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Drewry Lane - Restoring a few "lost" photos


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Hi Stu,


I keep returning to your thread for inspiration, I think both of these layouts (and the EM too!) are fantastic.


Please forgive me if this has been asked (and answered) before, no doubt it has, but what radius points did you use on Drewry Lane? I have a very similar space to play with and I am consider a similar plan (i.e. copying - I do apologise, but it is meant as flattery I can assure you! ) so it would be useful to understand how you have squeezed everything in!


I still cannot believe it is only 5' long mind - undoubtedly a reflection of your modelling skill and composition abilities.


Many thanks,


Edited by south_tyne
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undoubtedly a reflection of your modelling skill and composition abilities

I sure it's a reflection of something, quite what though I have no idea........ :scratchhead:


The points are small radius though I think the overall layout size gives a different impression. As for the layout plans please go ahead, I've undoubtedly got the idea from someone else.  As regards my EM effort I was very pleased with the look of the track but dealing with points 50% longer interesting....!



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I sure it's a reflection of something, quite what though I have no idea........ :scratchhead:


The points are small radius though I think the overall layout size gives a different impression. As for the layout plans please go ahead, I've undoubtedly got the idea from someone else. As regards my EM effort I was very pleased with the look of the track but dealing with points 50% longer interesting....!



Ha-ha well I am a big fan (whatever it reflects!)


Thnks that is very useful. It does give the illusion of being bigger and they don't look like small radius turnouts at all... No wonder I couldn't get it to quite work in mock up plan I have been doing! I suspect the fact that it is scenic over the full 5' certain helps with that illusion of space too, extends the scene and no lost space on the viewing side at all.


Sorry for asking a another question... But did you find the short fiddleyard on DL particularly restrictive? I know you mention an 'add on' board at some point.


The EM trackwork on the new one definitely looks the part mind - show the benefits of a more finescale approach.


Again, apologies for pestering you (when all you wanted to do was announce your whereabouts!!)


Thanks again,


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Hi David,

No apologies needed, I'll happily witter away given half a chance.


As regards the "fiddle siding", a source of much amusement when people see it, simply a piece of chipboard with a couple of bits of 2" x 1" to hold it up. Originally I never intended it for anything bigger than a 350 hp 0-6-0 and 2 wagons and a brake and they fitted on the main board, just. But then got ambitious so now we can get a Bo-Bo and 3 wagons and a brake. The limit is really set by the run round and how many wagons it will take and work out your fiddle yard lengths. Hope this make sense. Operationally it's not really restrictive as it's the train movements that's the "fun" bit, train size is secondary in many ways. Most viewers seem quite happy to accept it for what it is.

An observation, possibly contentious, is that there are plenty of excellent classic "shunting puzzle" layouts but operationally things get interesting the moment you add a loop.




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Hi David,

No apologies needed, I'll happily witter away given half a chance.


As regards the "fiddle siding", a source of much amusement when people see it, simply a piece of chipboard with a couple of bits of 2" x 1" to hold it up. Originally I never intended it for anything bigger than a 350 hp 0-6-0 and 2 wagons and a brake and they fitted on the main board, just. But then got ambitious so now we can get a Bo-Bo and 3 wagons and a brake. The limit is really set by the run round and how many wagons it will take and work out your fiddle yard lengths. Hope this make sense. Operationally it's not really restrictive as it's the train movements that's the "fun" bit, train size is secondary in many ways. Most viewers seem quite happy to accept it for what it is.

An observation, possibly contentious, is that there are plenty of excellent classic "shunting puzzle" layouts but operationally things get interesting the moment you add a loop.




Thanks Stu, again your reply (or wittering!) is much appreciated!


Interesting, I really am at my limit with 5' so I will have to carefully consider what can fit on the main board if I do use this trackplan - it is my preferred option but I might just be scuppered by space constraints in the end. I had originally intended to have two separate boards - because of storage and transport issues - but that might not be a go-er as the middle clutch of turnouts on DL appear to straddle just where the baseboard joint would be! D'oh... I'll have to give that some further thought.


To be honest my intention is for small locomotives and a handful of wagons so the train length aspect isn't too much of a concern. I will have to play around with things in real life - but if I can fit a diesel shunter and three wagons in the fiddle siding then than will do just nicely!


I do think these type of layouts really require such careful planning and thought, probably more so than a larger layout, as siding length and run-round capacity really become critical to operation when things are so tight. I do agree with the loop, I had thought it wasn't possible in 5' when the 'fiddle yard' (in the loosest sense) also had to be included in that length, but DL gives a glimpse of a solution!




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@Stu: Can only echo what Daniel wrote! Yet two other great little layouts full of atmosphere, well done! I have a soft spot for well presented layouts like this.

I understand the “fiddle siding” is similar to what Shortliner of this parish uses – see there!


@David: Yes, these small layouts require careful planning. If this is done, surprising results are possible! The following (quick & dirty) shot shows a loco plus five wagons (all six rather short, of course) in a loop – this all on a layout no longer than 38in!





I admit that I did substitute the points by sector ‘plates’, which saves a lot of space. Still, on a four or five foot layout the respective points would have ample room. The complete track plan can be found in my thread Enigma Sidings (see my signature).


As you can see, David, there’s a lot possible even in small space!




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A good weekend at the Sileby show, very busy on the Sat and not a lot slower on the Sun in spite of the foul weather. Had some good conversations and even managed to press gang a stand-in operator for 20 min, thanks Andy, now go build your layout! Was slightly baffled though by someone late Sun afternoon who seemed intent on convincing me that small shunting layouts were boring......

Generally the layout worked well however the weekend didn't get off to a good start as my sound 08 blew up before opening on the Sat, expiring with a clearly audible bang. Inspection revealed a definitely cooked Loksound 4 chip and damaged bodyshell, the effects of the heat visible from the outside. As this is the second Hornby sound 08 that's died on me.

Westwood, you might have a problem....

On the upside a young man called Nathaniel who evidently has an eye for a good photo took some shots and has kindly given me permission put a couple on here. I'll live with the tension locks but the 33 headcode, oh dear !







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  • 7 months later...

Sort of confined to barracks after a bit of day surgery my attention turned to Drewry Lane which is off to Warley next month. It was built using recycled track which didn't worry me too much at the time as I never expected it to be still getting invites 6 years later.

The point under the overbridge was a bit troublesome from day 1 and I had kept saying I'd replace it but never actually got round to it. A recent local outing showed another point was looking a bit iffy so decided to lift and replace them all with new ones though leaving the sidings in place. The old trackwork was sliced up in-situ to hopefully minimise any damage and came up well. Any remaining ballast was carefully chiselled off leaving a useable trackbed.


The new track was glued in place - I'll never use another trackpin, lesson learned - wired up and tested. It's now been ballasted and the basic weathering done. Still more to do there but the general scenery going to have a bit of work done on it so I'll do that together.


Looking at the layout with the pointwork gone was one of those moments that makes you question your own sanity but I think it'll be worth the effort. Running is better and whilst primary power tends to be Bo-Bo diesels which would run well on a couple of old wire coathangers I can now vary things more.

A couple of pics, sorta during and after.






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Although I've seen the Layout several times and I believe I have a copy of it from a Magazine, it still fascinates me that there is so much interest and operation from such a simple Plan.


Well done.


Good luck at Warley.

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  • 10 months later...


Surprised to find it's nearly a year since I've posted on here. Recently did the excellent Railwells show with Drewry and had a mildly comical conversation on the Sun morning when a visitor said he'd seen the layout in a magazine. We had a few "Oh no you haven't" - "Oh yes I have" exchanges whence he produced a copy of Sept's BRM and there it was. Thanks to Andy and the BRM team,took me moment to realise it was actually my layout :-)

Taking it to Faversham http://www.favershammrc.org.uk/exhibitions.html this weekend. At least it's only a short drive compared to the 6hr+ trek to Wells but does mean if I want a fry-up in the morning I'll have to do it myself :-(

A couple of slightly iffy pics





If you're wondering what the 700 and E4 are doing then I'll explain but only after I've checked a few things out with the experts.





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  • 2 months later...




Dreary Lane

Have a friend(!) who insists on calling it that and at times been almost tempted to change the name. After operating it for a couple of days it might well be more appropriate..........


Interesting you can do it in"O" in 12' though I can imagine how tight that is if you were using PECO points. Pity the smaller radius ones haven't appeared yet,or have they? is this on a single board because if not I would expect the baseboard join to be in a less than convenient place.

Must admit I was tempted by the Dapol 08 but not sure I should be getting into another scale though that could well change when Heljan's 03 appears.

Glad you and your friend liked the layout, got a couple more shows then it'll probably be retired.



Edited by lapford34102
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Stu - I just stopped in for my periodic booster shot of small layout inspiration. I've been mostly off modeling forums for quite a bit, but the impending delivery of a pair of Dapol 7mm 08s (one in green for East Anglia, and one in TOPS blue for who knows what) has fired me up again...

Edited by HeavyDuty
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Thank you, good to know people are still finding it useful. Was very surprised to be told it featured in the BRM calender and then a pic of it turned up in the BRM thread.


As regards possible small layouts Neil's Shell island http://rushbys-railways.blogspot.co.uk/2009/07/shell-island-at-tywyn.html has always struck me as a good starting point. Not necessarily a "copy" but just as inspiration. There are plenty of others of this ilk obviously but this one has always stuck with me.


Blue 08 - weather heavily please. A clean blue 08 is about as implausible as the UK winning Eurovision Song contest.


Have a good break (though I'm more of the Bah Humbug persuasion)




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  • 1 year later...

Drewry Lane will be appearing at the Longfield show on the 27th/28th Jan. Details here


This will be Drewry’s last show before retirement, unless someone knows differently of course. It’s been around for 8 years now and turned up in venues from small village halls to some of the largest shows, appeared in BRM courtesy of Andy Y and even turned up on the Hornby calendar.

 It’s been great fun and I owe it a lot but it’s probably time to give it a rest. This brings up the question of what to do next. Scrapping isn’t an option (yet) and I doubt it’s worth more than 7/6d and half a packet of Rolos so it’ll be stored for me in the time being  which will give me a bit more room at home.

I must also give credit  to all those who have helped out over the years, thank you.

So if you’re at the show do stop by and give it a wave.




As many of the photos have sadly been Photobucketed one from the archives




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Shame Drewery Lane is being retired, I hoe to get to Longfield to see it. Great layout and along with Shelfe St and Sheepcroft has inspired me no end, I'll look forward to your next project Stu.

Thanks, Steve.

Edited by sb67
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  • 4 weeks later...

Drewry Lane will be appearing at the Longfield show on the 27th/28th Jan. Details here


This will be Drewry’s last show before retirement, unless someone knows differently of course. It’s been around for 8 years now and turned up in venues from small village halls to some of the largest shows, appeared in BRM courtesy of Andy Y and even turned up on the Hornby calendar.

 It’s been great fun and I owe it a lot but it’s probably time to give it a rest. This brings up the question of what to do next. Scrapping isn’t an option (yet) and I doubt it’s worth more than 7/6d and half a packet of Rolos so it’ll be stored for me in the time being  which will give me a bit more room at home.

I must also give credit  to all those who have helped out over the years, thank you.

So if you’re at the show do stop by and give it a wave.




As many of the photos have sadly been Photobucketed one from the archives




Hi Stu.


If you're selling I may be interested.


Dave Smith

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Hi Stu.

Many thanks for letting me have a go of Drewery Lane it really made my day and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I came away with loads of inspiration for trying something similar myself.

I'll look forward to seeing your new project at Shenfield hopefully.

Thanks once again Stu.


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