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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All


It's been along time since I've updated this thread.....


Been busy doing other things as well as losing my Mojo a bit.....


Anyway,I've been doing odds & ends....Mr EBAY produced a Hornby CCT which I resprayed in faded rail blue,added tail lamp , pipes & couplings.....

This will now run with the 2 car 108 (which now has correct destination blinds)






The signal box is not yet fitted permanently but just balanced in position.....


As can be seen, the other project has been to start the making of the level crossing gates.....




The above shows the constituent parts of the barrier.....Brass tube & strip....soldered together....








And in situ....






Been doing other bits as well but next job will be to paint the gates & fix them in place....Also the signal box needs bedding in & fixing....


I've ordered some working lights for the crossing but unfortunately they are out of stock at present so will follow on in due course....


Also bought a Traintronics 2 aspect signal with feathers.....I've built signals before but didn't fancy trying to make the feathers & making them work.....


Anyway....thats all for now


Cheers Bill

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Nip up to camborne station & measure the real ones :)


Hi Ralph


I went to the crossing at Roskear Junction....

Took loads of photo's.....

Measured the barrier beam & the lights but forgot to measure the cages.....


Then went to Camborne to measure the signal but forgot to measure the cages again.....So guessed....


Anyway it looks OK so for the moment it will do.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi Ralph


I went to the crossing at Roskear Junction....

Took loads of photo's.....

Measured the barrier beam & the lights but forgot to measure the cages.....


Then went to Camborne to measure the signal but forgot to measure the cages again.....So guessed....


Anyway it looks OK so for the moment it will do.....


Cheers Bill


nice one, got there before my suggestion then, 

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nice one, got there before my suggestion then, 

Hi Ralph


In this instance .....Yes......


But not always so please keep the sugestions coming as it's always good to have advice/suggestions from others as it's surprising how other peoples views on things give excellent ideas which one wouldn't necessarily have thought of......


Cheers Bill

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How you going to make them work then :sarcastichand:, memory wire or slow action point motor   :jester: .Merry Christmas Bill and Happy New Year see you in May.



Hi Nigel


I had considered making a fully operational set.....Which I may well do in the future ,but this set are purely fixed.....mainly due to seeing if I could actually make some.

The other point to bear in mind is that if I'm not careful I'll spend more time raising & lowering the barriers than runni9ng trains.

The working lights that I've ordered will have the light sequence & sound operated by reed switches so I'm hoping that they will give the impression of the gates being fully operational without raising & lowering them.

The other problem is that I haven't made the 'skirts' below the beams......A working version of that I think is beyond me.....

As far as operation,if I were to mecanise them I would use a Tortoise or similar motor..


Have a great christmas & see you next year


Cheers Bill


Bill, I look forward to seeing them fully installed & have a great Xmas & new year.


Hi Ralph


The same to you


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well birthday & christmas came & went....Some nice pressies......Amongst them a ratio SR/BR 28T bogie grake van kit courtesy of my son & grandson....


Not sure if they were used on the Barnstaple branch being hauled by the DMU at 9 o'clockish......But they are now!!!!!


Still in use 'till 1986 apparently so just in era...


It's a nice kit.....Only taken 2 days to make.....A bit fiddly in places,lots of parts,but no flash & all fit together nicely so I would definately recommend it....

The other two kits ,a Turbot & Seahorse will have to wait for a day or two.......


Any way a couple of pics of progress....








& with a first coat of faded Rail Blue.....




It needs a bit more weight fitting,pipes & screwlink couplings plus try to source some transfers......


Pleased with progress so far


Cheers Bill

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Shouldn't worry about the disagrees.....We all have our opinions which we are free to express.....& you have & explained....

I would agree that if the inclusion of whitemetal castings/brass etches etc improves the kit it is for the better....Which I think is what you are saying....



Not unlike buying an upgrade kit to improve your basic loco/building or whatever but in this case I didn't need to as it was already included....


Keep up the good work


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Got a bit more done today.....Not as much as planned ,but hey ho!!!There's always tomorrow!!!!!


Painted the level crossing & temporarily fitted it prior to adding a bit of vegetation & adding a bit more fencing.


Also loose fitted the signal st the Barnstaple end of the platform.


You'll have to forgive the traction & wagons but Santa (SWMBO) & me bought some of the new Bachmann Polybulk Clay wagons........& very good they are to......

Penhallick  Junction isn't set up so they had to run on Creedyford as a trial.....Defiance is a Lima Class 50 superdetailed by someone else that I bought secondhand about 20 years ago......I had thought about getting it a replacement Hornby chassis but she hauls a rake of wagons that fills the traverser sidings with ease so I shan't bother.....


First the Traintronics signal......Because it's platform mounted it was too tall.....So I had to cut the post down......The wires inside are only single strand so care had to be taken!!!!!

Also the baseplate is too thick so the remaining post had too be drilled out (to refit on the remaining post ) & the base cut down.....




& now the crossing....












Anyway that's progress so far.....Hopefully more tomorrow


Cheers Bill


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Hi Reece


Thanks for the above......The polybulks are a really nice wagon.....I'm very pleased with them.

Your comment ref the '50 makes me think that I could rebogie it with some Bachmann class 37 ones I have from a spare chassis I have......

Possibly remotor at the same time.....Hmmmmm....

Don't know how difficult it would be......


But not today!!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Hi Lewis


Thanks for the above comment......


The nice thing about it is that it can be used to watch trains go by....Shunting....Complicated running(timetabled or otherwise) & also agood range of stock can be run.....


The angled front gives a different perspective & hides the curvature of the layout in the station area....


Chers Bill

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Hi Reece


Thanks for the above......The polybulks are a really nice wagon.....I'm very pleased with them.

Your comment ref the '50 makes me think that I could rebogie it with some Bachmann class 37 ones I have from a spare chassis I have......

Possibly remotor at the same time.....Hmmmmm....

Don't know how difficult it would be......


But not today!!!!!


Cheers Bill

Seems like an idea but there would be problems. You will need cast bogies, not the fabricated ones that are on the standard Bachmann 37. It could be slightly more trouble than it's worth since the wheel base would need extending. I did think about getting the new Hornby 50 chassis and plonking my Lima body on top!

Inside my Lima 50 (as posted elsewhere) the chassis is heavily modified and incorporate the side frames from a Hornby 50, a Lima 37 motor bogie and trailing bogie. It runs well within reason I'd plan on attempting to get a chassis from the new Hornby Class 37 which has one of their new snazzy motor bogies which is the same size as the Lima one. It would probably run better than the Lima one.

Years ago when the Hornby 50 wasn't invented this seems worth doing but unless you get all the parts handed to you for a low price or free it hardly seems worth doing because you can buy the new Hornby Class 50 for a reasonable price of around £50. Might as well just get the Hornby 50 then detail and respray it.


To detail and make run better, the Lima 50 requires allot of work and the funds to do it, by which time you could have just bought the Hornby 50, respray, small detail and it's ready to rock and roll. My shopping list was quite expensive and costly for the Lima 50, currently the project has been put on hold. Externally I'm reasonably happy with it, but internally I'm still concerned with it's running capability - I also run DCC so it's not a plug and play job for this one! (However it runs DC at the moment)


There is a positive note on the project since I detailed it to such an extent, it now 'represents' the prototype externally. And some modellers would agree that's all that maters regardless of the amount of work put into it.




The Bachmann Polybulks are most impressive, I currently have 5 which is reasonable length for a train and I can mix them in with the vans, bullets and perhaps hoods. I wouldn't mind getting some more in the future though :)


Happy Late Christmas and Happy New Year Bill

Cheers, Reece

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