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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Hi Dave,

Great work on the inspection coach. What colours did you use for the interior? They look about right to me. 


Cheers Peter.


PS How do you get the body off?


Thanks Peter. I sprayed the interior with Railmatch Sleeper Grime (!). I then painted the chairs maroon. I don't have any good photos of any inspection saloon interiors but I thought they looked OK.


As regards the body, before you do anything else, unclick the handrails next to the doors on either side from the body. These seem to be fairly firmly attached to the underframe but they can be prised out of the body relatively easily with a pair of tweezers or similar. After that it's just a question of unclipping the body along the bottom of the body next to the frame with a thumbnail or piece and/or plasticard. There are no screws if I remember rightly. Hope that helps!




Hi Dave


Love the inspection coach  I wonder how long you spent trying to make a 1:76 cup of teA before deciding that there is a limit to how much details you need:-)



Hmmm, a cup of tea. I hadn't thought of that Peter. Not a bad idea actually!!




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Fantastic shot that Mal. Many, many thanks for posting. It's given me an opportunity for a bit of variety on my Inverness services, which have invariably been in the hands of a 40, 47 or 2 x 26s plus the occasional 37 so far.


In fact, by sheer coincidence I happened to be down at Waverley West this evening when what should arrive but a late running Inverness service behind 2 x 20s...


attachicon.gif2 x 20 4 BW.jpg


attachicon.gif2 x 20 2.jpg


attachicon.gif2 x 20 3.jpg



attachicon.gif2 x 20 5.jpg


Unfortunately, I couldn't quite try and reproduce your shot as I haven't modelled the wall in the background (yet).


You don't happen to have any other shots of Waverley from that time, do you?? He says greedily.





EDIT: I've just realised that I'd positioned the train coming out of Tunnel W, when it should have been coming out of Tunnel X (second from the left) judging from Mal's photograph. Doh!


Thanks Dave, I'm glad you liked the pic. It certainly was unusual to see those 20s at the time. It was early evening and I was just about to return to my hotel.


I've found a few pics of 27s on the Dundee service.















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Thanks Dave, I'm glad you liked the pic. It certainly was unusual to see those 20s at the time. It was early evening and I was just about to return to my hotel.


I've found a few pics of 27s on the Dundee service.




attachicon.gif27012 at Waverley.jpg




attachicon.gif27020 at Waverley.jpg




attachicon.gif27037 at Waverley.jpg




You spoil me, Mal. Some more great shots there and some very useful details.


Many thanks!




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Hi Dave, I really like the inspection saloon, looks good being pulled by a 26. As for 58050, very nice indeed. I remember seeing her at Toton whilst still on test, think it was undergoing the SEPEX testing and kept away from the main shed. It still had the cast Railfreight plates on the front but painted black. Looked very smart. You have done a great job on her, looks right at home chez Waverley West!


I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the progress on the depot floor.

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Hi Dave, I really like the inspection saloon, looks good being pulled by a 26. As for 58050, very nice indeed. I remember seeing her at Toton whilst still on test, think it was undergoing the SEPEX testing and kept away from the main shed. It still had the cast Railfreight plates on the front but painted black. Looked very smart. You have done a great job on her, looks right at home chez Waverley West!


I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the progress on the depot floor.


Cheers Alex. 58050 has quickly become a favourite on freight through WW, despite Edinburgh being well away from its normal stamping ground of course. I always fancied an ex works version of it but I decided to weather it in the end. I have bought one of the latest Coal Sector releases though, so that may end up being the ex works version instead.


I also have a "Test Car 6" test coach in the works at the moment, which I think will go very well with the 58s in particular. I've seen a photo of it at the head of an HAA MGR rake with a 58 at the helm. I thought it would make an interesting formation and be a biit different. The inspection coach, rerailing coach, tribometer train and test coach should all make for a bit more variety on WW now. Red/blue 97201 is now nearly ready for release from the works too and looks very smart. 




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Thanks Dave,

The inspection coach is a little way off being worked on but thanks for the info.


Cheers Peter.


No worries, Peter. You're welcome. I know only too well what it's like having a queue for workbench projects!


Another thing I should have mentioned though is that the glue on the glazing on mine was very variable. Some windows were glued in very flimsily while others seemed like they were set in concrete. If you don't want to take the windows out, I recommend you handle it very carefully!




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I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about the progress on the depot floor.


Hi again Alex,


The depot floor has been cut to shape and primed and is now ready to glue down. I think I have come up with a paint mix (using Woodland Scenics acrylics) which will give something close to the colour and finish I am looking for. I've done some test areas on the old depot floor which I removed and am quite pleased with the results. More on this soon I hope.


Once the depot concrete is down, I will be able to finish off the ballasting in the depot area, which will be a big step forward as regards the general appearance of the depot I think. Then it will be on to the buildings, which I'm both "nervous" and excited about at the same time. I'm just hoping that my buildings end up as square as yours!


Cheers for now,





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That 58 looks fantastic running through the tunnel. i must get one in that livery when Heljan re-release them soon.




Cheers Terry. I got my latest one from Hattons, who have some in stock at the moment (originally from Olivia's I think, who commissioned the run and are also selling them at the moment).

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Cheers Terry. I got my latest one from Hattons, who have some in stock at the moment (originally from Olivia's I think, who commissioned the run and are also selling them at the moment).

Oh right, i did not know hattons had them. I'm off to have a look at hattons now...thanks for the info matey, keep the photo's coming.



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Mr WW,


Like others have said, superb layout. I wouldn't say no one else has achieved the "is it real or is it model" look before, but no one has done that as consistently as you have.


I think one of the first things you've clearly got right when you started is the track. I did read which ballast and paints you used to get that look- and it clearly works very well indeed (although I've lost that page now somewhere in the nearly 60 pages).


What I would like to ask you, if I may, is which of the several techniques did you use to ballast? glue first then ballast over or ballast first then spray glue/water mix? Apologies if you've already gone through that- I have been working odd hours and on some late nights I must admit to have been watching the photo's greatly and the text going straight over my head.


I have seen a few other layouts that are also real inspirations, but I don't think any of them can claim the "is it real???" title like WW can.



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Hi Dave, I can see why it has become a favourite of yours! I remember the photos of 58s on test with a Test car on the front of a rake of HAAs. Also remember seeing a test car sandwiched between two 58s on the Ratcliffe to Fletton fly ash workings. I look forward to seeing 97201 and your test car in action.
I plan to get a model of test car 6 to have with 60001 and 60002 on test at Boxenby.

I know what you mean about being nervous but also excited both at the same time, I share your sentiments! Many a time have I felt that way ahead of attempting certain parts of my project….

Always nice to see an Eastfield Large Logo 47!

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Looking at Waverley makes me want to go into my shed and rip it all up and try again its superb 


Hi lms, 


Nooooo! Just get some natural light on your layout, crouch down pretending you're 24mm (scale 6') tall, take some photos with maximum depth of field as if you were taking photos of the real thing and you're halfway there!


Add in some subtle weathering with carefully chosen colours and some smoke and mirrors and there isn't much more to it than that.


This shot was taken with unballasted track for example...




Incidentally, your cat's post was far more eloquent and better argued than some I've seen on here. The spelling was better too.  :jester:




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Mr WW,


Like others have said, superb layout. I wouldn't say no one else has achieved the "is it real or is it model" look before, but no one has done that as consistently as you have.


I think one of the first things you've clearly got right when you started is the track. I did read which ballast and paints you used to get that look- and it clearly works very well indeed (although I've lost that page now somewhere in the nearly 60 pages).


What I would like to ask you, if I may, is which of the several techniques did you use to ballast? glue first then ballast over or ballast first then spray glue/water mix? Apologies if you've already gone through that- I have been working odd hours and on some late nights I must admit to have been watching the photo's greatly and the text going straight over my head.


I have seen a few other layouts that are also real inspirations, but I don't think any of them can claim the "is it real???" title like WW can.




Dear Mr Derek,


Thank you for your kind words.


I laid the ballast loose and then wet it with a plant sprayer. I then applied the usual mix of PVA and water plus a drop of washing-up liquid using a syringe. After covering the nitty gritty bits of points, I then spray the track with a mixture of Railmatch aerosols - Sleeper Grime, Roof Dirt, Weathered Black and Frame Dirt mainly, all depending on the location (i.e. darker where locos stand, etc.).


Hope that helps!




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Thanks Dave


I'm sure you are probably cheesed off with people keep on asking similar questions. I knew the colours you used, but was interested in the method.


Whilst I am sure I could never reach your standard, it is certainly something to aim for. I shall think of several of your photos as I am working along on my own project.



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