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St. Davids , turntable update.

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Hi Rich,

I bought a full circle from A & H to see if my Heljan 47, 37 & Mk1's would go around them and its OK. Certainly would not want to go any smaller. But its OK. As most of the layout is straight and the points Peco then the station area should be OK for normal movements across them all, forward or backward. My 08 will go around just about anything so not an issue.



I rather like your Clifford Road layout, watching it with great interest as it builds into a nice looking layout. Having been OO for most part of my time on this planet with a brief spell in N, I seem to have been drawn to O with the idea of getting back to modelling and building things.



Must apologise, i've only noticed tonight that someone had already mentioned radius! Didn't see that when I posted my message! Glad to hear that you've checked it out, and all works thats the key thing! Thanks for your kind comments on Clifford Road. Think its the first time i've actually had a layout im happy with and also that i want to do more than just run trains on! Hope it meets your expectations anyway! You sound the same as me in terms of kit building and painting! I'm told I could hold a screwdriver the wrong way round!!!


Good luck anyway, the one thing I have discovered, is there are plenty of knowledgable people on RMWeb, so a quick question will usually result in the answer to any query you've got! Good luck - keep us all informed on progress!


Happy Christmas!



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I have enjoyed building my own working signals, building etc for my OO layout with reasonable success and wiring, DCC and all the wiggly amps stuff is not a problem. But large scale painting such as a loco body is something I have had little or no practice at and it is this I lack confidence in.


I have a very good spray gun and compressor unused due to me not wanting to screw up a well built model or building. But my venture into O will see me now trying it out to gain the confidence and build more things for myself.


I have ideas I want to put into practice and working point rodding is something I fancy having a go at. With only a few points and less complex layout than my current one its worth a go. It will be driven by the point with the point powered by the DCC Concepts Cobalt motors. So in effect it will work in reverse with the rodding driven at the point end rather from the lever end. It will slow layout building but I hope it will be worth the effort. Have started on the lever frame and this will interface with the rodding and move with the points. Nothing more than a visible special effects really but it will add interest me thinks.


Added to the stock list last night in the shape of an Easy Build two car Class 108. It is on its way from Cornwall today from what the nice people down there had to say on the phone last night. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

St Davids OO is dead, St.Davids O is just about alive but not in any real form as such.


All the old OO stuff has been removed from the boards and one complete board section removed to allow easy access to the rest of the layout. Before the rest of the boards are removed, it has given me chance to lay some curves and a straight to pose my stock so I could take a few pictures on a very small camera so sorry for the results.


Once the other boards are removed, new ones will be built and track laying can start. Not 100% certain I will follow the plan as a few small tweaks will be made once I can actually see how it all fits. Got one change in mind but really need the track rather than a plan to play with to see if it will work as it involves adding a V shaped platform for parcels etc. Don't know, will see.


But here are some terrible pictures just to show that I'm going O.


And yes, there is a window missing from one of the Mk1 coaches. As I picked it up I gripped it a tad too hard and pushed the window in :angry:


Also need some blackening fluid for the brass three link couplings. Hurry up Bristol O Gauge Exhibition.









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  • RMweb Gold

The use of sharp curves may require some stock or kits to be modified but it can be done. Frank Roomes had an LMS 4-6-0 with full flanges and brakes sanding gear which happily traversed 3ft 6in curves. Typical problems are bogies contacting the back of cylinders, buffer locking. If you can ease the start of a curve it makes a lot of difference. Oversize buffers can help a lot. Some locos seem to work out easy my Tower King seems ok on quite tight curves as the bogie misses the signals a castle would not be so easy.


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Yes, the curves at 40.5 inches are not ideal but what stock I do have seems to go around them ok. Having tested it its not too bad. I agree though about buffers and a bit of adaptation could be needed.


With the point work being Peco, the radius is ok and everything so far works across the double slips and points ok in forward and reverse directions.

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Guest Digital

Hi Andy,


Happy New Year to you.


Good to see you are geting going and nice to see some photos.

Look forward to seeing your progress.




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Thanks both. Its hardly a layout having put down eight curves and two lengths of Peco flexible track. But I had to have a play having spent a bob or two on a new ECoS system and goodies to control with it.


Got the Easy Build 108 DMU to build as well once the instructions and flywheel arrive from deepest Cornwall.


This coming weekend I hope to get the boards removed that are in the pictures and all the DCC stuff removed from under them and sold on. Any one want mega amounts of Lenz stuff.


You layout would be good in 'O' Kevin, want a hand upgrading. :D


John, if my layout ends up as half as good looking as yours, I'll be well happy.

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Nice to see you've made some progress on this layout TTG!

Re the comments on tight radii - I'm sure in one of Gordon Gravetts' 7mm books,

there's a piccie of 7mm stock on an even tighter radius!


Of course, it depends what stock you are running,

but if it works OK, I wouldn't worry too much....

there are ways of disguising the sharp curves....


Looking good - keep us posted


Marc :D

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Hi all,


The short weekend just gone was spent stripping out the boards you see in the photos above. They are gone, no more. Now its time to get building new boards and get track laying.


Its taken ages to strip out from under all the boards the mass of DCC gear that controlled my OO layout. RS8's, ESU Switchpilots, booster, ..........................long list and who said only two wires for DCC, rubbish. ;)


But I enjoyed my RR&Co controlled layout and going O wont stop my use of RR&Co. I intend having a combination of manual input via a working lever frame and full automatic running and well. The interface between RR&Co and the lever frame is easy and with hopefully working point rodding and signal wires, it should look good when it works.


There will be a delay though between a lever moving and a point moving as the points will be driven from DCC Concept Cobalt point motors. The way to shorten the time difference between lever movement and point movement is to make the lever in effect work backwards electrically by starting the motor as soon as the lever moves off its stops and not when it arrives at the far end of its travel. Its only a fraction of a second but will help a tad me thinks.


Interfaced with RR&Co as track plan and display and it doing all the interlocking, it will be fun.


But need to freeze the track plan and that can only be done when I have had chance to play for real with the track in my hand.


No weathering needed, always clean and sunny in West Wales. :P

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No weathering needed, always clean and sunny in West Wales. :P



I must have missed the sun, its been pretty miserable in pembroke dock :D


I like your concept of a railway to St Davids, Im following with interest. Keep up the good work.



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Dean, you down in the dock are you?


The railway to St. Davids nearly did happen for real as I'm sure you know with earth works started. But this is my 'concept' layout with the possibility of going DC overhead electric as well.


But what ever flavour it ends up being, its going to be fun which is what its all about.




Andy Jack

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I will watch this one with Interest having converted to O a few years ago. I'm looking into doing something very similar only I have to have a minimum radius of 6 foot as I've got a DJH Brit and a JLTRT king, with a castle on the way along with a few Heljan deisels. It's a pity about not having longer trains but I wouldn't go back to OO. Can I ask how long is your station area and are you using a fiddle yard or cassettes and again how long?

I understand the fascination with the wires I've always wanted to model it but not sure about WR steam under the wires!!

Many thanks

Steve from wet south east Wales

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Dean, you down in the dock are you?


The railway to St. Davids nearly did happen for real as I'm sure you know with earth works started. But this is my 'concept' layout with the possibility of going DC overhead electric as well.


But what ever flavour it ends up being, its going to be fun which is what its all about.




Andy Jack


Yep, I live in Pembroke Dock for my sins. I take it your up in the St Davids area?


I didnt know that there was a planned route to St Davids. Ive been reading a book about the history of the railways in pembs but I havent come across that. What was the proposed plan??

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Dean, I'm in St. Davids just off Caerfi Road. Go too far and you will get a falling feeling followed by being wet. Visitors know when they have over shot the turn :lol:


We must get together and I'll go through what was going to happen up here in the north of the county.


Steve, sorry to hear you are in the east. Must be horrible being so close to England ;)

The fiddle yard is an undecided part of the project as it may consist of a fiddle yard at a lower level so I can fit it in. In effect the train would leave the station area, round the curve as it drops down and then reverses back over a point and under the station area to the fiddle yard and cassette. But not sure yet.


Have a look at the plan towards the beginning of this thread. It should give dimensions. As for over head stuff, its a thought at the moment but any bridges will be wire friendly and at a good height over the track in case thoughts turn to reality.

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Having had fun???? with my fiddleyard on Wencombe (admitedly a roundy roundy and to a ceratin extent with my previous layout Aber gower (terminus to fiddleyard) I think if I were to build another layout I would start with the fiddleyard first, mainly because if that bit soen'twork as you want it one gets disspirited with the rest of the layout.

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Having fun, yes I am.


The fiddle yard is not too much of a problem and if I don't have enough room with the current arrangement of things in the play room, things will get moved around to accommodate the fiddle yard. I'm lucky I can just move a few items of furniture and the fiddle yard could go at the end of the curve around from the main part of the layout.


But I'm trying to do a few other things this time in the playroom but if I get fed up with them, then I will go back to using the whole room again as I did with my OO layout.

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I found the track plan cheers didn't see the measurements at first using an iPod. Your right about being this far east as they say west is best. (I'm a Scarlets fan)

I was thinking about Having the fiddle yard under the station but being confined to 6 foot curves it isn't going to work in the space I've got, Never mind,

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With a 6 foot curve I would need to come around three quarters of a circle then the last quarter the other way heading under the station a question Mark shape. this would take 18 foot in total length and I only have 19 foot.

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My curves are 40.5 inch radius and will run the trains around them and then reverse back into the fiddle yard on a lower level below the station. But its just a thought as such.


Will get the main boards and track laid before thinking about the fiddle yard problem. Get the under board wiring, point motors done first before building the fiddle yard under it

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Dean, I'm in St. Davids just off Caerfi Road. Go too far and you will get a falling feeling followed by being wet. Visitors know when they have over shot the turn :lol:


We must get together and I'll go through what was going to happen up here in the north of the county.



Yea sounds good. I dont get up that neck of the woods that often though, although I usually head that way sometime in the summer.

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If its as late as the summer that you mange to cover the 30 miles to the north, I hope to have something to show by then. The room is just about empty now with just one board to strip out before starting to rebuild things.


Need to do a few background jobs as well, take the opportunity to do things whilst there are no railway boards in the way.

Will mount a 32 inch flat panel TV on the wall for showing railway DVD's and Coronation Street to visitors as well as adding the third computer screen to the two already on the wall above where the railway will be, similar to those used with my OO layout. Been meaning to add the third screen for a long time but with boards in place its a real difficult job, now a lot easier.


Will make using RR&Co easier as I can have everything up in view at one time, nice. :)

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If its as late as the summer that you mange to cover the 30 miles to the north, I hope to have something to show by then. The room is just about empty now with just one board to strip out before starting to rebuild things.


Need to do a few background jobs as well, take the opportunity to do things whilst there are no railway boards in the way.

Will mount a 32 inch flat panel TV on the wall for showing railway DVD's and Coronation Street to visitors as well as adding the third computer screen to the two already on the wall above where the railway will be, similar to those used with my OO layout. Been meaning to add the third screen for a long time but with boards in place its a real difficult job, now a lot easier.


Will make using RR&Co easier as I can have everything up in view at one time, nice. :)


Do you show your layouts to visitors regularly??

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