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Guest Max Stafford

Sorry we didn't get to meet up this time Tony, come back again soon!

Don, the loco is a D49 class. They usually worked a wee bit off Gordon's preferred area of operations but they're certainly elegant machines; bigger and more powerful than you'd expect from a 4-4-0 and probably the ultimate development of that genre of engine, along with the Southern's 'Schools' class.

I'd love to hear all these tales of yours sometimes Pete. Between you and your parents stories there sounds like lots of interesting material. Maybe you should get it all written down!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, wet and windy this morning the weather that is. I very much regret waiting for the females to decide what they wanted to do at the start of the week. Seize the day and all that but I suspect I am doomed to continue tilting with windmills.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all , orrible ere again . Cold and wet and windy to trump Mick .


No decisions made for todays activities so far , a nice bacon sarnie is going to be first though .


Have a fun day . :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


seems to be SQL Friday in this neck of the 'net or maybe RMweb has a new pink colour scheme. Weather here is distinctly calmer than last night, fortunately, as the wind has dropped and we're only getting occasional rain showers; sun is promised for tomorrow but I think I'll give the traction engine rally a miss as I suspect the field will be a bit on the boggy side.


Alas i can't find my older Ian Allan ABCs but there will be a few D49s underlined in them from their days in the York area - cor I must be old!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, windy as you like here. Nearly finished the call out week, just the annoying teatime 4 hours to go. Not doing a lot again, just watching a bit of Aerobics Oz style at the moment, just to get some exercise tips of course.


Bit of a busy weekend coming up, a relief driving turn on the MHR tomorrow, only 12 miles on two locos, so the rest of the day will be spent schooling my young cleaner (third man on the footplate) in some firing theory, rules and the ins and outs of the workings of a steam engine.


Then Sunday it's my grandson's second birthday do, marred only by the fact that I will have to be in the vicinity of my ex......


Have a good one.

Edited by PhilH
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No wind here just drizzle and it's cool.Sorry Phil it gets no easier 30 yrs and my ex still causes bother take some garlic and a wooden stake!!.My daughter married about 5 yrs ago and my ex has this knack off just causing an atmosphere Mind " Fork off and buy your own drink" soon got rid of her

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Wet, windy, cold....


Weather has changed today from wet and windy from East to wet and windy from West.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

I had to leave the Continent to get away from mine, ex-directory t/n and she still managed to track me down! Why? I was just the second husband out of five........


Best, Pete.


You are the only one left alive/with money/that she wants back/still able to walk/can walk and chew gum delete as appropriate?

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Mick, Two are dead so far as I know! Her parents were richer than Croesus - she's normally after "favours"....


Fantastic day in Gotham this Friday. 81f, zero humidity, nice breeze. Should continue for the weekend.


Not only that but Gasoline prices are still plummeting in New Jersey, now down to $3.25 per gallon - cheapest for 18 months or so...


Best, Pete.

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Morning all,


Cant tell yet what the weathers going to do, forecast is for heavy rain, perhaps! But not going to far today, couple of meetings with contractors.........then something will come along to surprise.......


Enjoy your day,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Bright and sunny hereabouts, if a bit on the chilly side and breezy. However, the forecast for the rest of the weekend does sound pleasant enough, though rain is predicted from Monday onwards. I wonder if we have skipped summer after all...


Have a good one, whatever you're up to!

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Thank you and Well done, Jam. Scribing the brickwork will be a real labour of love.

I hope you manage to keep them even. Good luck. I look forward to future progress reports.


Still grey, dull and miserable looking, though it is forecast to clear. Tomorrow and Monday should be clear.

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Morning all off to work soon. I think we have had everything since 6.00,I got up and it wasn't bad then heavy rain then drizzle it brightened up,now looks as if it's going to chuck it down. I hope it doesn't keep the customers in!!

Have a good one

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Morning. Still alive more or less. The cold/flu is lingering and not playing fair. Off to the vet for me next week. Foot has returned to normal though which is a good thing.


All this talk about ex wives. I guess I'm lucky as we still get along and there was little animosity through the years. She'll be staying with us when she comes to visit the kid in August. (Maybe she will take him back to Canada this time, and I can have some peace and quiet) SWMBO gets along with her better than she does with my younger brother's 3rd wife. Very scary.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is rather windy here on the Essex Riviera but not cold or rainy.

I don't have any ex-wives as I married the first person who asked me out.

I'm not planning to do much today, suffering motorway lag is my excuse.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it is dry! The rain has stopped for a while and the wind has dried the ground up. Feeling rough this morning my stomach doesn't like me and as there is so much of it it is winning at the moment. Zara is going back today the hysterical cats will hopefully calm down. Too much month at the end of the money means two shows I wanted to go to Peak rail at Bakewell and the north american at Trent Valley are now unaffordable. I haven't got an ex-wife yet....

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  • RMweb Gold

Mick. Sorry to read about Zara. Dogs v cats seems to be so unpredictable. Robbie appears to be totally intolerant of cats in his garden but ignores them elsewhere. When he stayed at a friends during our holiday last year he was fine with her dog, cat, rabbit and tortoise .One of my friends has a couple of border collies. They are well trained and obedient but one recently was being yapped at by a couple of cockerpoos. The collie eventually responded and after that seemed to develop a dislike for designer dogs.

We kept Robbie on a lead where there were sheep in the Lake District but he didn't seem that interested in them, although I did have to stop him investigating every piece of sheep poo (of which there is a great deal).


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  • RMweb Premium

It is a shame because she is now at the puppy stage she should have been at a year ago confident relaxed and exploring everything which of course includes trying to capture everything!

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