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Wencombe/Kingsbridge Regis/Louville Lane


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Hi Alan, Please can you tell me what Station Buildings your planning to use and also who's is that lovely Signal Cabin, I'm struggling to find a Suitable Terminus Building for my Whittaker St project.



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Hi Andy,


The signal cabin is the Hornby one (cast resin) and I added the Springside lever kit on a built up platform put into the box from underneath. The station building will be 2 of the new Peco laser cut station buildings added together rather like the article in the Feb. 2015 Railway Modeller. As I've said previously the layout is very roughly based on Kingswear which had a wooden station building.

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Alan- very nice modelling again. I really like the way you blend the foreground with the background scenery and buildings, which shows up well in the recent photos.

I find the layout really educational.

Andy R

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Thanks Alan, I've ordered the Highly one for my BR / WR Project but I was looking for something a little bigger for Whittaker St and just thought you may have found something that I haven't. I do have one of the Peco Lazer cut ones to make up at some time, they look really good.


Nice work on the Signal Cabin and Turntable as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only a little done in the last week, mainly through going to Ely with SAD's Salmon Pastures layout. a splendid time was had by all, capped by coming away with the Best Layout in Show as voted for by the visitors. A well earned accolade for SAD.

As for Kingsbridge Regis, It might well become KIngscombe all I have done is to lay part of the station forecourt and the road up the hill. No photos as yet as the weights are still on until the glue sets. When all that is finished I'll take some. Oh nearly forgot I have started on one building, what will become the Seaview Hotel. This is a Kibri kit and I have used the back of the kit, which may have been meant as a shop, as the front. The actual front did not look at all English. 

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A bit more progress today Road finished and the new area of platform laid. Now needs painting.






The half relief building in the second photo will be the Seaview Hotel, whether it will be in that place is a moot point at the moment.

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A bit more progress today Road finished and the new area of platform laid. Now needs painting.attachicon.gifplatform f2.jpgattachicon.gifplatform f1.jpgThe half relief building in the second photo will be the Seaview Hotel, whether it will be in that place is a moot point at the moment.

As its Devon should that not be Fawlty Towers



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Phil, its the through coach from "oop" the North East

Surely better than "out west" or even better,,, "daan sarf"


This is all pretty rich from someone who "waxes lyrical" about the living conditions in the back streets of "South Yorkshire" at exhibitions!!!!!

Hope your not extracting the urine Mr D,,,



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More work on the station building and whilst things were drying on that building I made a start on the station canopy. The buildings are based on Kingswear. A wooden station building which has a Trainshed (I'll have to scratch build that, and a platform canopy extending for about a third of the platform.




As you can see I've added posters and timetables as well as the timber framework. I've also tiled the roof. Tomorrow if I have time I'll do the ridge tiles and the chimneys.




It needs a roof which at Kingswear was corrugated (not sure abot doing that, posts and painting.

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I did wonder how you were going to do the valancing, as that was peculiar to the Kingsbridge, Abbotsbury and one other branch I forget. The designer was William Clarke. I can not find anything like it on the market and I am considering having it etched or laser cut.

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Also, I have just found this historic building report online. Produced in April 2009, for a Mr. E Wilson, it tells about the history of Kingsbridge Station building and what it was made of. There are also some very interesting photo's of the inside and covered platform. Something I had not seen before while looking for details for my Salcombe Harbour branch. Hope you find it interesting.



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I think I'm almost there with the station building. Just the canopy and train shed to do, but they will have to wait until I get back from my hols helping the Greek economy.





Edited by westerner
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