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Hobbiton End


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Hi  Simon

             It was good see you last weekend.  Hobbiton End is coming on very good, I do like the chicken shed and pig pen they are fantastic. Keep up the good work.

Hope al went well at Weymouth this weekend.       

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All is great here in weymouth so far, confusion about which hotel. Apparently someone booked tgemselves into where we were supposed to be so we are where tgey were supposed to be instead. All sorted so no issues. Layout settled quickly and is behaving well, mostlt!!


Best wishes


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aaargh, just seen the terrible typing from Saturday night, no not due to drinking, just trying to use my phone to update, oops!!


Anyway, the rest of the show went well, a few silly issues but nothing important or serious.



Next outing much closer to home, North Petherton Sunday week for anyone in the area.


best wishes


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Hi Simon 

                  The typing era is not the drink, that is what you say I think other may think different !!!!! .  I am unable to go to North Petherton as I am going to see my son for the weekend. Have good day, hope all goes well for you.   

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All set for this evening's activities -


Firstly, the new engine under construction. This is build on a new version Grafar Jinty tank with the side tankes section all that is left of the original body. I kept this as the body is screwed up through the chassis into this metal casting and with the new body built around this section, it leaves the new body easy to remove.




I am sure most of you will recognise the Dapol Pug loco kit basics for the body with new cab sides and a scratchbuilt tender matching the rest of Hobbiton's fleet. This requires handrails, paint, crew, coal and a light weathering and anything else I think of in the mean time.


Also during operating at the recent Weymouth show, we decided that we could do with some more general goods wagons, so here is the starting point -




2mm thick card, Peco 10' wagon chassis, coffee stirrers and Greenwich couplings. Will add more piccies as they develop.


Best wishes



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

For anybody in the area, we are out again with the Hobbiton tomorrow at the O Gauge exhibition in Bristol and in a couple of weeks time in Monmouth -


Bristol - http://www.bogg7mmexhibition.com/


Monmouth - http://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=327038&ClubID=635


Best wishes




They are aware that it's not O gauge?...

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I have now taken a few piccies of the layout with the room lights dimmed and the layout lights on -


First an overall view of the layout in the dim light of dusk, or something!

attachicon.giflights1 (640x480).jpg


The platform lights, acquired from Kytes Lights at the Taunton show last weekend, a very good buy!!

attachicon.giflights2 (640x480).jpg


Finally, an overall view from the far end of the layout

attachicon.giflights3 (480x640).jpg


Best wishes




I got to see your charming layout for the first time yesterday (a friend had viewed it at Calne a week or two back) and I only wish that I had had more time to come back and chat again - looking forward to catching up with your Thread though. Wonderful modelling and a fascinating subject.


As mentioned, yesterday, we have a SM32 layout, the H&BLR, which is based around how such a railway would look today, in preservation/restoration. We have one or two small folk on and around the line too.




Kind regards,



Edited by CME and Bottlewasher
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yeah, a few akward questions about scale during the day, I did mention that the layout is not O scale when I was invited but was told 'it is close enough' and as I enjoy exhibiting, that was good enough for me. As for the show, we have a brilliant day, great fun and lots of positive reaction to the layout and the excellent way it was running (mostly anyway). It amazes me how confused some people get with scales/gauge especially in modelling, a couple of people even thought the layotu was N gauge, D'oh!! Anyway, a few hours in the cells for slapping members of the public calmed me down a little, hehehe.


It is also clse enough to O scale to be able to have a good day sources a few new items for the layout including a some animals, tree making materials and a set of 5 big beer barrels which will be built into a rake of beer wagons, one barrel on each on a cradle with a tap on the side


I now have a week's worth on N gauge work to do as we have not run it for ages and we have a show with it on Saturday in Yate.


Hopefully I will have the basics of the new trees and the beer wagons for the Monmouth show the week after and then a couple of months break after 5 shows in 5 weeks, aaargh not sure I want to do this again!



As always, thank you for your kind comments I appreciate them

Best wishes


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While we were at the Calne show a couple of weeks ago, I got chatting to Richard, owner of Enigma Quay (O9 layout) and we did a did of stock swapsies for some piccies towards the end of the show, usual last hours sillies -


Richard's steamer on Hobbiton End, not looking out of scale at all!




Bilbo on tour at Enigma Quay with the boat wagon complete with drunk hobbit sleeping in it!




Anyway, he also, very kindly, gave me a small dragon which is now being chopped up and fed to the hobbits! No, actually, I have chopped and repositioned the wings from outspread to bent down so that it can be caged into a new wagon for the layout. Something I have wanted to do for ages and never found the suitable dragon for it til now, piccies to follow!




The station building now has the chimney that it deserves, tall and with character although not with a smoke unit yet!




Although the layout will need an extra isolating section, we have been playing around with double heading some trains. The headshunt is not long enough so the isolator is needed so we can take off the front loco to run it aorund before the other one.






Anyway, better get on, thanks for looking.


Best wishes



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yeah, a few akward questions about scale during the day, I did mention that the layout is not O scale when I was invited but was told 'it is close enough' and as I enjoy exhibiting, that was good enough for me. As for the show, we have a brilliant day, great fun and lots of positive reaction to the layout and the excellent way it was running (mostly anyway). It amazes me how confused some people get with scales/gauge especially in modelling, a couple of people even thought the layotu was N gauge, D'oh!! Anyway, a few hours in the cells for slapping members of the public calmed me down a little, hehehe.


It is also clse enough to O scale to be able to have a good day sources a few new items for the layout including a some animals, tree making materials and a set of 5 big beer barrels which will be built into a rake of beer wagons, one barrel on each on a cradle with a tap on the side


I now have a week's worth on N gauge work to do as we have not run it for ages and we have a show with it on Saturday in Yate.


Hopefully I will have the basics of the new trees and the beer wagons for the Monmouth show the week after and then a couple of months break after 5 shows in 5 weeks, aaargh not sure I want to do this again!



As always, thank you for your kind comments I appreciate them

Best wishes


Hi Simon,


Im used to NG scales and gauges and assumed that it was 7mm (not 6mm) so 0-9ish, yet it still confused me a little the more I looked LOL!


Lots of fun and one of the best layouts I have seen in terms of NG for a long while. We were v'lucky in that there was some cracking NG models/layouts on Sunday which one only gets to see at specific NG based shows, a very pleasant surprise indeed.





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Ok, latest exhibition now done and dusted, Polpendra this time, so back to concentrating on the Hobbits again. I have come to the conclusion that the scenics are starting to depress me, I need to sort them out and get it all looking a little more realistic. My plan is to start with the trees, time for the short stop gap Ebay trees to get replaced and my first steps towards this came at the O gauge show where I bought different materials such as ruberised horsehair and pastiche (fake hair stuff) then today I bought a book by Gordon Gravett called 'Modelling Trees, part 1 Broad leaf trees' although i have only flicked through it, I am mightily impressed as he goes through several superb ways of making trees which are simple but VERY effective. So the long and the short of it is that 'this week I will be mostly making trees!!'


I will take piccies as I go and post for comments.


best wishes


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I am having fun already, got several skeletons on the go that I was not happy with but after reading Gordon's book, I realise I am on the right track anyway so am keeping going. running out of thin, 0.3mm wire though, local place I got the last batch not stocking it anymore so need to find a new source before resorting to ebay etc!


Best wishes


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  • 2 months later...

There have been all sorts of issues here over recent times causing a mega lack of modelling time, priorities elsewhere and all that.


Anyway, I do have a few updates for you following the fantastic SWAG day in Taunton last Sunday - 


Stock wise, I have completed the construction of a twin railcar thingy, a sort of DMU (Dwarf Mechanised Unit?) piccies to follow when I have taken some, apologies.


I have also been making a few trees, these have not really developed beyond complicated wire skeletons with the start of clay coating.


My latest project is developing really well though - 'The Beer Train'


When I exhibited Hobbiton End at the Bristol 'O' gauge show, yeah I know, I managed to acquire a pack of really useful resin wooden barrels which had a bit of a problem, one end is fully detailed but the other would have been the open end of the mould and is smoooth with no detail at all. I had to cut and add a piece of planked plasticard to each and then a loop of microstrip around the edge before painting. This can be seen in the first piccie as well as the newest steam loco which has just been coaled.




I then used a round sanding tube in my mini drill to carve out a batch of cradles for these, now painted, barrels to sit on in the wagons already completed.




With the cradle parts separated and fitted to the wagons, I have posed the barrels on to see what the final rake will look like, I am pleased so far!!






I am also working on fitting a new working accessory to the layout, something I have been talking about doing for a while. I am using a servo under the layout to have a rabbit occasionally popping out of its hole, the practice unit works really well, just need to pick up a rabbit at the Bristol show on Sunday.


Anyway I will make sure that I do not leave it so long for the next update/piccies etc.


Best wishes


Edited by bridgiesimon
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Ok, railcar piccies as promised - 


Side 1 of the unit overall view





This is the steam motor vehicle with the Hobbit driver, the mode runs on an American diesel chassis and is very smooth




This is the trailer car complete with passengers which almost took as long as the whole railcar as they needed to be chopped at the waist and knees to get them sitting, more of these to do for the other trains!




The other side of the train.




The trailer car



The steam railmotor thingy



I was running low on the 2mm square section mahogany the framework is made from and when I completed these, I had around an inch of it left!! Just need to add the vertical planking along the lower panels of the trailing car to complete them, something I am settling down to do now.


Best wishes


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