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Option 3 it looks like being.


As I am up to my eyes in platform bits at the moment, I've mocked up some shots with lengths of it.


This shows what it will look like in the end.



Here we are defying gravity



And here's a shot the other way with a different platform section (without walls).






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I've been constructing the real bridge this evening, out of my favorite material - cat food boxes.




Combine that with some Metcalfe brick paper, Metcalfe self adhesive pavement, and some bits from the Scalescenes concrete bridge...








Still quite a bit to do, but getting there.





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Do you own shares in cat food box stock or something?????:D



Hi Chris


The cats (yes the ones that destroyed things while I was away on holiday) get through about 2-3 boxes a week. They prefer Felix, but I find Whiskas a much finer modelling material, so they have to put up with that - perhaps that's why they got their revenge. ;-)





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A couple of ideas struck me when loking at this again today.


1 - Access from car park to the station.

You could use the space by the ramp as an access path. A bit of a muggers paradise but provide some lights and they'll be fine!

It might mess up you grass bank though :(


2 - A private, railway workers car park.

Gives you an excuse for lots of signs (Private, Wheel Clamping, etc) and access can be via a locked gate/turnstile.

Also means the car park can be 'a bit rough' and not nicely marked.

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Thanks for the comments.


I was worried about the little alley becoming a crime hotspot myself, so have extended the platform right back to the retaining wall - no doubt some CCTV cameras will also be needed.


Have made some platform done a bit more ballasting...




I've used so much that I'm having to steal it from the ballast wagons!







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As a bit of a distraction while I've been waiting for the final platform ballast to dry, I decided to try out the Scalescenes containers - obviously I need them for my station.


I stuck them onto the standard cat food box with a Pritt stick - a bit of advice, let this dry for a couple of days before cutting out. Then assembled.


Here are the Scalesscenes Evergreen in comparison with a Bachmann Hyundai.






And here is one in-situ.







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One observation - litter bins on platforms? Not a single one on Derby station!


Perhaps something to do with security? Looks like I'm going to have to do some research into litter bin placement ;-)


I had them in my box of bits, and need something - I was planning on some lamp posts and seats, and perhaps the odd shelter to break it up - what else can I have?





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from a train drivers point of view with regards the ballest. its good but its far to neat and clean. when i start constructon i intend on doing a ballest run like the real thing. to practice and i hope to include everything on there.

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