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New OO gauge Class 73


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  • RMweb Premium

I managed to pick up a GBRF one on eBay for £85 which nobody else bid on - perhaps I overpaid?


I now have two - the other is Brighton Evening Argus - both of which I think are at the 'better' end of the spectrum. Will I buy any more before the next, hopefully corrected, batch? Probably not and while the Collectors Club version appeals, I'm not sure I have the appetite to go through the experience that others have stated on here.


The Olivia's ones are also tempting but (and I don't want to start a price discussion as it their prerogative to charge what they like!), I can definitely go without at those prices.

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Let's put it this way: even at reduced prices, I'm not buying any more until Dapol *properly* address some of the issues with the first lot. I was in the market to replace all of my Lima/Hornby E-Ds  -I have eight operational ones - that's still approaching £1000 of business Dapol have lost from me alone. While that may be a drop in the bucket to them, if a good few of their other potential customers feel the same way, it all adds up to a rather bigger issue for them.


I'd have to agree, having been very happy with my Dapol D63xx and MRA ballast wagons (an odd mix I know...) the damning reviews of the 73's were very disappointing.


Having grown up surrounded by the real things I was eager to get my hands on around 5 or 6 of these but it seems unlikely now unless something drastic happens, I was a little taken aback to see them offered at around £140 in a local model shop yesterday...though I understand they will have to recover their costs to earn a living.

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  • RMweb Premium

There is one big difference between the 22s and 73s.  He is now out on his own manufacturing under his own brand and on a commission basis.  The 22s owe a great deal to his input.  The 73s seem to have been produced without even checking an EP sample - possibly clicking "OK" from sighting emailed images.  The problem is Joel, or if not him in person then someone under his direct authority doing as he says.

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There is one big difference between the 22s and 73s.  He is now out on his own manufacturing under his own brand and on a commission basis.  The 22s owe a great deal to his input.  The 73s seem to have been produced without even checking an EP sample - possibly clicking "OK" from sighting emailed images.  The problem is Joel, or if not him in person then someone under his direct authority doing as he says.

Think the issue is with the Chinese manufacturer; it was a typical con trick employed in the textile industry in the E Mids to get the best possible fabric to make a sample garment to show to  M&S and then when they got the order use a cheaper fabric. So equally likely that the EP of the 73 was perfect but the manufacturer has not gone to the same precision in the finishing of components with the production run. Axle end pick ups for example have previously been used by Dapol without problem for example,

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  • RMweb Premium

If the Chinese have supplied goods not to the standard agreed per contract they should have been returned not sold on through the retail market.  We have heard numerous complaints regarding Dapol's apparent refusal to comment on or even acknowledge the major issues (DCC, livery, bits falling off) let alone offer rectification or apology.  I found it interesting to learn who selected "agree" at my previous post.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Now that I understand, my recurring bugbear is the Preservation Societies who put an immaculate paint job on a well-restored BR(S) Green Mark 1 coach and then slap a Coaching Roundel on the middle of each side... The SR didn't put Roundels on their green coaches, except the Mark 1s for the 'Royal Wessex'.

I actually say that having the rounded on them - even if it is not authentic makes the coaches look far more atractive. Every other 'mainline' BR livery features contrasting colours or lining to break up the slab of base colour.


But back to 73s....

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  • RMweb Gold

With all these quality control issues, I can't wait to see what their premium (Black label) range is gonna turn out like.

These are a completely separate issue as I understand it and are not being manufactured in the same place as their mainstream models.

If they get the design correct ( and there is some concern there ) I see no reason why the range will not be successful.Let's not prejudge but wait and see.

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These are a completely separate issue as I understand it and are not being manufactured in the same place as their mainstream models.

If they get the design correct ( and there is some concern there ) I see no reason why the range will not be successful.Let's not prejudge but wait and see.

I am not prejudging, it is going to be interesting to watch Dapol overcome all the hurdles. Edited by lofty1966
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  • RMweb Premium

Regardless of whether the screw ups were the factories blunders it is Dapol who are responsible for supplying a product which is fit for purpose to the retailers. If they were aware of the QC issues it was their job to put them right or manage the fall out. And if they weren't aware of them (which I can believe) then once they started receiving feedback and complaints and did realise they had a QC problem then a bit of good communication would have done a lot to keep their customers supportive. However, with all that said, I also think it premature to write off future products on the basis of disappointments with the Class 73 (which I genuinely believe is superb if they address the QC issues). The Class 68 looks terrific from the pictures I've seen and I'm happy to give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

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I’m quite content with my two 73s, even though they aren’t quite perfect, but then I haven’t attempted to convert them to DCC. I hope that the 68s will be even better (just as I believe the 73s are better than the 22s). In fairness, whilst some have said that they won’t buy Dapol again, many have said that they’ll wait to see how the 68s turn out before they buy. That seems to me a very reasonable attitude.


The 68s do look superb but then, apart from the shades of BR blue and yellow, most of the complaints about the 73s are to do with their running and construction and these are things which we shan’t be able to judge until they arrive.

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Many will often say they won't ever buy brand 'x' again, until such time that they produce Mr (or Mrs) Y's pet fancy. Then the rose tinteds cone out and the world is perfect again, and it ain't confined to model trains!


My views on the 73, I couldn't build better myself and owt I want/have to change to meet my needs I will - simples :)

Edited by leopardml2341
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Many will often say they won't ever buy brand 'x' again, until such time that they produce Mr (or Mrs) Y's pet fancy. Then the rose tinteds cone out and the world is perfect again, and it ain't confined to model trains!


My views on the 73, I couldn't build better myself and owt I want/have to change to meet my needs I will - simples :)



It's at times like this that I long for the "Indecipherable/Unsure" button to be put back! ;)

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My views on the 73, I couldn't build better myself and owt I want/have to change to meet my needs I will - simples :)

Apart from that, imagine the costs involved in trying to make your own? Firstly if it's a kit it may be cheaper, but if you aren't good at kit building then you can cock it up or you have to pay someone a hefty amount to build it for you. On the other hand if you were to design you own (provided you know how to or pay someone a hefty amount) then probably pay a large some for 3D printed parts and then motors, wheels, gears, paints...then list goes on.

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  • RMweb Premium

Many will often say they won't ever buy brand 'x' again, until such time that they produce Mr (or Mrs) Y's pet fancy. Then the rose tinteds cone out and the world is perfect again, and it ain't confined to model trains!


My views on the 73, I couldn't build better myself and owt I want/have to change to meet my needs I will - simples :)


But in this case the Dapol offering is not the only kid on the block, there's the Hornby version too. And the Dapol's QC and livery issues mean for many that it's not good enough to replace the Hornby offering.

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Many will often say they won't ever buy brand 'x' again, until such time that they produce Mr (or Mrs) Y's pet fancy. Then the rose tinteds cone out and the world is perfect again, and it ain't confined to model trains!

My views on the 73, I couldn't build better myself and owt I want/have to change to meet my needs I will - simples :)


It's at times like this that I long for the "Indecipherable/Unsure" button to be put back! ;)

Me too!

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Well now,


I went into Gaugemaster today and guess what? These are now for sale at £99.95 - part of Gaugemaster's Summer Sale. The prices are not on their website currently, but for anyone seeking to get their hands on one of these fine beauties...just give them a call.


Lights blue touchpaper and now retires...


(PS No vested interest in Gaugemaster other than this is my local model shop)

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I went into Gaugemaster today and guess what? These are now for sale at £99.95 - part of Gaugemaster's Summer Sale. The prices are not on their website currently, but for anyone seeking to get their hands on one of these fine beauties...just give them a call.


Maybe they are just trying to compete with Rails where the LL and IC have been at this price for a week or so?

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Worrying on Dapols Digest that Joel thinks the 73 should be a different shade of blue to a Western, according to photos he has looked at. I always thought Dapols livery research was a joke and that has confirmed it. Would be interested to see the photo that supports the font  and spacing they have used on Gaugemasters Pullman 73s

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I didn't buy the 73 when it came out mainly because these days the plethora of superdetail models is such that I am no longer in any hurry to add a particular item to my already too large collection. Despite being quite tough on thinning out the fleet it is still frankly larger then I'll ever need. However given that the 73 sits firmly in the BR Blue era, is SR, and an electric loco to boot meant that it had much more justification for my modelling themes than many other models.


In a marathon that probably deserves some sort of medal I read through this whole topic to familiarise myself with what to expect, and at the Chatham show Invicta were selling BR Blue ones (73135) at £99 (I know that they are selling them for even less at the GC this weekend but I'm not there, so that knowledge is academic....).


Based on experiences from the last 16 years of the modern generation Chinese made super-detail locos I am well aware that they are best viewed as expensive adult products that may require fettling in order to use. There is a lot of debate about whether we should pay £100+ for locos and have to fiddle about with them, but I purchase such items on the basis that when I was a lad, if you wanted a super detail model you bought a kit and a lot of extras for the same sort of money and were lucky to get a good looking and working model out of it at the end.  

Anyhow, my example had a few bits floating around in the bottom of the box and googly-eyed buffers which were all sorted out, and runs fine mechanically at the moment. However, one thing only briefly mentioned in the past 70-odd pages is that (like the Western) there is hardly any lateral movement in the bogies. I've a test track that doubles as a sort of fun layout for running things, and the track has some undulation but nothing nasty. The 73 will not make it round the curves without derailing simply because there is not enough lateral slack in the bogies to allow for this. Bear in mind everything else bar the Dapol Western can cope with these curves including current generation Bachmann, Heljan and Hornby, including steam.


It's bought as much as a shelf queen as anything and will no doubt come out to play on the finescale plank I have, but I wondered if anyone else had attempted any remedial action to allow for some more slop in the sideways movement? There is a very brief reference above to someone doing it but no detail.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

After seeing a large logo blue 73 in-the-flesh a few weeks ago, I liked what I saw, so I've finally got round to purchasing one.


As a model of a Class 73, this loco is superb.  Captures the look of the real thing and has a wealth of fine, crisp detail that we've come to expect from a modern model.  The running qualities were excellent straight out of the box, with steady slow running achieved.


Livery-wise on this one, the only thing I can say to its detriment is about the lemony yellow that has been discussed above; this looks more obvious in brighter lighting conditions.  I bought a weathered version, so this has toned it down a bit.  To me, the BR blue looks absolutely fine on this livery, but I didn't like what I saw on the all-blue one, so I don't know whether different shades were used.  The differences aren't explained by the weathering on mine as it's not that heavy, and I've seen the non-weathered version on which the blue looked fine.


One bufferbeam on mine was facing skywards a bit, but it pulled off easily for repositioning.  They are glued but the bufferbeam breaks away easily enough.  I'll have to test it hauling something to see if the bufferbeam needs re-gluing or whether it will stay in place without.


I had the same PCB fault that has been well publicised, with the headcodes lighting opposite to the direction of travel.  This was easily solved by switching over the black and red wires as described here: http://www.oliviastrains.com/trains/Dapol-class-73-dcc-fix/  CV29 didn't need altering on my decoder after this.


Also as has been publicised, the cab lights were lit all the time on DCC.  I simply detached one of the wires from the lighting PCB to turn the lights off as I'm not fussed about cab lights.  There is actually a cab light effect from the headcode panels when lit, so a piece of black tape will be needed to stop this light bleed into the cab, as required.


Overall, this is an excellent model with some PCB and bufferbeam faults that are easy to fix (ok, we shouldn't have to, but . . .).  Liveries are obviously an issue and I'm holding off on getting an Intercity one until I've seen a weathered version in-the-flesh.  On photos I've seen, this seems to tone down the black nearer to a correct shade of dark grey and alter the white area to a colour closer to the light grey.  I don't want to part with my hard earned until I'm sure though!  


Would I buy more Dapol 73s with correct liveries?  Definitely.

Edited by BR(S)
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Would I buy more Dapol 73s with correct liveries?  Definitely.


It is very good to have read your post. I too for a long time have found my 73s (3 x GBRf 73204, 73206 and 73141) a highly rewarding purchase.


Over on the Dapol Digest, Joel confirmed more 73s are currently under development. Thus, I do highly recommend to get over to the Digest and start making similar comments to yours here, when samples are shown and the second batch liveries are announced. Currently sounds as if a SWT livery shall feature.


After all, the Digest is for us as customers to constructively discuss together the features, details and liveries which shall satisfy the general consensus of customers and modellers.



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