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Now't to do with old cars I know, but the most uncomfortable transport journey I can ever recall was aboard the  troop train from Hanover to the Hoek of Holland - 14 hours on crippling wooden slatted seats.




This might have been the very loco !



Some of us go to North wales and pay good money several times a year to ride on seats like that, :mosking:  and a certain wife here buys wrecks like that as restoration projects. :jester:

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 None of my cronies with such serious classic iron will risk it out on winter salt.


It's fibreglass,  so not quite as delicate as you'd think :)   


and in fairness only stuck it outside to run it up for a bit out between downpours

Edited by 43179
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A few more old mag' covers from the classic days and some ad's which i always find the most interesting bits to read, with all those period useful and more than likely useless? ad-ons. 

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And what wonderful promises they all were with Exchange & Mart leading the way with such marvels of "Rebore your car without taking the engine apart with Acme pills or solution" where you either dropped the pills into the petrol tank or squeezed  the solution down into the combustion chambers. - And results ?


Two actually. Either buy a new engine or scrap the car.


Then there was this ground braking valve where only an hour equipped with a drill, a large round file and all the hope in the World, you could convert your car to run on Calor Gas.


Results ?


Oversized and ragged hole hacked into the carburetor barrel where you hammered in this 'Specially developed valve as use in outer space installations ' sealed in with several tubes of Hermatite  where the gas leaked out instantly emptying the whole bottle in seconds  all over the engine bay at the same time as you called the breakers in to tow it away. 


'Radweld' was another wonderment full of promises such as " Say good bye to leaking rads with our new, specially developed sealant ( as also used in outer space installations ) Just pour in the sachet, allow the water to circulate, rad leak cured, as simple as that.

 However, in the most likely and alarming event that it also seals up all the other waterways at the same time, then consult your nearest scrap dealer. 


Also we mustn't forget the 'Home tyre retread kit' where you was supplied with something that looked suspiciously like a wood carving chisel. a tissue paper wrap round pattern ( several to choose from suitable for everyday mud and Formula one ) some kind of hot iron and a mask to block out the poisonous fumes and first degree burns.


Oh. Did I forget the ' World leading spray your own car kit in the comfort of your garage or drive if the garage is full of other totally useless  Exchange & Mart sellouts ' ?


Well, it came marketed as ' Our newly developed spray gun developed especially with you, the home sprayer and perfectionist  in mind and and although at first glance you could be forgiven for confusing it with an Insect Flit Gun (which it was )  you can actually achieve a factory finish in little more than an hour ( if it doesn't rain but then there's always next Sunday )  AND ! - it even sprays emulsion something that achieves the kind of finish that Fords at Dagenham have strived for  for years and still are!' 


 Oh yes, the weekend motorist never had it so good - as long as he never left home

Edited by allan downes
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Facel Vega.


A guy once towed on of these into our garage asking us if we'd like it as he needed the room.


It was in need of some serious spanner work, never did get get it and we scrapped it a few months later.






Many, many years ago I worked on Demolition sites - One of the Jobs we got was to take down a factory site in Luton (Skefco?) The guy who had bought it was converting it into an industrial park - while we were working there, it was his sons 21st, and proud Daddy bought over-indulged son one of these for his birthday present - the only one I ever saw!

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...just the odd electrical earthing problem?


Yep - there's none to go wrong :)


As a hand built British product of the 1960s , it can certainly show hand built  products of the 1970s a thing or two - including those from the same manufacturer. 

The quality of the shut lines on the C-V8 says it all I think 



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Many, many years ago I worked on Demolition sites - One of the Jobs we got was to take down a factory site in Luton (Skefco?) The guy who had bought it was converting it into an industrial park - while we were working there, it was his sons 21st, and proud Daddy bought over-indulged son one of these for his birthday present - the only one I ever saw!



I do believe they manufactured ball bearings and were located in Sundon Park, Luton where I lived for a while and fell in love with my Landlady.


She didn't think much of me though so I went out with the Hairdresser's daughter instead  who didn't love me either...Until I  borrowed a hundred quid from the Midland bank, Dunstable and bought a Morris 8 series E.

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