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Top 5 annoying things encountered whilst driving...


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1. Hooligans who travel at speeds in excess of 65 mph!

2. Road-hogs who sound their horn and flash their lights at me when I'm travelling at 60 mph in the centre lane of a three-lane motorway just becaise I don't want to travel in the lorry-lane

3. Lorries who don't stay in the lorry-lane.

4. At junctions, the bad mannered people behind me who cannot wait for me to fold my road-map after deciding which way I want to go.

5. People who park too close to me at Waitrose, I'm always damaging my doors on their cars.



Reginald Mafeking Goatley-Prodding


1] The national speedlimit on Motorways is 70MPH

2] There is NO such thing as alorry lane you should always drive in the INSIDE lane when possible. CLODS are a menace

3] Lorries are ALLOWED to over take

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Pennine, you must understand - I'm definitely not having a go at you personally, nor 4x4 drivers in general! It just appears to be a particular type that seem vulnerable for use by bad drivers!


I'm not taking it personally Jam, I just dont like generalisations that promote misleading stereotypes. Still, as post #24 is getting in on the act as well, I'll just give up.

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1 Tractors where their flashing light is hidden by their trailer load.

2 People who over slow down for speed cameras ie dropping down from 60 to 45 to go past them.

3 Variable speed restrictions on motorways.

4 Lorries who take 1/2 an hour to parse each other.

5 Mobile phone users.

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Only 5? Probably now 6 as my son passed his test last week.


1.Drivers in the right hand lane at roundabouts who you just "know" are going to go straight on even though there's a large arrow on the road pointing right.


2 Drivers tootling along at 30mph in a 50mph zone.


3.Drivers who can't grasp the idea of box junctions.


4.Tailgaters - they tend to make me want to go slower rather than be "pushed" to exceed the limit.


5.Drivers who don't give learners enough space. It's been interesting to see the different reactions other drivers have when you're in a car with "L" plates on.




A perfect choice/list plus point 6] Those who have not paid the 13th installment on the HP and have not got the indicaters fitted yet.

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1) People who use mobile phones whilst driving, without a handsfree kit/device.

2) Centre lane hoggers on motorways. there is no such thing as 'lorry lane' or 'fast lane'! they're overtaking lanes, pull into the left lane when you've overtaken.

3) People who straddle more than one parking space.

4) Taxi drivers who think they can stop anywhere they like, even if it blocks a) the road or B) a parking space.

5) Taxi drivers who do u-turns without notice.



Ah, coventry driving, one thing that I occasionally miss.


Taxi's were my main gripe, during the taxi strike last year I nearly got flattened (by bike) outside the courts due to the mass of taxis illegally parked along little park street, then one pulled out of a side road as I was passing the end, looking the wrong way, texting and then shouted at me for pulling out on him


no idea what they're complaining about rank space for, the only time the taxi rank on trinity street ever had a taxi in it was when they parked up to go on strike!


my list:


1) people who don't know how to use coventry ring road - keep right people, follow the signs on the overhead gantry.


2) people who tailgate / pull out in front of me / drive as if i'm not there - one day I'll buy and old land-rover and not bother braking / brake too hard


3) people who position their sat-nav dead centre of their side of the screen so they have to peer round it, even I could see it was telling you to be in the right hand lane for the roundabout, glad I stayed back so you didn't drive through me to turn right (3 lanes, one for each direction possible, he chose the left)


4) people who pull onto motorways as soon as the solid white line finishes, right in front of me, doing 30mph!


5) people in very nice classic cars talking on the phone (latest case being a very good condition Jaguar E-type mk1 which must be worth about £80,000) surely you can afford a hands free kit.


Either get a hands free kit, or swap cars with me before you wreck a piece of motoring history.



1. Cyclops cars coming towards you when it is impossible to gauge the width of the oncoming vehicle - seems to be common at present - a bulb only costs a few quid.



some newer cars the bulbs can cost over £20

I remember when my brother found out how much his 'fog lights' (most modern cars they're actually driving lights intended to give a bit more light to the edges of un-lit country roads) bulbs were, he stopped using them shortly after! £60 a bulb


I hate cycloptic cars too, I have no idea if it's a car or a moped, or perhaps two mopeds carrying a wardrobe, one of which has a broken bulb

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4.Tailgaters - they tend to make me want to go slower rather than be "pushed" to exceed the limit.

I do slow down, every time.


On a related note, what really irritates me are people who are right up your a*se when you're travelling at the speed limit in a 40 zone, then you leave them for dust when it goes back to 60.

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  • RMweb Premium

1. Tailgaters - always make me wish for a James Bond style car with certain "extras" <_< .


2. Speeders - most frequently the same types as in 1., and particularly annoying in 30 kph or traffic-calmed zones. Ever heard about residents who might want to be able to sleep at night, and have children who might want to play outside?


3. Non-indicators - especially on motorways, or in urban traffic where they see gaps to jump into which I never knew were there.


4. Darkened runners - whether they be the cyclops type or those who - as in a recent encounter I had myself - think light levels are high enough before sunrise to leave the lights off. I wonder if vampires do exist after all...


5. People who don't understand that if there's an obstacle on their side of the road, such as parked cars, they should - under German rules, that is - stop when there is traffic coming the other way...rather than playing chicken and sending the oncoming cars onto the pavement in a desperate attempt to avoid collision.

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  • RMweb Premium

I do slow down, every time.


On a related note, what really irritates me are people who are right up your a*se when you're travelling at the speed limit in a 40 zone, then you leave them for dust when it goes back to 60.

They amuse me when I am behind them at 40 in a 50 limit then as they hit the thirty limit they carry on at 40mph and leave me miles behind until the next traffic light.

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Ah, coventry driving, one thing that I occasionally miss.


Taxi's were my main gripe, during the taxi strike last year I nearly got flattened (by bike) outside the courts due to the mass of taxis illegally parked along little park street, then one pulled out of a side road as I was passing the end, looking the wrong way, texting and then shouted at me for pulling out on him


no idea what they're complaining about rank space for, the only time the taxi rank on trinity street ever had a taxi in it was when they parked up to go on strike!


my list:


1) people who don't know how to use coventry ring road - keep right people, follow the signs on the overhead gantry.




I try to avoid drivign anywhere near the city centre if i can. Usually the taxi driver annoyances are outside where I live. Have been tempted on a few occasions to go give them a piece of my mind, punctuated by my stick...


As for the ring road, it is sheer hell near rush hour times with people just moving on without looking or stopping suddenly to join non-moving traffic without indicating.


Oh the joys of Coventry...

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1] The national speedlimit on Motorways is 70MPH

2] There is NO such thing as alorry lane you should always drive in the INSIDE lane when possible. CLODS are a menace

3] Lorries are ALLOWED to over take


1. Tut tut! 70 mph might be 'de riguer' for experienced drivers like me, [60 years and a member of the I.A.M.] but for some young Johnnie-come-lately types it's far too fast! Remember, it is what it says, a national speed 'limit', not a target and it's not compulsory, you know.


2. I agree, farmers should not leave lumps of earth on the road, and of course there is a lorry lane, they can't drive on the very left hand part, that's reserved for pony and traps etc.


3. Yes, they can overtake, of course they can, but only when the one in front stops for a cup of tea or when his telegraph tells him to. I know these things.


RM Goatley-Prodding [institute of Advanced Motorists]

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1) Selfish dickheads who are fully abled, parking in disabled spots.

2) Centre lane hogs on Motorways when I approach them on the inside lane, the temptation is there to undertake - but have to swing out to the outside lane.

3) Stuck the proper distance behind a ###### that follows too close to the car in front of him, and is braking every couple of hundred yards.

4) Those that don't know what indicators are for.

5) Aggressive drivers, it needs a cool head to drive properly.


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  • RMweb Gold

1. People using handheld mobile phones.


2. People signalling left at roundabouts and then going right.


3. Tailgaters.


4. People who try to overtake me when I am driving on a single track road (there are quite a lot of roads like that in Northumberland).


5. People in 4x4s who refuse to put two wheels on the verge when going past me the opposite direction on a single track road.



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Or an alternative 5.....


1. Drivers stopped alongside and constructing an MTK diesel kit and actually making it look realistic.


2. Drivers doodling track plans on the window condensation and forgetting to include those all-important trap points.


3. Operating the layout as they're driving along and forgetting to pull off all the signals correctly.


4. Playing those Peter Handford steam recordings too quietly on their hi-fi so I can't hear them, whilst doing 60mph in the middle lane of an almost empty motorway.


5. Drivers testing steam locos fitted with seuthe smoke units with their windows closed parked in a disabled bay.




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1. People who fail to think/plan ahead an then force me to take avoiding action as a consequence.


2. People who feel that they must stop in a roundabout to let a car enter the roundabout in front of them (in fairness, the return of roundabouts to Canada is a fairly new thing and most drivers can't read signs so don't understand how they are supposed to work)


3. People who think that the fact that you are signalling to change lanes means that they should accelerate to take away the gap.


4. People who putter along in the passing lane but accelerate when undertaken (undertaking is technically legal here on multi-lane roads) to avoid being passed. Why they coldn't have moved out of the passing lane into the empty lane beside them is beyond me (although probably related to item 5).


5. People who are too busy on their hand-held mobile phone to actually concentrate on driving (despite it being illegal).



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1. Tut tut! 70 mph might be 'de riguer' for experienced drivers like me, [60 years and a member of the I.A.M.] but for some young Johnnie-come-lately types it's far too fast! Remember, it is what it says, a national speed 'limit', not a target and it's not compulsory, you know.


2. I agree, farmers should not leave lumps of earth on the road, and of course there is a lorry lane, they can't drive on the very left hand part, that's reserved for pony and traps etc.


3. Yes, they can overtake, of course they can, but only when the one in front stops for a cup of tea or when his telegraph tells him to. I know these things.


RM Goatley-Prodding [institute of Advanced Motorists]


If you are a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists you should know that on a Motorway you should not be in the centre lane of the Motorway if the lane on the left of you is clear. Read the Highway code.


Personally my pet hate is drivers who drive around with there fahsion accessories on ( FOG LAMPS ) doesnt the highway code state these should only be used when visability is less than 50 mtrs on when Snow is falling. Either these people need there eyes testing again a point in the highway code or the have never read it or totaly forgotten it.

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  • RMweb Premium

1. people who's arms are to far or to weak to allow them to turn the steering wheel to stay in the correct lane at a roundabout


2. lorry / bus / coach drivers who think it's clever to overtake another lorry / bus / coach on a dual carridge way for 5-6 miles because they are both speed limited.


3. busses that don't use pull in bus stops.


4. selfish "£$%s that use disabled bays when they have no right to.


5.any driver that doesn't get out of the way for the emergency services, you never know when you may need them!




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1. Every other road user who is breaking the law:

   a] diving with no/defective lights, that seems like most cyclists around here; and cars and vans that have one light - like a cyclist.

   b] mobile phone users, and other similar distractions (eating, smoking, fiddling with the sound system, adjusting makeup, feeding the baby,...)

   c] speeding, like overtaking in a 30mph clearly signposted road simply to get a car's length in front.

   d] drunk drivers, especially young drunk drivers

   e] driving without insurance, on parent's insurance.

   f] undertaking

2. The police, for failing to get these law breakers off the road.

3. The school run, get a bike, walk, or catch a bus - it never did us any harm.

4. people who cross all three lanes to exit a motorway because they were too busy doing any combination of (2) or do not think ahead of the bonnet that should be on their heads. (the bonnet they last wore in a pram)

5. Probably every other motorist and road user I encounter every day.

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  • RMweb Gold

1. Speedometers with a fake max speed

2. People who scream at me while driving

3. Cyclists that can't seem to stay on the road

4. Tailgating police cars

5. Roadblocks that always seem to appear just when I've finally got a clear road

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  • RMweb Premium

1. people who's arms are to far or to weak to allow them to turn the steering wheel to stay in the correct lane at a roundabout





I agree with this totally , it's a 'roundabout ' not a straightacrossabout , that would be the crossroad and

involves somebody actually having to stop .

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  • RMweb Gold


Audi drivers



Audi drivers



Audi drivers



Audi drivers



Audi drivers

1. Tractors that pull out in front of me

2. Tractors pulling trailers without any lights

3. Tractors pulling trailers with a flashing light hidden by the load

4. Tractors

5. Buses.

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