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Evening all. I have just taken a moment to toast Don with something alcoholic, not quite the brandy - but a nice real ale instead. I hope all went ok today - the thoughts remain with those who knew him.


 Here today things have remained a struggle. After a late night last night Amber decided to wake me up at 5am after I had had roughly 5 hours sleep. Despite trying to get her back off again I admitted defeat at 6.30am and she followed me out of bed and "helped" with the morning routine. That amounted to watching me shower whilst sat on the toilet seat, chatting away ten to the dozen, then watching whilst I fed the cats and made my lunch. She then did help make the breakfast.

 I was late out this morning as a result of the extra pair of hands and that has left me playing catch up all day. Tomorrow the new head teacher is in to do a lesson observation. Sadly there has been no time to prepare as Amber has only just drifted off to sleep and with Sarah ill it has fallen to me to sort it out. It looks like I will be doing some serious thinking on my feet tomorrow. Hopefully I will be more successful than yesterday. I received the phonecall today to confirm that I had not got the moderator's position. Never mind!


Hope your week is going well.

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This genealogy lark is getting really weird. My cousin Jo just advised that our family owned a slate quarry at Birnam Woods (see Macbeth) and owned two castles. I’m not saying which ones until I take a look at them....


Shame my Mother is not still alive she would have enjoyed this.


Horrible day today, driving wind, sleet and snow.


Best, Pete.

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My mother is spending her retirement digging through the family history; some stonemasons who built York Minster are in there, a possible connection with Charles Babbage (he of Victorian computer fame and pickled brain), at least one murderer, various convicted thieves and the odd madperson. And gene tests indicated on my father's side I'm descended from an ancient King of Ireland, albeit very probably illegitimately, which is kind of preventing me from raising an army and going over there to claim back my rightful heritage.

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At one time in Cardiff the only places where you could get a drink on a Sunday was in a club - pubs did not open at all. Changed in the mid/late 60's IIRC




In Scotland in the 1960s (when it mattered to me), pubs didn't open on Sundays, but bars in hotels did. However, they could only serve 'bona fide' travellers, which meant you couldn't legally get a drink in your own town. So, each Sunday, there was a movement of drinkers from one town to the next, passing another stream of those seeking refreshment moving in the opposite direction!   

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Good morning all, 


& happy Thanksgiving day


Seems ER's "fame" has now spread to the far east - welcome Railsquid! 


Better nights sleep  - pain seems to be subsiding in my back and hips.  Wheel reinventors at it again. I need a 250 tonne crane to do a job - "it's too expensive - cant you use a smaller one" - nope, "cant you just try?" Nope.    Look at the lifting chart - can't be done ... in fact I'd be happier using a 400 tonner -- whine  please try -  NO!  Well OK if you indemnify me from potentially  writing off  several million  dollars worth of kit  -I will. 


On that note I'll wish you all a happy Thursday,



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Bit of a damp start start and 9oC. There may be some rain or drizzle this morning becoming drier later with some bright spells.


.Aditi is very tolerant of stuff around the house as long as it looks as if it could be tidied up.

As is Chris but if I stay in one place too long I risk being put away in a cupboard! Talking of tidying we have visitors later so I've been "asked" to do some hoovering. Luckily I know where the appliance is kept as I share its home on occasions. :jester:

Off to Sainsbury's as well today to collect Chris and do some shopping. There has been mayhem there for several weeks as the car park is being rebuilt. Chris told me that yesterday one of her friends whilst parking was told by a woman in the next space that she couldn't park there as she was saving it for a friend!  I believe the answer was short and to the point.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly morning here today, but there wasn't a frost.  It looks like today is going to be a day of meetings - Oh joy!


I once stayed in a hotel in Cyprus where they had a parrot which could do a very precise impersonation of the reception telephone, had the receptionist running about like an idiot. :nono:


At the Garden Centre where I used to work during weekends during my time at School and Uni, they used to breed Parrots.


One chap bought a Parrot back that he had bought as a hand reared baby - his wife was allergic to it, and so he had moved it to his office.  However, an office move was afoot, and the new premises would have been too cold for the Parrot.  So it was taken back to be re-homed.


This parrot did a perfect impersonation of a phone ringing - followed by "'ello, 'ello?  Nah!  Sorry mate, he's not in at the moment" in a perfect Cockney accent.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Terrible news from Oz with Philip Hughes succumbing to his head injuries. I send my condolences to his family.


Today I am seeing my GP to try and sort my shoulder out ..but with the news above it just makes me glad to be alive.


Stay safe and calm everyone


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  • RMweb Gold

In Scotland in the 1960s (when it mattered to me), pubs didn't open on Sundays, but bars in hotels did. However, they could only serve 'bona fide' travellers, which meant you couldn't legally get a drink in your own town. So, each Sunday, there was a movement of drinkers from one town to the next, passing another stream of those seeking refreshment moving in the opposite direction!


I remember getting off a train at Dingwall around 08.30 to wait for the train going up the other line from there. The bar in the sheds adjoining the station was open, so we had a game of pool and a pint before continuing on our journey. It was very novel back then as there were no Wetherspoons and the opening hours in England were very much more restrictive.


Not sure if that bar is still there now though.

However, we were in Wetherspoons one Sunday last year in Inverness and they can't serve alcohol till after 11am these days.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good morning all, 


& happy Thanksgiving day


Seems ER's "fame" has now spread to the far east - welcome Railsquid!


Why thank you! It's a nice place to hang out and feel smug that I'm 9 hours ahead of most of you and am about to clock off while you deal with this whole morning business :P

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This morning commute still as much fun as yesterday's.


Me and my other half are standing quite close to each other on the platform. You couldn't get a fag paper between us. A young girl comes up behind us as the train is approaching and tries to push between us. She didn't succeed as my other half didn't let her!


Further to the little incident yesterday on the train when I got hurled abuse just for standing up to move seat.


This morning a rather large fellow we often see who is a little on the eccentric side (to put it politely) tends to walk up and down the train till he finds a slim girl to sit next to, which just happened to be across from us today. He started having a go at the bloke opposite even before he sat down. Then he continued having a go at him before jumping up, passing a few Insults then moving down the coach. Would be interesting fireworks if he had done that to the bloke who started on me yesterday!!!!


Oh the joys of commuting even before you get to work for more stress!!


I have said this before on another thread, I love travel but hate commuting.


Roll on tomorrow when we head up the M25 and M1 to Wakefield with the layout. Just hope that we have a clear run as per last Friday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, damp and grey here, regarding castles well I lived in one from birth until the age of 2 apparently, it was actually a folly in Hagley Park on the estate of the Earl of Cobham. My dad rented it in the fifties before he moved us all north, I have the rent book somewhere. There are pictures on the net and I have  a couple in frames on the hall wall.


Enjoy your day folks



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I have a small archive of the finest copies of Punch from that time. I'll take a look this w/e on the off-chance. I'll try not to weep over the shares advice that it might be worth  a  punt on a little start up called Microsoft. I had a choice, use £500 to knock back the mortgage principal and thus reduce the effect of soaring interest rates (anyone else here remember getting skinned alive at 16% by around 1981?) or take a chance on the shares. I played safe, young naive git that I was...


I certainly do. That's why I left the UK at the end of 1980 and went to Saudi for four years! I had a very large bank loan at the time and the interest was significantly more than 16%. In those halcyon days, I was able to pay off the loan, get rid of my overdraft and buy a house outright on my return. Yes, there were lots of things that one couldn't do in that country, but expats are very good at creating a different but entertaining lifestyle in a 'hostile' environment. Did I miss the rain? No! Did I enjoy all that sunshine? Yes! The very big downside was that I only saw my children for a couple of weeks, three times a year. They were probably quite relieved!


Overcast this morning, we had rain over night (not forecast) and it's a little warmer (5 deg C). It was however very dark over at the beach. Back to normal routines today after a 'settling back in' day yesterday!



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This genealogy lark is getting really weird. My cousin Jo just advised that our family owned a slate quarry at Birnam Woods (see Macbeth) and owned two castles. 


Was in its original location or did it get to move to Dunsinane.


Ducking for cover.


One of my brothers has traced our family way back. It seems that back in the mists of time we were rather 'well to do' but lost the lot in one generation and went back to being peasants. Shades of Mayor of Casterbridge. Ah well.



Edited by Killybegs
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Morning all.  A good day today - 60th birthday!  I got a surprise on returning home from work yesterday, to find both sons and their partners have come to stay!  Even better as it was the birthday for one of them, so I got to see him on his birthday.  We all went out for a very nice meal in the local pub, It had all been planned for weeks and I knew nothing about it! 


As for today, the weather is looking good, so a walk, probably around Buttermere, beckons.  That will set me up nicely for birthday cake (I hope!), then more alcohol.

 Happy Birthday Simon. A nice sunny day walking round Buttermere, what could be better. Last time I did that I got very, very wet and wrote off a not inexpensive camera that was in my backpack!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, feeling rough today so not going to work might do some work from home later if I feel better. Happy Birthday Simon and congratulations on having a thoughtful family. Today is foggy the hedge across the road is the limit of visibility even the bright lights of the bakery across the valley are hidden and their siren is muffled. Trev why do they argue over the price of safety, or are the WRI just young? Have a good day all.

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Morning all - and happy birthday, Simon!


Just had a phone call from Homebase about some chairs we ordered. In September, and we're still waiting for delivery...


Off out to Sainsbury's myself, Bob, I may see you there. Fat bloke with a grey beard and a limp if you see one. Then Blondie this afternoon and evening as Dad has a gig and Mum is in a  meeting.


Have a great day, all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Getting round the drinking laws is not a new thing in 1898 The Chief Constable of Montgomeryshire complained that at Towyn;

'a great deal of drinking takes place in the station refreshment rooms on Sundays by persons who are not bona fide travellers by train. There mode of action is to take a ticket either to Aberdovey or Tonfanau and it is transferred from one person to another for the purposes of obtaining a drink. The persons who do this are mainly of the lower working class and upon whom therefore there can be no call to travel on Sundays'



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