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St.Clemens- a fresh finescale start...! beachings axe?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much to report on St.Clemens except its now set-up as it was at the show in the railway room

Need to get the halt section re-tracked and i can "play trains" again.

After all, its wasted just stored away.


I'll get some pictures up soon



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After having a play with the layout i noticed a short somewhere.

Turned out it was the station entry point shorting out and has a dead spot on it too.

Hmm...not sure what to do as i'm not happy with the appearence of the code 100 anyway.


I'll sleep on this one...pardon the pun.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Not very much to report this last week or so. Managed a few minutes here and there in the railway room.

Applied for a new job and doing some mega overtime before I change jobs.

I have my eye on a few bargains but I MUST be good :-)


Oh I did manage to complete a GWR shunter's wagon kit though which is drying now after painting.

Cambrian kit, went together nicely and a cheap way of expanding the rolling stock.

Over and out for a few days...


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Hi Jack


Good luck with your job application.....Hopefully if successful will give you more time for your hobby......& more cash to spend on it !!!!


Quote.....(I have my eye on a few bargains but I MUST be good :-)!!!!!!


I started a shunters wagon kit just before it was announced that one would be producd RTR.....

As you say they go together well......must finish it !!!


Good luck again


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill. Thanks for the best wishes.

Hopefully should here something soon.


I realised Hornby did RTR shunters wagon after I got the kit. But it kept me quiet for a bit I spose!!

The thing I like about wagon kits its they can easily be converted to EM / P4 if ever desired in the future.

I'll pop some pictures up soon...didn't realise I have a day off tomorrow...nice suprise, so I can drink some nice ale's and do some modelling sounds like heavan after the week I've had lol!!




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I think quite a few of the modellers are doing the same as me (and could be the reason for the lack of sales on the Hornby offering) I'm just waiting for the Bachmann offering to be released before I make a purchase.

I have the elderly Hornby here somewhere which was very basic. I also had the Cambrian kit but because I was only like 10 at the time it was never built correctly and didn't last very long (although I'm sure I thought it was great at the time), I've been meaning one day to try again with another kit but with the new models available I don't think I'll bother.

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