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And people think we're odd...


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Brilliant! The "Author's note" was interesting too ...

Author’s note: This little post got a lot more attention than I had expected. The most interesting thing to me is that it’s now been reposted to forums involving gun collecting, coffee tasting, audiophiles, automobiles, computer programming, videography, racing bicycles, and (I should have known) various tools. All of whom identified with it. So I guess I learned today that it isn’t just photographers who act like we act. Apparently it’s people.

Now we can add model railways to that list!


File this one under "World Wide Web: forum behaviour"

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Laughed 'til it hurt. The author's reference to audiophiles was particularly apt. Of all male 'hardware' hobby interests - possibly because the subject matter is so difficult to obtain any solidly reproducible reference for - this is the one where the vituperative combat is unbelievable. Rail Express' famous 'blood on their hands' comment would pass for lightweight banter among audiophiles.

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