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Roco Z21

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  • RMweb Gold

Another little quirk that I've found when adding different control panels for layouts. If you create a list of locos they cannot be transferred to another control panel so if you intend uploading and using the control diagram for points and suchlike you will need to set that in the settings screen, give it a name, and then add the locos for that layout.

This reared its head as I'm using mine for G and OO and found that I deleted the whole roster when trying to rename the layout as Lulworth.

So if you want to use it for different themed layouts, create the layout name as below then add the locos for that layout only. Then create as many other names as you need and the rosters for them. When operating that layout you then only get the locos appropriate which saves the list getting too big.

Select layout, ringed in red



Name them



Use the same setting screen to switch between the lists when running trains. Now if I select Lulworth I only get the OO locos assigned to that layout, and for Camberwick the G scale locos.


If you use a separate tablet to do the points control then you could leave this off the other controllers and just have a long list of locos.


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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Latest update has added routes and multiple heading! I assume that means consisting but not apparent how on the app so question fired off to Roco :)

Edited by PaulRhB
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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Paul

If you go on to the A&H (no connection) website it shows you how to set up double headers or consists whichever you prefer. It is a little long winded establishing each locomotive but I believe once established the consist can be stored and called up when needed I am working in Brackley next Friday so I will pop into the shop to confirm if it can be stored permanently. And from the demo video it will synchronise two apparently disparate locos without having to change any decoder settings. It is interesting the approach that Roco are taking it is novel to say the least.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Popped into A&H, yes once you have programmed the locos they are retained as a separate entry that can be called up like any other loco.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just saw a glimpse of this on the MRlive website, the only postings I can see regarding this system are at the beginning of the year. Can anyone shed any light on it? I have looked at the catalogue what there is of it and on the face of it the Z21 looks a pretty good bit of kit. But little or nothing has been posted on this site or others. Is the Z21 on the market yet? I have not seen or heard of any reviews (although is there one in BRM this month???). I would certainly like to know more about the system and how well it works; has anyone had hands on experience?

I've been using the system since early summer but my experiences are mixed.  It's great for quick programming where a range of icons are featured and you just click the ones featured on the engine's decoder and job done. I've a mixed stable of a dozen DB locos ranging from basic one function, lights on/off(or is that TWO functions) through to almost 20 sounds from whisltes, wheel squeal, smoke, couplings rattle, station announcements (In German of course), chuffing and steam blow off to diesel start-up, various horns etc.  It copes with all of them very well though I have found the pictograms a bit of a puzzle sometimes.  There's one which looks like a large weight and apparently it's to represent a heavy train starting up and replicates it slowly gathering speed(who'd have guessed???)  Overall I like the system though it ran out expensive as I had to buy a tablet to use it and then found on reading the instructions that I needn't have because I have Rocomaus and Multimaus controllers (one reason for buying it, its compatability) which I could have used.  It gives the Multimaus controller a readback facility when settings CVs which it doesn't normally have.


My mixed experience comes with programming and perhaps you can help here.  I don't know if I'm not going through all the steps I should but sometimes not all the functions I've ticked are shown on the control panel page and I have to start inputting the missing ones. Do I have to comfirm EVERY entry so as not to lose it or can I feed in a number and then confirm once? Tried both but still got problems.  Maybe it's the link between the tablet and the Z21 hardware/software? Then I once switched off the router by accident and lost all of the locos and functions I'd inputted. Instruction manual doesn't mention that! In fact I wasn't terribly impressed by the manual which is largely a showcase for what the system will do...rather than detailed instructions about how to do things. Its use is probably 'intuitive' (that overworked word) to a 15-year-old but not to me!


You've obviously made great progress in your Z21 quest so can you perhaps tell me the correct way to program and which order in which to press buttons and what the difference is between a button and a switch?  Will also look at A&H site which you mention.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi I haven't used mine for programming yet as I do that with a SPROG or Lokprogrammer but buttons are momentary contact so for things like playable whistles or short sounds allow a single contact or quick multiple ones, switches are on or off so are mainly used for continuous sounds. Confusingly some will switch on with a momentary press! Stick with the default unless you are getting no control of that sound and that's the key to change.

When you lost settings I'm guessing it was on the loco rather than tablet? Either way it shouldn't happen as the settings for the loco should change as you alter the cv value. On the tablet you do need to confirm but can't see why the router affects it as the only thing passed between them is the base unit settings or actual control signals.

I agree the book is a bit sparse and they could do with an expert version online especially for new features when they do the update. Thanks to A&H and 7013 we have a clue ;)

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I have recently purchased this system and am reasonably pleased with it.  The Apple based app seems to be a better than the Android one.  The route setting via photographs is a particularly useful aspect, however I have totally failed to persuade a Train -Tech 3 aspect colour light signal to work with the app.  The signal works fine with two addresses using a MultiMaus.  I have tried every possible configuration with the track settings to no effect.  Any hints or tips appreciated!



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  • RMweb Premium

AEA, I must admit i have not attempted programming with the Z21 as I have a Lenz set which I use to programme. However that said the A&H site (no connection) does have quite a comprehensive video 'how to' for a lot of the programming. My biggest problem is understanding the symbols and what they represent, it would be very useful if Roco did a little explanation of what they mean, they may do but I cannot find one.

My system will get its first public outing at our clubs annual show on the 29th September (Banrail at Banbury), however I am taking the clubs Digitrax along as a backup!

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  • RMweb Gold

AEA, I must admit i have not attempted programming with the Z21 as I have a Lenz set which I use to programme. However that said the A&H site (no connection) does have quite a comprehensive video 'how to' for a lot of the programming. My biggest problem is understanding the symbols and what they represent, it would be very useful if Roco did a little explanation of what they mean, they may do but I cannot find one.

My system will get its first public outing at our clubs annual show on the 29th September (Banrail at Banbury), however I am taking the clubs Digitrax along as a backup!

Will be interesting to see how you get on that day - will come over and have a look.


if I didnt already have the Digitrax system I would be seriously considering a Z21.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Just used my Z 21 for the first time at an Banrail 2013 running my layout Nangullow Main. It performed faultlessly all day, fantastic bit of kit. The only worry I had was keeping the battery on my iPad charged, but it was fine. All the same I think I will invest in a Multimaus as a back up.

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Used my Z21 for the first time with a booster this weekend. I've paired mine with an Uhlenbrock Power7 and 8 amp transformer. I tried initially to control the booster via the loconet cable but the booster had an error light on that said the control station had switched off track power. Connecting the Z21 track output to the other terminal though works perfectly and we ran 5 G scale locos all day with no issue apart from the 3GS iPhone app crashing twice. The 4S and Samsung Galaxy Tab2 had no problem and battery life was pretty good though they won't last 8 hrs on one charge. Alternating throttles and having one of the three on charge meant we always had two available.

The only negative is the amount of plugs, Z21, Wifi router, booster transformer and iPhone and Samsung chargers. I've fixed all the components to a plywood panel that sits in a really useful box for transport and protection from rain, just leave the lid off while in use. The plywood plate also means that if something gets spilt into the box the electrics aren't soaked.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally sold my Dynamis System and purchased the Z21,had a bit of head scratching trying to connect the WiFi only to eventually  find my plug converter must have previously fused, purchased a new one and eventually managed to run a Heljan Sound class 26, sound,horns and air brakes worked out but anybody managed to work any others[doors obvious and perhaps others]?

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  • RMweb Gold

That's the joy of the Z21 - no proper manual, you just use your intuition to work out how it works.......or ask your friends.


You'll find it frustrating at first (especially when Roco don't bother to answer your questions and Gaugemaster had never heard of the problem I encountered) but playing around with it you find it can do interesting things. 


With help from friends I've found out how to program locos with 4-digit addresses (it seems as though most of my friends use other equipment to set loco addresses) and by messing about myself found out how to load the locos on my android phone and take and import photos of the locos onto the control panel.


Most bizarre thing was showing one of my (non model railway) friends how the system worked and after pressing a couple of buttons we heard a Cl.52 Western rumbling into life - we were downstairs......and the loco was in the trainroom upstairs........


Best of luck.....



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  • RMweb Gold

Second thoughts on the functions , can you just enter the function numbers?

Yes you can and I have a test screen set up that I can just change the address on to test where functions are. I just put the F symbol in every slot.

A&H models have some excellent video how to's on their website.

When you open a screen always see if it scrolls up as there's usually a few other bits down there. Once you've got it sussed its easy to add more. If there's any particular issues shout and I'll try to upload screen shots.

If you're going to use a lot of locos or all sorts of different scales create different layouts in the settings as it'll be much more controllable than scrolling through loads of locos to find the one you want.

As Keith mentioned if you leave it on and you take your phone around you may be controlling remotely! remember to switch off the layout ;)

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Thanks Keith and Paul for your replies and great advise ,I only received My Z21 Thursday [most of that used up by the plug problem] and to-day I had a go and so only put a couple of locos on the track , a problem for me is I am still also learning to use my Samsung Galaxy 3 Tablet , Paul thanks for the advise on the tracks for locos as I have over 150 locos of differing eras and I was wondering how to get round a  long scroll.

I will have another play over the weekend and hopefully my" new tech knowhow" grandson will turn up!

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Hi Paul,

I have managed to get the hang of setting the functions for the locos and as you suggested I have commenced to use multiple layouts . My screen layout seems to be different than yours mine has cv programming, download driver cab and info which just gives Version 2 2.3 and website as well as the one you kindly downloaded. Could you suggest the Z21 Settings are they alright as set or do I need to alter them , it would appear if changed the changes need to be sent to the Z21.The few locos I ran really respond great and I already feel I have done the right thing in changing systems

Thank you for your valuable help


Edited by brittannia
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  • RMweb Gold

The iPad, iPhone and android apps are all slightly different but all the same stuff is there ;)

On the small iPhone screen it's on the very first screen for cv programming



You only need to change the Z21 settings if you want higher output or to restrict it. The default is fine for HO but I switch mine up for the Gscale and have an Uhlenbrook 8 amp booster too for that. The base unit works fine for a small HO layout. There are more boosters on the way for higher outputs but it works very well with the Uhlenbrook one and ran faultlessly for 9 hrs continuous on the Saturday of Warley. The only glitches we had was the older 3GS froze but that was sorted by upgrading to iOS 7 which the app was updated too! The second was when you pick up another throttle it doesn't lock out what someone else is controlling so you need to scroll to another loco if you see the green speed bar as it means someone else is driving it, on the plus side if someone doesn't shut down a loco fully you can just pick it and stop it without using the emergency stop.post-6968-0-15386500-1387035636_thumb.jpg

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Thanks Paul for the information , I feel the settings will probably be ok as they are set , the  layout is 12ft x 8ft,  I had a couple moving 00 sound locos and a couple stationary locos on the layout to-day without any problems.

It is  like anything new you panic a little, thinking what I have I bought, then a light flashes and help from RmWeb friends and everything seems bright.

I will take my time and gradually list all my locos onto the Z21 in varying layout names.

Thanks again everybody for your patience with me. :boast:

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I was a Warley on the Saturday and I feel disappointed that I did not see your layout, just for interest what was the layout ? I did spare a fair bit of time looking at the larger scale layouts 7mm and upwards as they certainly usually entertaining in a  physical  and detailed aspect.

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  • RMweb Gold

Best thing about forums is sharing the problems as you get so many alternative perspectives that solve problems.

You might group locos by period and duplicate some that crossover or if there's a lot that run in the same period maybe have some throttles with the diesels active and some steam? It's quick to swap layouts anyway but it might be helpful if you've got multiple throttles.

I've also bought cheap 'armoured' (chunky!) silicon covers for £4 each off eBay that protect the iPhones and have an optional cover for the screen which I leave off. They are a bit thicker than the silicon skins and really do save the phone if they're dropped but also comfortable to hold.

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Thanks Paul for your suggestions on the groupings, I have a Multimaus controller system [bought from a split set at Arcadia} and also aim to upgrade to a smartphone in February  when my contract allows me to change without cost , so the covers will be good for that and my grandson:s IPhone, as usual I am well behind the younger family members.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

The system can be very versatile, apart from using the Z21 on my layout I also have a Lenz Set 100 and a Multimaus which all work together quite nicely, so if I am using the Z21and fancy using a more traditional controller I just plug in my Multimaus.

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I have had my Z21 for 3 weeks now and making good progress ,not all locos have been photographed and collated yet ,but now I am quite used to the system , thought I would buy a couple of Roco sound locos one being a "snowblower" as I like a novelty,it  is great to see the front blowers whizz round making  a snow clearing sound as it goes round the layout , the plough can also be raised and run at the same time , and when it comes to a standstill the cab turns 180 to 360 degrees ,it has lights at both ends and also at the steps . When all the programming is finished I will have to make a snow diorama , nothings ever finished , but it's all fun,

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