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Sutton Dock


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I'll try and scan it larger for you. pm me with a 'proper' email address and I'll try see what I can do this week. This is one of my favourite postcards actually, it was a 99p ebay bargain. (as I said- type 'New Holland' aywhere and you get 1000 results relating to tractors- you've got to be on your toes to spot anything relating to the place!)


There are one or two (not quite as good...) photos of the sheds in 'Railways TO nEW Holland and the Humber Ferries' by Ludlam. (Oakood Press Railway Papers Series 198, 1996)



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

No photo updates at the moment as my camera has pretty much died! The screen has expired and when I switch it on it beeps, clearly trying to tell me (via a message on the dead screen) that I need to do something! At least progress is being made on Sutton Dock. The warehouse next to the fish shed has been completed by Ken and he is now working on the offices next to that. I have conpleteed the tall wooden shed seen in the pics and also built the first of three buildings that will hide the return track along the backscene. After scouring pictures for something suitable in the right part of the country (Grimsby/Immingham area) I gave up and searched wider. There are a couple of pics on the internet of Barking Quayside, which looked just like what was in my head, so we have used them as a base.


Hopefully a new camera will be here in a few days so I will put a proper photo update on when I can.

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

At last! After my camera problems I have also been out of action for a while with the dreaded lurgy! Having finally got over to Ken's this week I am pleased to be able to report some progress. Just as well as the first show (EXPO EM at Bracknell) is just over 4 weeks away. Fingers out time methinks!


Ken has been working away on the sea wall, as well as the front facia board and the backscene. My efforts have been concentrated on the low relief buildings hiding the return track to the fiddle yard. I know we have a way to go yet but some of the views possible now give a reasonable idea of what Sutton Dock was supposed to look like.







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I'm just going to give up modelling, just when you think you're getting half-competent something like this comes along and you realise you're still building trainsets biggrin.gif


Very, very nice indeed. The buildings are excellent, and I love that sludgy, weedy mess in the second shot.

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  • RMweb Premium

I would never forgive myself if my efforts caused somebody to pack in modelling! In all seriousness, I have had 30 years practice and I still regard myself as a relative novice. I have been lucky enough to see, at close quarters, models built by people like Roy Jackson, Geoff Kent, Mick Moore and others of the Retford/Dunwich/High Dyke/Blakeney mob and to work with them. If you need to feel inadequate, put one of your carriage lining jobs (or your best building) next to one of Geoff's or compare the running of your locos with those built by Roy!


All I do is admire them and take their work as the inspiration to learn a little more and to try that little bit harder!


There isn't anything on Sutton Dock that a determined individual with the right tools (and half decent eyesight and reasonably steady hands!) couldn't have a go at. The "weeds" are just strands of hanging basket liner, pressed into PVA glue (as shown in one of the photos) then coloured with a Tamiya "Black/Green" (or is it "Green/Black"?) and a brown. It is how Ken and I work, we bounce ideas off each other and usually find a way to do something that is simple, quick and reasonably effective, without ever going for "Pendon" type perfection. Otherwise, we could never have built Narrow Road (www.narrowroadlayout.co.uk) in 12 months or Tickhill and Wadworth (MRJ 193) in 8 months.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Time for another update! Time running out now as in 9 days time we will be loading up the car for Bracknell EXPO EM show.


Yesterday and today we made some decent progress. The point operating mechanisms (a bent wire and a microswitch!) are all fitted, the wiring completed and the first train ran today. Thankfully it all worked first time, otherwise we would be in real trouble! There is still a little work to do on the fiddle yard but the main structure is completed and it just needs some tracks and some electricity.


A couple of pics taken this afternoon. The North London tank was built for a Cromford wharf layout (not built yet but maybe one day....). My dad took a photo of the real loco at Cromford in 1947 so I had to have that one!


The half timbered building (it will be a pub if I get the sign made!) is freelance but based loosely on a photo or two. It wasn't in my dream but I realised that the exit to the fiddle yard had to be hidden somehow, so an ancient and grotty pub seemed a decent idea. The pub name? Not decided yet but perhaps it should have a 5 in it somewhere. Perhaps the "Five Jolly Fishermen".




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  • RMweb Premium

Ah well, three days to go before the layout goes in that car for EXPO EM. Yesterday we actually had it all set up for the first time, with the legs, fiddle yard and lights (borrowed - thanks Mike!). It all works so we just need to finish the scenery now.......

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Mightily impressed Tony, I'll look forward to seeing this in the flesh. I find the tone of the buildings really pleasing and the quay wall/seaweed is especially good.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good luck with your first showing Tony, hope all goes well. I found Felton Lane's first showing the other week more nerve wracking than than any other layout debut as so many people know it already!

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Well, this will be the last update before EXPO. Many thanks, Andy, for the kind words. It was good to see you on Sunday and I hope you enjoyed the day.


Today has been one of those where we seemed to be very busy but at the end of the day the changes were small rather than startling. I had to repaint the sea bed again, as one of the layers of varnish dried a milky white! I actually think that I prefer the "wet mud" look now so it might stay as it is, with the tide even further out!


Some of the buildings are now set in properly and a few details (seagulls and bollards) have started to appear. There is still a little work to do on the buildings at the rear but I am hoping to complete them tomorrow and get them stuck on. It will then be a case of seeing if there is time to add some further small detail to bring it to life a little. The operational side is now finished, with the fiddle yard cassettes now all done.


A couple of photos showing how Sutton Dock looked a couple of hours ago.....






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  • RMweb Premium

Well, after a near disaster (several buildings had not stuck on properly and fell off at 11.00pm Thursday night - back on again by 2.30am Friday) we made it to EXPO EM, had a lovely weekend and survived, coming home thinking "we got away with it - again...."


Sutton Dock behaved extremely well. The only problems were down to never having all the stock on until Friday night! We only had four locos available and of those, only two (NLR tank and an LMS Diesel Shunter) really behaved. Some of the wagons were a bit too free runing, if that doesn't sound silly. The permanent magnets for the uncouplers are strong enough to pull on the axle or wheeltread enough to pull the wagon nearer to the next one, causing the "sprat & winkle" type couplings to drop. All we need to do is to check before the next show and take out the problem ones, or perhaps arranged a sprung wire to act on an axle to create some braking force.


It was good to meet "Scanman" and to be able to thank him personally for his help with info on fishing boats and also a number of other RMwebbers.


At least it is ever so easy to set up and take down, compared to Tickhill and Narrow Road.


Now the pressure is off, I will be having a break of a week or two from Sutton Dock, to catch up on some other neglected things.

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Hi saw this layout at EXPO and what a fantastic little layout evan the other half was transfixed :blink: for me this was the best layout at the show excellent.






Well, after a near disaster (several buildings had not stuck on properly and fell off at 11.00pm Thursday night - back on again by 2.30am Friday) we made it to EXPO EM, had a lovely weekend and survived, coming home thinking "we got away with it - again...."


Sutton Dock behaved extremely well. The only problems were down to never having all the stock on until Friday night! We only had four locos available and of those, only two (NLR tank and an LMS Diesel Shunter) really behaved. Some of the wagons were a bit too free runing, if that doesn't sound silly. The permanent magnets for the uncouplers are strong enough to pull on the axle or wheeltread enough to pull the wagon nearer to the next one, causing the "sprat & winkle" type couplings to drop. All we need to do is to check before the next show and take out the problem ones, or perhaps arranged a sprung wire to act on an axle to create some braking force.


It was good to meet "Scanman" and to be able to thank him personally for his help with info on fishing boats and also a number of other RMwebbers.


At least it is ever so easy to set up and take down, compared to Tickhill and Narrow Road.


Now the pressure is off, I will be having a break of a week or two from Sutton Dock, to catch up on some other neglected things.

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  • RMweb Premium

Very nice. I do find myself drawn to seaside / quay scenes and this one is particularly good. As others have said the seaweed / rubbish at the foot of the wall is very convincing.

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The tonal quality of the buildings is absolutely superb.


If you really really want an excuse for the ploughing engines to be at the dock then as they were often used for dredging on ponds and lakes it could be that the dockside is silting up and they have been brought in to sort it out. wink.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

The tonal quality of the buildings is absolutely superb.


If you really really want an excuse for the ploughing engines to be at the dock then as they were often used for dredging on ponds and lakes it could be that the dockside is silting up and they have been brought in to sort it out. wink.gif


Many thanks for the kind words. The ploughing engines have become a bit of a trademark on our layouts, so they just had to appear. I hadn't thought of dredging duties but will use that one next time out. The story we used was that they were being worked through to another part of the dock complex, where they were going to be loaded onto a ship for export.

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  • 3 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Just checked and it has been a surprising gap since I last mentioned Sutton Dock. I haven't really touched the layout since May. Lots of other really exciting projects on the go (to be revealed in due course!) and so it came back from EXPO EM and got put in the garage and has stayed put since.


However, it is due out again in a couple of weeks at EXPO EM North at Slaithwaite, so anybody who wants to see it in the flesh please come along.


There is just a fighting chance that there may be some "proper" GCR locos and stock appearing but I won't know for a few more days.

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Many thanks for the kind words. The ploughing engines have become a bit of a trademark on our layouts, so they just had to appear. I hadn't thought of dredging duties but will use that one next time out. The story we used was that they were being worked through to another part of the dock complex, where they were going to be loaded onto a ship for export.

And well worth seeing it is too I saw it at Expo EM, The photos don't quite do it justice.



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  • RMweb Premium

I am absolutely delighted to be able to confirm that the GCR rolling stock and locos have arrived and will be appearing on Sutton Dock at EXPO EM North.


The locos and stock in question are being exhibited by kind permission from and by arrangement with the family of the late Rev Peter Denny and are from his famous "Buckingham Branch".


So if you come along to EXPO North you will have a rare chance to see these historic models.

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Hi, a mate put me onto your quayside as I'm busy doing a Cornish harbour scene at the moment. I love the seaweed idea. I have brought some "green-scene" brown flock to put on the sea bed to act as sea weed just beneath the surface and it looks OK with the resin added. I may be using the green strands idea for seaweed blown up the sand though.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi, a mate put me onto your quayside as I'm busy doing a Cornish harbour scene at the moment. I love the seaweed idea. I have brought some "green-scene" brown flock to put on the sea bed to act as sea weed just beneath the surface and it looks OK with the resin added. I may be using the green strands idea for seaweed blown up the sand though.


I was in your neck of the woods last week! Didn't get much free time as it was a six hour drive down one day then six back the next but last time I was there I got a visit in to Falmouth docks. Lovely part of the world and some of the buildings cry out to be modelled. The painted backscene on Sutton Dock is based on a Cornish view but don't tell anyone!


Good luck and hopefully you will put some pictures up on here to show your progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Many thanks for all the kind comments.


Another outing for Sutton Dock this weekend, at Halifax show. I have been very pleased with the way the layout has behaved at exhibitions so far so I hope that continues. Maybe it is because there is so little to go wrong!


Once again we will have some locos and a bit of stock from the late Peter Denny's Buckingham Branch running and on display.


There will also have been a start on some of the smaller detailing. My eldest daughter, Clare, has done a lovely job painting some "Langley" figures and these will be on by the weekend.

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I echo Signalmaintainer above, Superb! I love the dark dirty look of the buildings, something I hope to get close to on my own Cutthroat Lane. Too many layouts purport to be weathered yet are almost pristine. Muck, coal dust, 100 yrs of polution engrained into the brickwork... :rolleyes:



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