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Any road cyclists on here?


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Fun at the velodrome today.


The best bit is doing the 4 man team pursuit when the lead wheel goes high and the other three go underneath. It can be a bit scary high up as the thought always goes through my mind "what if I slide down?"




Thanks for posting your experiences Mick.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I used to ride on the out door tracks in the London area many years ago. Mainly pursuits and distance events as I was pretty hopeless at sprinting.

You can now appreciate how difficult the team pursuit is when going flat out.

I used to ride with an olympic team pursuit bronze medalist and another chap who rode as a pro on the 6 day circuit for 11 years. They both live nearby. Even past their prime they were technically superb riders. On a ride out to the local cafe we would pass each other with little more than the thickness of a jersey between shoulders. Move out too far and you got shouted at. Great if you wanted to get home quickly but far too serious if you just felt like a gentle potter.

Been out for two full days this week without getting wet. First time that has been possible since March.


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You can now appreciate how difficult the team pursuit is when going flat out.


Absolutely, as the slightest lift off in effort on the pedals and the guy behind is in your wheel.


And the complete opposite tonight - MTB in Gisburn Forest! D*mn midges were out in force.




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I Walk I'm criticized by bike riders, car / lorry drivers.

I Have A bicycle..I'm criticized by pedestrian car and lorry drivers.

I have a motorbike I'm criticized by car / lorry drivers

I have a car I'm criticized by cyclists and lorry drivers and greens

I have a Landrover I''m, criticized by car drivers and Greens.

I Have a keelboat I'm criticized by Motorboat owners and people like John Prescott.

I have a motor Boat I'm criticized by Sailors, John Prescott and greens

I'm critisized by some because They recon I'm rich (I'm on much less than the average wage and inherited no money)

I'm criticized by the rich because most of the above are old and tatty.


I'm criticized I can't win...


The Q


I won't go into owning dogs or modelling railways,.....

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Anyone doing the 'Ride' in Manchester this coming Bank Holiday Monday?? If so, sharpen your elbows to get some space as I've just heard that there are over 7000 entrants all hoping to ride the 13 mile circuit!! Sounds like it's gonna be crowded.


Glad I didn't enter now!!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Anyone doing the 'Ride' in Manchester this coming Bank Holiday Monday?? If so, sharpen your elbows to get some space as I've just heard that there are over 7000 entrants all hoping to ride the 13 mile circuit!! Sounds like it's gonna be crowded.


There's three of us from Blackburn & East Lancs MRS doing the 26miler (I bet you'll never guess the 3rd rider!). There are staggered start/finish times for the 52/26/13 routes. The 26 milers start after the 52 crew have started their last lap. The 13 milers don't start until the 26'ers have started their second lap.




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Anyone doing the 'Ride' in Manchester this coming Bank Holiday Monday?? If so, sharpen your elbows to get some space as I've just heard that there are over 7000 entrants all hoping to ride the 13 mile circuit!! Sounds like it's gonna be crowded.


Glad I didn't enter now!!!!


That is rather a lot. My local club organises a 40 miler with over 30,000 participants each year. That means an awful lot of time waiting to get on the bridges, so I gave it a miss this year.


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Some people don’t appreciate the alternative training methods...


I must have invisible ink in post#89! :jester:


Already got my stuff ready for cycling wrong way on a motorway in the outside lane tomorrow.

I'll be banging elbows with the other 2,499 booked in for the 26 mile loop of the great British cycle in Manchester.




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Enjoy tommorow. I hope the rain stops for a bit so we can all get out.


It felt a bit chilly whilst kitting up on the car park, so I probably had "half a layer" too much for the day - but never mind.


Over the last couple of days, I've been suffering with a heavy cold and it was 50-50 if I would make the ride, but as it was something unusual to me, I managed to drag my ailing body out of bed, have a true athlete's breakfast of a bacon buttie and head to Manchester. The route was from the Etihad stadium across the souther side of the city towards Old Trafford and a loop around Salford Quays. 1 lap was approximately 13 miles.




The modified tandem in the background with little girl on the back was most impressive.


As a member of British Cycling, we had a seperate meeting point and "priority start". This is at the front of 2500 riders.




If he's not on holiday or making stuff for Lime Street, Les Green is usually out on two wheels somewhere.




We had a quick start and out onto the closed roads, riding continental style on the right - the 52 mile/4 lappers had virtually all finished by now, but we did eventually catch up some stragglers later on.




This is on the A57(M) Mancunian Way - second lap



The return loop was around Salford Quays. A quick self-portrait on the second lap



We also caught up someof the 26 milers on their first lap.



And a rearward view over my shoulder




Just under 90 minutes for the 26 miles or so - It wasn't a race, but I'm happy with that considering how I felt at 9am........


As we returned to the Etihad stadium, another 3000 or so were getting ready for the 1 lap family ride.

A very enjoyable ride and well organised.




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  • 4 weeks later...

A little outing near Edinburgh today including crossing the Forth Road Bridge.

Brilliant views including the rail bridge (photos in prototype discussions).

There is a cycle path on either side although often one is closed.

It is only on a bike that you relaize how steep a climb it is.

There is a 15mph speed limit and in a strong wind it can be hard to keep within it.

One day last week I struggled to do 8mph on the up bit going out while clocking 28mph on the way back going down.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

In training for the cycle leg of a "friendly" triathlon. (if you can call "training", one or two rides of 60-90 mins per week)


Last week was the Col de Whalley Nab, earlier tonight, the Col de Jeffrey Hill...................




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Last week was the Col de Whalley Nab, earlier tonight, the Col de Jeffrey Hill...................

Best of British then - and have fun! My training continues at a similar slow pace, last Friday it was via Jeffrey Hill and Beacon Fell. Looking at Trough of Bowland and Waddington Fell next week!

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I did a club Time Trial on Wednesday eve on G10/42 (for those of a less technical disposition that is a ten mile race against the clock on a course south of Dorking).

This is the first event I have done this year. My long spate of feeling under the weather and niggling health problems have suddenly dissapeared (at the same time that I find myself being made redundant! Was work making me ill?).

I did a ten on this course last year and managed a 31:23. Not very good when I think at how fast I used to go.

This week I managed a 29:26. This is on a road bike on a course that is a little lumpy. So I am pleased that I got evens. (Evens means breaking 20mph)

So I have entered our clubs last evening ten. Perhaps I should enter an open ten as well?

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I did a club Time Trial on Wednesday eve on G10/42 (for those of a less technical disposition that is a ten mile race against the clock on a course south of Dorking).

This is the first event I have done this year. My long spate of feeling under the weather and niggling health problems have suddenly dissapeared (at the same time that I find myself being made redundant! Was work making me ill?).

I did a ten on this course last year and managed a 31:23. Not very good when I think at how fast I used to go.

This week I managed a 29:26. This is on a road bike on a course that is a little lumpy. So I am pleased that I got evens. (Evens means breaking 20mph)

So I have entered our clubs last evening ten. Perhaps I should enter an open ten as well?

Ah, I remember it well - previously the G412. Thanks for reminding me about it - not a particularly fast course, and hard with a SW wind, but worthwhile if you didn't get held up by traffic at the roundabouts. Hope you improve next time!


ĸen (unable to ride for 13 years, after an accident while training)

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Knocked off today!!!!


Cycling through Lytham when some clot in a BMW opened his car door on me. Tried to swerve but gave it a glancing blow with my sooulder and skidded off down the road on my fortunately well padded arse (2 pairs of shorts kids, you know it makes sense...). Got the blokes details but he was in one heck of a hurry and was pronouncing my bike 'perfectly OK' as I was still lying on the ground. He then nipped into Boots to pick some stuff up, but not for me.


Managed to ride home, in my best time ever, bizarrely. But on removing my shirt discovered that the cut on my shoulder was worse than I originally thought, so spent a nice 3 hours in Chorley A&E having it fettled. And it bloody poured down as well.....



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Had a taxi driver knock me off a few years ago and ended up in Xray all morning. No serious damage but as I had to go by ambulance and the Police had to take my bike to the Station with them they took a close interest in him for some time afterwards. Took my bike to the shop and got a report on state and cost of restoring it to use. He paid straight off, and the Ambulance charges, as I think he wanted to get the Boys in Blue off his back.

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Knocked off today!!!!


Cycling through Lytham when some clot in a BMW opened his car door on me. Tried to swerve but gave it a glancing blow with my sooulder and skidded off down the road on my fortunately well padded arse (2 pairs of shorts kids, you know it makes sense...). Got the blokes details but he was in one heck of a hurry and was pronouncing my bike 'perfectly OK' as I was still lying on the ground. He then nipped into Boots to pick some stuff up, but not for me.



Glad to see/hear your mostly OK - probably a bit sore Monday though - forget the bike, that can be repaired/replaced at Mr BMW's convenience.

Door opening is my biggest fear, which is why I try to avoid town riding. A friend of mine now uses a bikecam, not only to record his rides, but also if he's unlucky/unfortunate to be involved in any incidents.




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Glad to see/hear your mostly OK - probably a bit sore Monday though - forget the bike, that can be repaired/replaced at Mr BMW's convenience.

Door opening is my biggest fear, which is why I try to avoid town riding. A friend of mine now uses a bikecam, not only to record his rides, but also if he's unlucky/unfortunate to be involved in any incidents.





Hi Mick. Yes, a Bikecam is my next purchase I think, though the other day it would have made interesting viewing as I nearly ran into the back of a stationary car while admiring a young lady across the street.


Pretty sore today, but OK. I'm such a hairy bloke I think they just darned my shoulder like an old sock.


Did you do the Manchester-Blackpool this year?

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Hi Mick. Yes, a Bikecam is my next purchase I think, though the other day it would have made interesting viewing as I nearly ran into the back of a stationary car while admiring a young lady across the street.



We all do that.......... :O



Did you do the Manchester-Blackpool this year?


I've been trying for five years to do Manc-Bpool, but there's always something in the way - this year was the Brit GP.

However - should be in Blackpool for "Ride the Lights" on August 30th - a fun evening out.





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