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Just ran through all 18 pages and the only weathered bauxites are those at the top of this page! (Nice work 37114, but I was left wishing the pics were a bit sharper!). I'm looking for inspiration as I couldn't resist picking up 3 of the wagons at the Newton Abbot Fair last Sunday... all perfect, and got 'em knocked down to £3.00 each! They do age differently to the greys... or so it seems.


I've not weathered bauxites before, and it seems I might not be the only one. .. or are there examples out there???!!!

Edited by BRealistic
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They do age differently to the greys... or so it seems.


There's no particular reason why bauxite wagons would rust differently (assuming a comparable period), but it is harder to achieve convincingly because you dont have the obvious natural contrasts between the rust shades and the livery colour; this is where weathering becomes intuitive as much as interpretive. Using a slightly darker weathering mix might help, for the 'flaky' effect, or alternatively the 'overall rust' in subtly varying shades can work well.

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Gosh that's nice Jamie... very like some of the prototype examples earlier in thread... and very much in line with Ian's advice methinks. Off to mix some more enamels, as I'm sure my 'last lot' will be solid by now!

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That one behind D1590 is cracking - bit of replating, bit of texture variety, various other little patches (down by the number for example), bit of missing white stripe, colour variations, and the typical smattering of rust.

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