but has since clouded over considerably. The camera is still sulking in it's tent otherwise I would have taken a picture or two. I shall whisper 'Patroclus' in it's electronic lug'ole. See if I can shame it into working again. 


The Q's webcam has been checked a few times, looks like a nice day there. Hope there's been some suitable racing. It has been a while since we did any sailing; we used to provoke excessive precipitation with such success the local witch doctors would pay us to go away, they were afraid of losing the respect of their followers cos our juju was stronger than theirs... 

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Afternoon all. 

A quiet weekend here after a fashion between two rather busy ones. Cleaned the Hill of Strawberries during the morning which task required regular and extended rests. Hayfever and asthma are definitely out to play today. I’m at maximum medication but still feel sneezy, dusty and tight-chested in an asthmatic way. For the record the Covid tests have remained negative. 

I see some of our number now have their names in grey. Or Silver, perhaps.  As the new lower-cost intermediate tier of membership. I’ll have a think about that as a near-daily user of the site. Gotta keep the bills paid somehow. 

In other news who knew about this??? 🤣



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Afternoon all 

The eldest's former bedroom is now empty. Me and the apprentice shifted his stuff whilst he was still asleep. 

His old bed has been taken to the tip I had a lucky escape with the angle grinder today whilst cutting up the metal frame. The cutting disc shattered luckily none of the bits hit me or the apprentice or the car. I have thrown the other discs from nthe same pack away they were Argos nasties and most probably life expired a new metal and stone and diamond disc have been ordered from Toolstation 

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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:


In other news who knew about this??? 🤣

I collected Matthew from his student flat at Leicester University. I noticed he had cartons of soya milk and I think oat milk. I asked if he wanted us to get him some while he was at home, He said not. He only bought it as it didn’t  get stolen and he liked something on his breakfast cereal. 

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5 hours ago, PeterBB said:

American history including how many times they had invaded Canada.  

When we visited Quebec we visited the Citadel which was built to protect from invasions by the United States. The guns were 19th Century but I asked when did Canada stop considering that defences against the US were necessary. I thought it would be around the First World War time but mid 1950s apparently. 

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3 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Afternoon all 

The eldest's former bedroom is now empty. Me and the apprentice shifted his stuff whilst he was still asleep. 

His old bed has been taken to the tip 


 Was he still in it?  🤔

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11 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm not certain what the set up is in the 'colonies' but certainly in the UK there is no requirement in law that you have to go through any religious ceremony or even a undertaker for that matter.

There are no requirements for a religious funeral service in any of the 'colonies' with which I am familiar. 


At one point in subtropical Queensland there existed a statute (no doubt pre-dating refrigeration) that required disposal of the body within a very short period (which I believe was three days). This is no longer a requirement.


There are many laws regarding legal methods and locations of disposal of a body, and cremains. 


It is now legal in Washington, Oregon and Colorado to compost a corpse. So if Grandma really loved her rose garden, she can continue to help them grow, post mortem. Plus, composting a body saves a tonne (metric ton) of CO2 compared with cremation and the process (involving wood chips, alfalfa and straw) produces a cubic yard of soil. 

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