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rail express 164

Dan Griffin

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The small print on the front of the mag says Hornby announce..... so I suspect they have broken the embargo but I think it is usually with hornbys blessing(they break it nearly every year). If not I assume they would not keep getting invited to the press launch!

Also they only announce the D&E stuff which is usually only a small part of hornbys planned releases (grumble, grumble).



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My copy has arrived in the post - and yep Hornby's 2010 new range (D&E only although there is mention that there will be four brand new kettles) is in it. Unfortunately none of it is any good to me - it's all OO. :(



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Can anyone let me know if anything modern image like is in it? Very interested....



The whole mag is packed full of modern content and the modelling section has news of Hornby's 2010 D&E range. However, it's probably best not to publicise the details on here otherwise it'll look like the forum has been complicit in busting the embargo. If you want to know quickly then you might be able to purchase a copy of the mag before Christmas at Smuffs.



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  • RMweb Premium

Very interesting indeed. Basically it just lists what D&E releases Hornby are planning for the 2010. I won't say anything here except there are a couple of interesting returners to the Railroad range both widely predicted in these hallowed discussional halls over the last year plus the wagons that were held over from 2009 which are widely known about.


For me as ever it is what is NOT getting a new run or re-release that has me wondering what may already be under development for 2011!!


The big headline has me thinking... a lot! Bit narked about the livery that the mystery object is NOT being produced in though (cue the over priced Ltd Edn being announced no doubt...) Also the article hints at a couple of items in the steam and accompanying rolling stock ranges.


There is a HIDEOUS looking Olympic promotional train set though, that will be hitting bargain bins as soon as it is released as the box artwork illustrated makes it look really horrible, trouble is the model in question can't really be kitbased into anything else.

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The whole mag is packed full of modern content and the modelling section has news of Hornby's 2010 D&E range. However, it's probably best not to publicise the details on here otherwise it'll look like the forum has been complicit in busting the embargo. If you want to know quickly then you might be able to purchase a copy of the mag before Christmas at Smuffs.




Right.... best not then, but thanks for letting me know! I shall purchase a copy tomorrow from Uncle Smithies lol.

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  • RMweb Gold

Is there a list of content somewhere?


I've had a quick look on the website, but the list of whats in the mag seems a little unclear, Other than News, some reviews and mostyn is there actually any modelling in this months issue? (or anything particularly interesting from a modelling point of view in the prototype section)?


Trying to work out if its worth the treacherous drive into town to get a copy (and from the list on the website, apart from the Hornby 2010 plans (which liveries aside I've know for a while) there really dosnt sound like there is a whole lot in it....

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  • RMweb Premium

This would be the 395 that you talked about




(Hornby sent me the link :lol: )


Yep, that's the one although that pic actually makes it look even more hideous!! Of course once they hit the bargain bins (circa Sept 2012 once the Olympics are over) a little model strip and you then have a nice plain white 395 which you could paint in something fictional, say Network South East or Blue/Grey!!!


EDIT - Just checked, no actual modelling in this issue, not even one of those nice livery features this time around.

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  • RMweb Gold

EDIT - Just checked, no actual modelling in this issue, not even one of those nice livery features this time around.




Sounds like its not worth bothering with, so will wait and see on the 25th which liveries they are doing (though already seen confirmation on the Hornby thread of one of them!), fingers crossed for the other...

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Guest maxthemapman

Can I just query a few interpretations here?


First, as in previous years, this 'embargo' was not broken by accident, certain magazines were given permission to disseminate in advance. The usual way of keeping press information embargoed is to threaten that if any party to confidential information breaks an embargo, it will never be invited to a press briefing ever again. Therefore, either this magazine will not be invited next year, or ever, or there was not some sort of stupid accident or wilful disobedience that led to the printing of these details. If said magazine has put this information in the public arena, then this information is fair discussion unless it is libelous in some way or another.


Second, the only way in which information such as this can legally be kept confidential is if the recipients of it have SIGNED a nondisclosure agreement, in which case to disclose the information would be in breach of contract. Unless the forum and its members have signed up to any supposed nondisclosure agreement, they are not legally/contractually bound by any supposed restriction on disseminating information. Subscribers to the magazine should check whether they have inadvertently signed up to nondisclosure agreements. That would be draconian.


Third, you can't copyright facts. Period. Once anyone is party to this information, as long as disclosing it is not libelous, does not breach the national interest, and does not breach copyright, or any contractual agreement, and the information was not obtained by deception, then its disclosure to further parties cannot be restricted in any way. Ever wonder why once upon a time there used to be just the Radio Times (BBC Television and Radio) and the TV Times (ITV stations)? Well, the publishers of the magazines used to argue that any other publication that published this information must have copied it from said publications, a breach of copyright. This legal position was successfully challenged many years ago and defeated. It is a fact that certain TV and Radio programs are planned for the future (and certain model railway plans apparently) and now we have a lot of choice of which TV magazines to purchase.


So, why the police state/anti terrorism mentality. A magazine has sent out the information to subscribers, discuss. Or is it finally 1984?

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Unless the forum and its members have signed up to any supposed nondisclosure agreement, they are not legally/contractually bound by any supposed restriction on disseminating information.? 



So, why the police state/anti terrorism mentality.


Not legally or contractually bound Max but I choose to respect the manufacturers wishes where practicable, other sites may not be as respectful (I have seen one site manager requesting any info so he can publish it - a deliberate attempt to break the embargo rather than the incidental distribution outside the control of a publisher.



Some people enjoy reading announcements at the given time along with complete and correct information rather than the half to three-quarters of a story that may emerge before the due time and date; that shouldn't be spoiled. There's a bit too much of the "I know, I know" bragging on occasion and it isn't particularly great to see. Some kids wait to see what they get for Christmas, some raid the parents wardrobe to see early.


I find the police state phrase quite obnoxious, after all it's only toy trains and there's a bit of fun around it so there's no need to get heavy about it - Christmas and New Year is an awful lot more important than what toys we may or may not get sometime within the next year or so.


REx make their choices what they do, the most insightful comment on this topic is from the Fatadder who observes there's no modelling in the issue. Says it all for me.



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Like I mentioned previously REX do this every year ,only the D&E stuff and every year they get invited back to the briefing like Andy said it is only toy trains I imagine Hornby have given permission for the embargo to be broken.

Chris (dibber) also mentions he had a word with Simon K as last year some model rail issues sneaked out early and it may happen this year but Hornby were apparently OK about it.

So don't see the problem really ,looking forward to getting my subscriber copy of rail express!



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I was surprised to see how little text they devoted to the Bachmann CEP review, which is a new model compared to the updated 47. I would have thought a new 4 car unit would have deserved a full 2 pages.

I haven't seen REM yet, but that does sound a bit disappointing. Although REM gets slammed occasionally for being too 'picky' about certain models, its reviews remain a useful yardstick, and are generally streets ahead of those in the other mags. Perhaps the REM wallers don't feel sufficiently acquainted with this EMU area?

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REx ...............the most insightful comment on this topic is from the Fatadder who observes there's no modelling in the issue. Says it all for me.


Sounds a lot like 99% of the posts on this forum nowadays icon_rolleyes.gif





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Sounds a lot like 99% of the posts on this forum nowadays icon_rolleyes.gif




I think that's unfair to say the least, David. I dont think the forums as such are much different to how they ever were, but there's plenty of modelling both in the Layout and Workbench areas and in the blogs.


I think the point Andy was making is that REx (unlike RMweb) is a commercial undertaking, so should arguably present a more comprehensive content.


As to the embargo, if some mags/web presences are being given permission (express or implied) to break it - whilst others are expected to observe it to the letter - then I'm afraid that to me that isnt very even-handed, and only undermines the whole malarkey

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As to the embargo, if some mags/web presences are being given permission (express or implied) to break it - whilst others are expected to observe it to the letter - then I'm afraid that to me that isnt very even-handed, and only undermines the whole malarkey


I guess that once you brief a whole bunch of hacks and paparazzi (is there a collective noun for a group of journos?) expecting them to keep schtum against their nature you've started and created the whole malarkey, and only have got yourself to blame. Perhaps it would be better to send out press releases to everyone to arrive on the planned briefing day and let them go away from it able to say what they want from that time. Any publication delay then becomes their problem rather than trying to 'own' the issue by asking them to hold a secret for a while.



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  • RMweb Premium

A bit OT, but as others have said elsewhere Hornby gets free publicity from all the frothing, so they are unlikely to want to give that up. That said, they do seem to be trying to keep the release of the 'news' of their items off the internet to some degree, seemingly so that they can curry favour with the publishers of the magazines by helping those magazines' sales.


The problem I have with that approach is that in today's internet connected world it's becoming decidely impractical to use news as a selling point for a publication of any kind. I'm sure all the magazine editors are already aware of this, so they are already looking at making sure the content of their publications is something we would want besides any news-based information. So do Hornby need to be 'propping up' the magazine sales with their 'embargo'? I don't think so, but while it still generates the froth and therefore the publicity, they'll keep doing it.

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  • RMweb Gold

I guess that once you brief a whole bunch of hacks and paparazzi (is there a collective noun for a group of journos?)...




Where I work I believe the accepted term is a "whinge" of journalists.


I wonder what the collective noun for model railway enthusiasts is. A "froth" perhaps?




Ben A.

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Where I work I believe the accepted term is a "whinge" of journalists.


I wonder what the collective noun for model railway enthusiasts is. A "froth" perhaps?


Very good. Difficult to beat that but how about a 'flange' or a 'rivet'? :)



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