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GRANBY JUNCTION - Shunting Siphons for the Up Parcels with a Manor!

john dew

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  • RMweb Gold

Detailing the station frontage is now more or less complete. There is still work to be done on the square (actually its a triangle) to lend some form of credibility to the traffic flow. In addition I still have to construct the buildings that will run at right angles to the station.....but more of that later.

I am quite pleased with the shot below. To my mind it goes some way towards capturing the look and feel of a bustling provincial station in the late forties.




Closer too, of course, it is clear that there is no room for complacency.


Posting like this, particularly with cropped close ups, definitely highlights the flaws. Dodgy lamposts and fresh air under the portico are top of the to do list! 

I am afraid that, in these shots, the kerbstones do look horribly overscale although in real lif they are not quite so bad.



Another newspaper seller this time from Langley.......this was one of the features I was determined to include. One of my enduring memories of Liverpool is walking to Exchange Station on a damp evening listening to the chorus from the newspaper boys:

"Eksi Ekko!"  ......which roughly translated from the scouse means:

"Would you care to purchase a copy of the Evening Express or the Liverpool Echo? "


The Taxi queue attracts rather more affluent looking customers than the bus queue.


These figures are all from Monty's Models and are probably my favourites.......just look at the slightly corpulent, out of breath porter.

I think the city gent with brief case, rolled up newspaper and umbrella is equally good




Colonels dont worry about no parking signs!


These two figures are from Modelscene.....they are plastic and do not have the detail of Monty's or even Airfix/Dapol but they do offer more varied poses.

To the left is an AA motor bike with side car.......Montys have just released an AA patrolman who, when he arrives, will hopefully sit neatly astride it

Here is a wider angle shot......I deliberately didnt crop it so you can see the access port for the branch storage lines that run under the entire street.



I am thinking of putting a statue or memorial between the two buses to suggest some form of roundabout.....hence the traffic flow. Langley do a war memorial which looks quite good.....but I think a Victorian statesman might be more appropriate.

A Taxi and Post Office Van mark the site for the buildings (a Post Office and Hotel) that will run at right angles to the Station and hide the view of Newyd shed.

This shot was a bit of an afterthought, hence the flash, but the reverse angle does show the building site better.






I have a few things to do before I start on the General Post Office and Station Hotel (to be adapted from Scalescenes High Street Low Relief):

The detailing of the station interior has to be completed......more figures to be painted particularly for the benches that are on their way and, last but by no means least, I need to build the starter signals for the Main Up line (P4) and the bidirectional P6..........the latter is a bit of a puzzle so I rather hope Mike (Stationmaster) will be dropping by!

Hope you enjoyed this rather haphazard update.

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The detailing of the station interior has to be completed......more figures to be painted particularly for the benches that are on their way and, last but by no means least, I need to build the starter signals for the Main Up line (P4) and the bidirectional P6..........the latter is a bit of a puzzle so I rather hope Mike (Stationmaster) will be dropping by!


A small layout sketch (of the relevant part) would help John.  As might a  look at Exeter St Davids ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks John - love this layout so much.


It does need a scouse spiv tho - selling nylons and petrol coupons..........


Thanks MIB.....glad you like it.......I will work on the spiv......there's a perfect guy from Monty's in the bus queue...trilby and double breasted suit!





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  • RMweb Gold

A small layout sketch (of the relevant part) would help John.  As might a  look at Exeter St Davids ;)

Wow that was quick.....thanks Mike


I will get something drawn up.





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Hi John,


Excellent work there.  Like the little people and how they bring it all to life.

I like Montys figures and have a few, including newspaper seller.  I use to sell papers in the corner pub and to cars at the heading home peak hour here in OZ.


When it comes to statues, I was thinking that a tribute to Sir Nigel Gresley and a duck would be appropriate. lol


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John,


When it comes to statues, I was thinking that a tribute to Sir Nigel Gresley and a duck would be appropriate. lol





Shock! Horror!...........this is a GWR Layout.............Brunel perhaps!


Glad you like the layout though





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I've always thought it was a shame that there is no decent statue of queen Victoria available. I did come across a white metal one that I'm going to use but it works out about twice life size. That's a very patriotic statue

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the likes and comments guys......much appreciated.


The statue seems to have struck a chord....I will have to give it some thought. I was kind of averse to a war memorial because the station would have predated WWI or even the Boer War by quite a few years......I guess the Crimea might work if I can find the right size figure..... 7mm too big and 4 mm too small.....as I said  got to think about it some more


This post is about the signalling and primarily directed at Mike (Stationmaster) but anyone else is welcome to comment/suggest.


Those not interested in the detail of GWR semaphore signalling circa 1947 might want to skip to the end......the photos arent very good either!



A small layout sketch (of the relevant part) would help John.  As might a  look at Exeter St Davids ;)


I dont have a very extensive library I am afraid but I did find a photo of St Davids on P81 in the GWR Encyclopdia and a track plan on Google. At first glance it seems I have inadvertently incorporated some features of St Davids into Granby......now I understand the emoticon! All very intriguing .....I need to find out more......any recommendations for books with plans?


I really appreciate your "offer" of help Mike. Rather than wait to be spoon fed I have set out my proposed solutions. I hope (and indeed expect) that you point out in your inimitable style where I have screwed up.......its the best way to learn.


By way of background the signals on Granby are all cosmetic/non working (apart from the the fixed distantsicon_surprised.gif) Nevertheless I do try and have the correct signals in place so that, at least superficially,  the various traffic operations could appear to be prototypicaly controlled.

Here is a schematic showing the 4 signals that need to addressed at the South end of the station. I have excluded the Bay Platforms 1-3 and simplified the North end throat





These are the suggested signals

1  Up Advanced Starter with maybe a fixed distant below






Located between the Toad BV and the end of the wall.

This shot shows the Outer Home and Bracketed Inner Home controlling access to P5 Down Main and P6 Up/Down Relief

You can see the disc covering departure from the loco spur and one of the ground discs covering the Xover.......the other is in for repairicon_redface.gif .....struck down by an UFO  

2 Up Starter with Calling Arm (Shunt ahead) below

I hope I have this right......the calling on arm (Red White Red horizontal stripes) allows a loco to advance ahead of the starter up to the advanced starter so that a relieved loco can move back over the xover to eventually return to the shed




The signal to be located just in front of the pannier where the platform ends.

A ground disc to control entry to the loco spur would be at the base of the signal?

3 Two Ground Discs to control the Engine Shed Exit Line

All locos leaving the shed exit by this point either heading North on P6 to join Down trains on P5 or having cleared the point South on P6 to eventually join Up trains leaving from P6 or P4

 Entry to the shed via the exit road is rare but I thought I would need the two discs to indicate the road through the facing point?




The discs to be located just in front of the Pannier but because of the closeness of the platform on the "wrong side" ?

In the foreground is the siding signal controlling departure from the exit road

Leaving the best (or most difficult) to the last

4 P6 Down starter and Sidings Access

Trains both arrive and depart from P6

I am visualising a bracket signal with a conventional starter and a calling on arm below (similar to 2) on the main post and a backing arm on the subsidiary post (doll?) to control trains reversing from P6 on to the sidings.

I am not sure where it should be located



To accommodate a departing up train of 4 coaches alongside P6 and avoid fouling the point leading to the sidings, the loco must stop where the Pannier is above.

The 'correct' location for the signal would seem to be be just in front of the platform ramp.

However, as this shot demonstrates, that will severely restrict visibility for approaching trains 





So I am thinking the best place might be on a gantry cantilevered off the side of the roof just in front of the pannier

Hope this isnt too confusing.......all suggestions/comments much appreciated

ps One of the many omissions on Granby are catch points to protect running lines from runaways from sidings......there is I believe a way of retrofitting a cosmetic dummy.....they are on the list! rolleyes.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Right John - and please excuse me if I start teaching you how to suck eggs!


Iam assuming signalling to GWR 'standards'  (which according to my informants were never actually written down as such but existed as 'Drawing Office Instructions' in the form of a collection of memos) and it should be noted that in some cases local Signal Dept Inspectors effectively broke the standards by ordering what they thought ought to be used, in agreement with the local operating and R&M Depts - a good excuse to go a little bit off piste so to speak, but onlya little bit and not to break any of the basic rules of signalling.


So - using your numbers  and layout date (that is important too!) -


1. Yes although I think I would add a Shunt Ahead subsidiary arm as well in order to get any potential shunt move clear of the trailing crossover.


2.  There's not really any need fora  Calling On arm and in fact the GWR had come down very heavily on the misapplication of such arms (for use in the manner you describe) prior to 1914 and ordered that they should all be removed!  To make the move you just clear the running arm because the line will be clear to the next stop signal in advance.  Disc to read to the siding - yes, definitely an arrangement in use by 1947 replacing the method which would have been used prior to c.the early/mid 1920s.


3 & 4. The sort of thing which made the signal dept swear and the operating dept have kittens.  The facing point must be protected by a (running) stop signal, especially with Great Western locking principles.  So what happens is that 3 & 4 become one signal on the right hand side where you intended to put the double disc.  The signal will be something of a Christmas tree in appearance as it would have a running arm to read to the next stop signal (we'll call that 4A for now) and either a small semaphore arm or disc to read the shed exit road.  Why the shed exit road? - well if the normal way in is blocked by a  derailment or whatever this is the alternative but only used in an emergency?


4A. This is where the swearing starts because even by GWR standards this signal is awfully close to the one we've just put in but if it is essential to allow a train right up to the toe of the point at the platform end then so be it - with a  bracketed small arm or a disc reading into the sidings.  Personally I would call it quits with the one I've numbered '3 & 4' as this one is going to make it look rather crowded - but it's your railway and you know the operational need for a 4 coach train better than me so drawing a train up to that second point and signal 4A might be impossible to avoid.


The big question is would your original idea of a double disc at 3 avoid the need for a running signal there and that's a difficult one for the era you are modelling especially with the sighting problems you have explained at 4A and the GWR's very limited use (if any?) of leading disc signals.


I think 4A could be an interesting siting job but I reckon putting the post in the platform ramp could be an answer although really that would need a centre pivot arm  (I've got one in the shed but it's probably a bit big for 4mm scale use).


Exeter?  Good place to start - at a very small scale in the SRS Signalbox diagrams but Exeter West can be found at numerous places on the web -


Exeter west signal box


While this site might also be of interest



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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you so much Mike for taking the time to answer my convoluted queries......and doing it so quickly and clearly.


I have some comments/supplementaries below



1. Yes although I think I would add a Shunt Ahead subsidiary arm as well in order to get any potential shunt move clear of the trailing crossover.


I hadnt realised I could do that ..... should the subsidiary arm be red with an S?


I think I will dispense with the fixed distant but if I did have one would the order on the post be advanced starter, shunt ahead, distant? 



2.  There's not really any need fora  Calling On arm and in fact the GWR had come down very heavily on the misapplication of such arms (for use in the manner you describe) prior to 1914 and ordered that they should all be removed!  To make the move you just clear the running arm because the line will be clear to the next stop signal in advance.  Disc to read to the siding - yes, definitely an arrangement in use by 1947 replacing the method which would have been used prior to c.the early/mid 1920s.


Oh dear.....I have used Calling on Arms in abundance on the North End....which I omitted from the sketch not only for reasons of clarity but also because I realised I had omitted to check them out with you in 2012.......I think that once I have finished the current project I had better find out which ones need to be removed! 


3 & 4. The sort of thing which made the signal dept swear and the operating dept have kittens.  The facing point must be protected by a (running) stop signal, especially with Great Western locking principles.  So what happens is that 3 & 4 become one signal on the right hand side where you intended to put the double disc.  The signal will be something of a Christmas tree in appearance as it would have a running arm to read to the next stop signal (we'll call that 4A for now) and either a small semaphore arm or disc to read the shed exit road.  Why the shed exit road? - well if the normal way in is blocked by a  derailment or whatever this is the alternative but only used in an emergency?


I am not at all surprised at the signal dept swearing.....this part of the layout is one of the dumber things that I did and does indeed give the operating dept kittens aplenty! At my age its too late to rip it up but I do get sorely tempted


I am assuming this signal would have a running arm on the main pole and a bracket for the subsidiary arm for the shed ?  


4A. This is where the swearing starts because even by GWR standards this signal is awfully close to the one we've just put in but if it is essential to allow a train right up to the toe of the point at the platform end then so be it - with a  bracketed small arm or a disc reading into the sidings.  Personally I would call it quits with the one I've numbered '3 & 4' as this one is going to make it look rather crowded - but it's your railway and you know the operational need for a 4 coach train better than me so drawing a train up to that second point and signal 4A might be impossible to avoid.


I am afraid I do draw trains up to that second point quite frequently.......its also the route for up goods trains. 


I do take your point about it being crowded......I guess thats where the double disc came from.......in fairness its rarely seen,,,,,the roof is very bulky.


The big question is would your original idea of a double disc at 3 avoid the need for a running signal there and that's a difficult one for the era you are modelling especially with the sighting problems you have explained at 4A and the GWR's very limited use (if any?) of leading disc signals.


That implies that a double disc at 3 would involve skiing out of bounds rather than just off piste?


I think 4A could be an interesting siting job but I reckon putting the post in the platform ramp could be an answer although really that would need a centre pivot arm  (I've got one in the shed but it's probably a bit big for 4mm scale use).  


:jester: I guess the postage would be prohibitive anyway.  




Exeter?  Good place to start - at a very small scale in the SRS Signalbox diagrams but Exeter West can be found at numerous places on the web -


Exeter west signal box


While this site might also be of interest




Those links look very interesting.....again many thanks


Kind Regards from a wet and windy Vancouver

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  • RMweb Gold



Yes, you could use the small red arm with a big white S on it - they looked rather nice I've always thought (and it would be below the Distant arm (if you keep the latter).


I noticed your abundance of Calling On arms at t'other end - clearly the programme to remove them didn't filter through to Granby  :O 


Yes, the signal would have a running arm on the main pole and a  bracket for a small arm to read to the shed. (and similarly for the one reading to the sidings - in later installations the disc , sometimes at ground level, replaced the small arm and bracket.


Dunno about skiing out of bounds - more like avalanche country to be honest.


But overall there is progress - that's the really good bit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank again Mike. You were up late last night!


I spent the evening sorting out all the bits and pieces that I need for the 4 signals.....I think I have everything I need except the centre pivot (.see below). I had bought two Ratio kits in anticipation but its amazing how much spare stuff you accumulate over the years.




Yes, you could use the small red arm with a big white S on it - they looked rather nice I've always thought (and it would be below the Distant arm (if you keep the latter).


I noticed your abundance of Calling On arms at t'other end - clearly the programme to remove them didn't filter through to Granby  :O 


Oh Dear again!! I should have guessed you would have spotted them....very tolerant of you not to mention them earlier. Last night I discovered an excellent thread you wrote in response to another novice in 2011 detailing GWR practice.......I am going to read it a few times and then, if I may, do a sketch of that end with what I think needs to be done?


Yes, the signal would have a running arm on the main pole and a  bracket for a small arm to read to the shed. (and similarly for the one reading to the sidings - in later installations the disc , sometimes at ground level, replaced the small arm and bracket.


For the arm reading to the sidings should it be a backing arm (locos will always be propelling carriages/wagons into the sidings) or a regular subsidiary small arm?


I am going to build this signal but loosely attach a regular running arm.....check the location/visibility and then, if needed either fabricate a centre pivot or buy one from MRE (?) if I have the name right I think they make them



Dunno about skiing out of bounds - more like avalanche country to be honest.


:no: :no:   I get the message.....finally :jester:


Kind Regards

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  • RMweb Gold

All good stuff there John but it might help you to learn a bit more about the function of a GWR Backing Arm.  These were used (instead of a ground or elevated Shunting disc) where a non-running movement started off in the wrong direction and they tended to be used where better sighting than that offered by a ground signal was required or where there was a multiplicity of routes needing to be signalled for regular use.  They were also used in facing situations to signal movements towards the wrong line - so more appropriately a 'wrong direction signal' rather than a 'backing signal'


So for example if you really wanted one you could potentially use one for movements back through that crossover next to the brakevan in Photo 1 (and I can take you back to places where there was exactly the case in their signalling at one time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mike


I am not fixated on a backing signal as such......you are probably right that I took the name too literally. It sounds as though an elevated shunting disc on the gantry would be a more appropriate solution?

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  • RMweb Gold

More about signals but there a couple of not bad loco photos  (said he immodestly), so this post might be worth persevering with

The lights have been burning long into the night at the Granby Division Signals workshop.


Signals 1 and 2 are now complete plus a refurbished and about to be relocated siding signal.


The bracket signals take a lot more time because, construction apart, I like to add safety rails to the walk way

The starters are almost straight out of the box......I guess I have been building non working signals from Ratio kits for at least 15 years. I have a huge box of accumulated  bits and bobs but as usual was missing a few essentials so I had to order two new kits. Its interesting to compare the differences.....the new kits are much easier to assemble with a number of minor but useful improvements. The pre-painted signal arms with proper spectacle lenses are so much better than the ones I used to paint (see the small siding signal far right)

So here they are in place

1 Up Main Advanced Starter



The only difference from out of the box is the addition of a "Shunt ahead" signal that Mike (Stationmaster) suggested.......the lowest signal with an S. I hope its in the right place



View from the rear.......adding a third arm meant I had to fiddle around with a third service platform. Not sure if the rear of the shunting arm is painted correctly?


The lens on the main arm shows off rather well in this shot along with the back detail'
2 Up Main Starter

I had originally intended to have the normal stop arm plus a calling on arm.......apparently Granby Signalling Dept had mislaid the 1920 instruction discontinuing their use on startersicon_redface.gif. The previously prepared arm is now back in the spares box where it will shortly be joined by a number of others from the North End icon_lol.gif




I think this shot may merit a second posting on ANTB.......for those unfamiliar with the acronym...."A nod to Brent" GWRrobs iconic thread........required reading by any GWR enthusiast.......a liking for sausages also helps!


The next shot shows the reason for relocating the starter:




I had originally planned for it go just where the platform ends.......but realised that a combination of the curving track and roof glazing would, as you can see, make visibility a major issue. So by relocating it on the "wrong" side a little further back I solved the problem..... hopefully in a not un-prototypical fashion.

I am beginning to feel that Black and White shots suit Granby:



Time for some trains

Here is an overall shot showing 5033 Broughton Castle heading the 2.10 pm Birkenhead-Paddington Express. On the down line 1029 County of Worcester rolls down towards Granby with the 7.30 am from Exeter St Davids.


Once the plywood building site has its Post Office and Hotel I suspect this will be one of the best locations for photographing

Heres a close up of County of Worcester



I think this is Hornby ex Dapol......probably 15 years old. I recently replaced the springs and bushes and she is a very reliable runner

and finally Broughton Castle passing the Advanced Starter




A renumbered and renamed Wellington.....brilliant loco and for once I got a reasonably ok photo.....not up to Coachman's standard....but ok


Still working on the bracket signals.....doubt if they will be finished for a week or so. On Thursday we head south in search of some sunshine .....albeit just for 7 days icon_lol.gif


Best wishes from an increasingly damp Vancouver

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mike


I thought it was maybe a bit long and I did hesitate with the scalpel poised. Perhaps I will make an adjustment when the inevitable happens. Its in a very vulnerable position directly under the flight path of cups of tea and glasses of wine being passed over the duck under.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mike


I thought it was maybe a bit long and I did hesitate with the scalpel poised. Perhaps I will make an adjustment when the inevitable happens. Its in a very vulnerable position directly under the flight path of cups of tea and glasses of wine being passed over the duck under.



I hope both tea & wine - at their separate times - get a clear run.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

So far so good.....the signal has survived a number of successful Sauvignon Blanc overflights.


Hopefully I have now sorted the Down signalling for Platform 6.


Mike, my signalling professor (emeritus), using a skiing metaphor, explained that local operating divisions could, occasionally, stray "off piste" when resolving a particularly tricky signalling problem.

Sadly, he felt that my suggestion of two ground signals to cover the facing point at 4a was more like entering avalanche countryicon_redface.gificon_redface.gif

I now know that running lines must always be signalled with a conventional arm.

So here is the proposed solution .....an off set bracket placed on the "wrong" side ( no space on the platform side plus issues with the roof). A ground disc at the base signals entry (in emergencies!) to the Shed exit  road  



The principal purpose of #4b is to provide a starter for Platform 6 and secondly access to the carriage sidings.

The starter has to be as far forward as possible in order to accommodate 4 carriage trains. Visibility because of the roof line and curving track make siting the signal very difficult!

I hope Mike will judge my solution is, at worst, more akin to a Black Diamond run than venturing out of bounds.icon_lol.gif



A double bracket ......starter on the left......large disc for the carriage sidings ......on the right, the relocated shed exit 

Here they are in situ. Hopefully this shot is clearer than my explanation........



Heres is a close up......I am afraid, as Mike feared, they do seem rather close together.......but needs must.





You may wonder why I have spent so much time attempting to get P6 correct.

 When I first planned (?icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif) the layout, P6 was a mere by way....the down relief. Once I started operating it became much more significant. I realised, somewhat belatedly, that it had easier access than the main line P5, to all the key sidings....Engine Shed, Goods yard and Carriage Sidings. I can shunt P6 while running roundy roundy expresses through P5.

Here is an illustration




7802 Bradley Manor crosses Granby Viaduct with the 10.05 am express from Phwelli



The Manor Class was in the top 5 of the RMWeb wish list.......I do hope that Bachmann notice before my elderly locos expire

This model must be at least 15 years old. They are super reliable runners but like all split chassis locos the plastic bushes have a finite life.



Her shed mate 7805 Broome Manor rolls off the Turntable bridge in readiness for a swift turn around




In order for the passengers from all four carriages to alight, the incoming loco edges just beyond the platform. In the RR&Co routine I have the turnout preset to allow this



Once the passengers have alighted the loco moves forward to the uncoupling magnet......this forward movement clears the shed exit point so that the relief loco can couple up.

This is a lot more difficult than it sounds with RR&Coicon_eek.gif





Once coupled the new loco pulls the train forward so that all four carriages are along side the platform again




Of course all this could have been avoided if I had made the platform longer in the first place.......hindsight is a wonderful thing!

While all this is going on a Chester Races special passes through Platform 5........I have some photos but I have exceeded my self imposed limit......... so next week perhaps

 Meantime, to finish this post, Broome Manor awaits the start of the return trip to Phwelli :

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Andy. Praise like that, from a modeler of your reputation, is so encouraging. You are particularly kind about the photos.......I keep worrying about the obtrusive backgrounds....I guess my new years resolution has to be to spend more time with photoshop elements!


Kind regards from Vancouver



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John, I've very much enjoyed your latest batches of photos, so much to study in each photo and they give a real sense of a busy railway environment. I can almost hear the sounds and smells! I like how you use space in all three dimensions so to speak, ie that view across the bridge to the Manor on the viaduct is visually very pleasing and interesting, I think.  I don't actually find the backgrounds all that intrusive as long as they're relatively uncluttered - but I can see why you'd want to add a bit of blue sky every now and then.


The new signals add a lot to the scene, and I've learnt from the discussion you had with Mike above. I like the shunt arm, some day I'll build a whole layout designed around a shunt arm :-)


I'm very envious of your Sauvignon Blanc overflights. I think the airspace over Vancouver must be a bit overcrowded and it's time to redirect some of them to Copenhagen! I'm also slightly concerned at the huge plant monster that lives inside the train shed - with the green tentacles coming out from underneath it alongside P6  :)   Or did I miss the explanation for that?

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