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The St Albans Model Railway Exhibition 2012 - 14/15 January


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Not if you go by train ;)


I might go to this one 'cos Ive never been so far


Has the St Alban's branch been re-signalled or is still 'one engine in steam'. If it is still 'one engine in steam' then I'd check the timetables before you set off or you will have a very long wait!



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Well, I've had a very enjoyable day at St Albans, notwithstanding all the bad things about the venue. Good enough that I just tripped through the 5 hour line in the multi-storey carpark that more than doubled the cost of parking, and made my car's day there pricier than mine at the show.


Once my eyes had adapted to the stygian gloom, and I had started finding my way through the cramped aisles I had an excellent afternoon looking at layouts, chatting with old friends, and tracking down some useful items on the trade stands. It's been three years since I was last down at St Albans, due to the clash of dates the last couple of years with Leamington & Warwick (which this year is in a week's time) and I had managed to forget a few key things about the show, but the quality of a number of the layouts made up for them to me.


Parking - Nothing I could do about that this year - I'm working tomorrow (and no, I'm not a vicar). Pricey and full due to the market. Free tomorrow.

Food - desparate lack of space in the venue, I ended up sitting on the floor to eat, glaring as people reserved the few seats there were with bags and coats for people queuing. Next time I'll bring a packed lunch and find a seat in the circle.

The basement - totally forgotten until I read the (excellent) show guide over lunch,and found the interesting things down there (and even managed to track down the gents hidden behind a couple of stands.


Anyway, here are a few pictures of layouts that caught my eye...


Whiteoak - Martin Coombs - On16.5.


Potterbourne - Josh Courtney, Potter Heigham Fine Scale - OO


Potterbourne - Josh Courtney, Potter Heigham Fine Scale - OO


Potterbourne - Josh Courtney, Potter Heigham Fine Scale - OO


Shoreditch - Charlie Connor - N


Horsley Bank - Steve Howe - P4


Horsley Bank - Steve Howe - P4


Lydgate - Mid Essex MRC - OO


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


The same, with a little retouching to remove the one major fault with this model.


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


Rhyd-y-Clafdy - Phil Greaves - OO


No apologies for the number of photographs of this model. First of all it's of an area and a model I like a lot, secondly, I spent a lot of time chatting at the adjacent N gauge society stand and while I was waiting for people I kept coming back to watch this model.





Loughborough Midland - Dave Tooley, Ivanhoe MRS - OO


Edited to post 'tidied up' pictures, rather than straight off the camera.

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I had a good day today. It was a bit knackering as it didn't finish until six. By then I was sat behind Shoreditch half asleep. Good to meet some of the usual rmwebbers such as Westerner, Atso and Bernard Lamb. Also enjoyed a chat with Dave (Beast66606) on Widnes Vine Yard. Dave very kindly offered me the chance to do some driving on Widnes which I had to sadly decline due to the fact that I was racked with guilt about my blatant skiving off from the layout I was exhibiting on downstairs. I did get Iain (PetetheElaner) who is DCC compatible driving just before I went back downstairs and he thoroughly enjoyed it. Once again, thanks to Dave, and I will get stuck in and do some driving next time. I need to regain my honour due to the fact I was accused later of chickening out by Iain on the grounds that Widnes is DCC and I'm scared I might like it and convert!

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  • RMweb Premium

It was my first visit to this show - some top quality layouts on show I thought, especially Highbury Colliery and the multi-level GWR/LMS (EM?)layout whose name escapes me which I thought were just marvellous.

Shame about the dimly lit and claustrophobic venue - due to the narrow aisles I got rather fed up with being nudged and generally bashed about by Rucksack Man!

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Went there to see Gresley Beat a couple of years ago. I agree re venue the upstairs section if still used is dangerous narrow walkways and low railings not a good combination.

Gresley Beat was very good anyone ideas where it is being shown this year?

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Loved it! Actually came away without a headache this year, didn't seem quite so crowded. Seemed to be more trade than past years which cost me a lot. My favourite layout was the Virginian (US) roundy on the stage which had three generations of Virginian electric loco's.



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My first time visiting this show, and aside from the venue problems which others have already covered above, I was really impressed. Nice to see some new (to me) layouts as well as some old favourites, and to catch up with friends. Came away with everything on my shopping list and more! It's definitely on my to-do list next year.



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Just got back from this excellent show. Unusual how many of the layouts had 'bank' in their titles and 'Horsley Bank' was my favourite, it is astonishing just how much detail can be incorporated into such a small space! I liked the 'Virginian' too, in fact the stage was the home to four really good layouts. A most enjoyable afternoon.



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The organisers of the show are well aware of the drawbacks of the venue, over which they have no control.


The problem is, that despite their best efforts to find one, there just isn't a better alternative venue in the area. Believe me, they've looked!


steve (ex-member of the CMRA Committee)

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Visited today, bought my ticket last week to save queing tn the cold. Thought it was very good, ALL the layouts were excellent. Widnes Vine Yard my favourite ( as usual ) also very impressed with Horsley Bank, and inspired by the simplicity of Ringburn Yard. Think i feel another layout coming on, still thats what its all about, visiting shows for inspiration.

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That's another show done :-)

Had a very good time, Whiteoak ran well apart from a couple of little hiccups on Saturday.

Met a number of RMWEB members and had a good chat.

Never been to a show before with the amount of constant attention, hardly anytime to catch your breath.

Received lots of good comments with which I am chuffed to bits and over a dozen potential invites.

The show organisers looked after us very well and we were driving away 48 mins after closing time, even the M25 behaved itself with the six journeys we did.

None of it would have been possible without my team of friends who help with showing the layout.



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Got back from the show a few hours ago, a good show, some very nice layouts, for me the best were River Shannon Depot, the tiny Irish one on the upper level and Whiteoak, but I also enjoyed Widnes Vine Yard and Loughborough Midland.


Traders were good, I couldn't get the stuff I needed, but oh well!


Some very nice chats with a few people mainly Chris F and iL Dottore about illuminated interiors, which was rather enlightning (pardon the pun!), but it was nice to see other familiar faces from RMweb there as well!



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  • RMweb Gold

A really good show, thanks to the organisers for having us.


Special thanks to the member of the public who leant heavily on the layout and knocked the board joint out of alignment (fortunately without damage to the rail ends), sorting that out is just what I wanted when we were short handed due to lunch breaks.


As well as PeteTheElaner (see BDs post above) we also had several (5 iirc) younger members operating today, two of them were young ladies, who enjoyed it as much as the lads, and even with all the guests, we still managed to run a very frequent train service most of the time.


I hardly saw the other layouts I'm afraid, said hello to a couple of members in passing today and that was my only tour of the show, a 20 minute dash.

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I enjoyed myself once again this year with my 2mm models. As always its great to sit down and talk to people about the methods and things that I use to make my models and meet other people from here on RMWeb.


This year I tried out a new tact with the people who looked at my stuff and instantly said that is way too small and I think it worked although there were a few people asking where my magnifying lens was! This show was also the first show where I noticed diesels with sound chips and after two whole days I must admitt it was getting a little annoying!


I would like to apologise about the darkness upstairs though, early on Saturday I asked for the curtians to be closed as the sun was comming through the windows directly at the demo tables and making it very hard to see anything!


Looking forward to next years already, thanks to David and the CMRA team for organising an enjoyable show...


Missy :)

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I would like to apologise about the darkness upstairs though, early on Saturday I asked for the curtians to be closed as the sun was comming through the windows directly at the demo tables and making it very hard to see anything!


Perennial problem up in the gallery! About 10 years ago we took one of the Eridge boards as a demo and suffered the same issues. At least the venue is handy for the shops, nipped across the road for some extra work lamps!

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I had quite an enjoyable visit to the St Alban's show and managed to complete ticking-off most of my shopping list. It was also nice to meet up with several RMWebbers (and many, many thanks to the EMGS lads for kindly acting as a cloakroom for my heavy jacket).


With the CMRA Committee doing such a great job within the limitations of the venue, the only gripe I have with the show is the complementary Bus service. The timetable (first departure on Sunday to the railway stations a good 30 minutes after the show opens) really doesn't meet the needs of people wishing to travel to St Alban's by train. A better schedule, perhaps, would be every 15-20 minutes between 09:00 and 10:00 each day, then twice an hour until 30 minutes before end of show and then again every 15-20 minutes.


Apart from that, a lovely little show (which I'm able to attend each January as my end of week business always coincides with the weekend of the exhibition).



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I'd also like to thank the organisers, and the secondhand team who managed the scrum, and helped me liquidate some assets that I didn't expect to use again, and thanks to the vsitors that asked me interesting questions - it makes demo'ing much more fun :thankyou:



If I hadn't totalled the car on the way to work this morning I'd be in quite a good mood, :cray_mini:



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  • RMweb Gold

This show was also the first show where I noticed diesels with sound chips and after two whole days I must admitt it was getting a little annoying!


As much as I love diesels....I have to say that it can be a little reminiscent of those neighbours who often have their TV / Music too loud... :O


PS - Thanks for posting the photos above - looks like it was a great show...

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:O ......`sincerely hope that you are unhurt, Jon?


Thanks for the concern, yes I think I'm probably mostly just shocked, but the airbags, seatbelt and crumplezones all did what they are supposed to do, so as long as I'm just nursing my hurt pride, and depleated no claims bonus I suppose I should be content.



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