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I've sliced bits of finger when cutting stuff to eat..probably why I could never be a true vegetarian?


My red water incidents both involved poking finger through the bottoms of thin glass. DArned cafetiers!!

It wasn;t the slice that worried me, or the trip to casualty some 12 miles or so away by car [drove myself] despite having to deal with the effects of shock [something forgotten about by NHS when they closed minor injuries units?]... but the cleaning up of all the blood drips everywhere on the floor, worktops, carpets, etc....  Nobody tells you about that chore  in first aid classes!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

About reducing risk etc, I have seen several of these “Britain’s worst driver” video compilations on YouTube, yes I know I’m guilty…..but many of the “accidents” shown are when the driver of the filming vehicle who purports to be in the right just carries on as if to make a point rather than trying to avoid the accident, almost as if “your wrong and this is what happens” if you do something by mistake…..to my mind the filming driver is more in the wrong than the twit who made the mistake.


Just another pet hate of mine. :mad:

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  • RMweb Premium
9 minutes ago, boxbrownie said:

About reducing risk etc, I have seen several of these “Britain’s worst driver” video compilations on YouTube, yes I know I’m guilty…..but many of the “accidents” shown are when the driver of the filming vehicle who purports to be in the right just carries on as if to make a point rather than trying to avoid the accident, almost as if “your wrong and this is what happens” if you do something by mistake…..to my mind the filming driver is more in the wrong than the twit who made the mistake.


Just another pet hate of mine. :mad:

This reminds me of a pet hate, when people say "I just drive assuming everyone else is an idiot and I'll be OK".  What an unbelievably arrogant attitude.  Perhaps, "I drive assuming everyone - including me - is capable of making a mistake and we'll probably be OK"? 

The arrogance of assuming you have nothing left to learn (where confidence exceeds talent) is where young drivers have accidents, often with no other vehicles involved.  It is the same arrogance that makes so many people equate criticism of their driving as criticism of their sexual performance.

We are all, without exception, fallible; I'm not the world's greatest driver, but I've also done a lot of miles in 30+ years with very few accidents/incidents, all minor and one I know was entirely my fault (slid into back of another car on ice at about 10mph, I was distracted and got too close).

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Much better to drive acknowledging the fact that we all make mistakes, sometimes get distracted and are much more vulnerable than we think.

There are a good number of people who think that because their car has all the safety devices, they are invincible. A bit like the idiots I see riding motorcycles in shorts and tee shirts who have obviously never fallen off and believe that they never will.

 But there are morons out there. I came across three in under two miles yesterday and another twenty minutes later.


1. Car pulling a twin axle trailer, with no tailboard and a light board tied on with plastic pallet banding. Three of the tyres were nearly flat, the fourth part off the rim and flapping. This set up an oscillation that shook several timber offcuts, bits of concrete and a watering can off the load bed and onto the road in front of me.


I pulled alongside the car at the junction and told the driver that he was losing his load and got:


"Oh yeah, I know, sorry mate."


The trailer number plate didn't match the car.


2. Upon turning up a one way street, a car pulled out in front of me from a car park on my left, then tried to force it's way past me onto the main road, where they had to mount the pavement in order to join the traffic flow. This was rather than driving fifty yards the right way.


She got stuck and I said: "Excuse me, you're going the wrong way, it's a one way street."


The response was an arrogant "I know"


3. I saw a dustbin lorry pulled up  and partly blocking the road. I nearly didn't see the woman who pulled out from the kerb in front of me without signalling. because she was on the phone. 

She changed gear, fumbled the phone and dropped it. Whilst trying to retrieve it, she very nearly ran down two binmen. The arrogant lardass then carried on with the phone call before negotiating the bin lorry. She never even saw me.


4. I pulled up at a set of lights in the right hand of two lanes that split left and right further ahead. Next to me is a big BMW with tinted windows, driven by your typical thirty something body builder / white rapper. The lights changed and I pulled away as normal. 

Obviously feeling that I had further belittled his steroid shriveled manhood by beating him in an imagined standing start race on a 72 year old motorcycle, he overtook me on the inside, cut me up to dodge a couple of slow moving cars before switching back to his lane and almost rearending the queue for the next set of lights. 


I simply chugged past, still in second gear.




Edited by MrWolf
Grelling and spammar
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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, boxbrownie said:

About reducing risk etc, I have seen several of these “Britain’s worst driver” video compilations on YouTube, yes I know I’m guilty…..but many of the “accidents” shown are when the driver of the filming vehicle who purports to be in the right just carries on as if to make a point rather than trying to avoid the accident, almost as if “your wrong and this is what happens” if you do something by mistake…..to my mind the filming driver is more in the wrong than the twit who made the mistake.


Just another pet hate of mine. :mad:


I watched those a few years ago and used to think what idiots they were and how could they be so stupid as to drive like that.

Then I moved to Spain and it's like watching information videos for Spanish drivers, nothing surprises me any more.

The only difference is, on the UK videos there aren't enough kamikaze scooter/bike riders.



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I think we can all relate to many of the incidents mentioned...?

The biggest message that a so-called 'advanced' driver course can get across is [ in my mind, if not in the IAM's hive-mind?]....self assessment.

Every day, every week.


I spent most of the latter part of my working life mentoring/coaching/ helping existing licence holders.  [I did licence acquisition as well.....though]


To help folk do the hardest part of the training...the ''understanding'' part, I would tell them, that ''it isn't what the other person does, or does not, do, that is the issue. It's how we cope with what they do that matters.''  I would emphasise, 'how we cope, comfortably' with what they do?'

I try my hardest every day I drive, not to do 'drama'....


But, if I struggle to cope with what someone else does, I look at what I missed, what I ignored, [even the little voices in my head]....?  How come I struggled to cope? What should I do to eliminate that failure?  If I have to swear at someone else, it is really my mistake......


Mostly I find folk are 'grateful' that I've coped with their cock-up.   

Yet, i'm not a 'slow' driver! By any means.     Although I'm equally happy to plod along, when I feel like it. [Mostly, when I deem the situation demands it, though]...


What really annoys me is how people fail to comprehend the fact that everybody is simply, a road user.


By that, I mean.... a vehicle is a vehicle. doesn't matter if it is a lorry, or it isn't a lorry, it's there...a fact of life.


Then, why do drivers expect a car to move faster than the speed limit for a lorry?  Or a tranny van?  {Do I need to find another description for a tranny van, these days?]

If my car were a lorry, it would be doing no more than a lorry' s speed limit, would it not?  So, what is the difference??

It would still be in their way, regardless.....

Just because  it's a car, doesn't make it any different as far as being a vehicle is concerned!

Why can I not sit fairly close to the centre line. in my car?

WHen that is exactly where the offside of a lorry would be? 


Then there's the Highway Code!!!

A charter for bullies if ever there was one!!


It needs a few of the rules completely re-wording.



Edited by alastairq
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Then there's another old car fart beef........of mine!


It concerns, observation!

{ Yes, I know, I should turn off the Klingon Cloaking Device.......darn this technology!!}


I get the feeling drivers are slowly become passive observers, rather than proactive observers.


The cause is [in my mind, while I still have one]....all these permanently lit front lighting systems that abound.


I think we have got to the stage where drivers no longer expect to have to look.....for others.

They now expect to be told we are there.....!


Abdication of responsibility.....[Snottmifault!!]


[It should have been lit!  I shouldn't have to actually look for obstructions! Snottmifault I've gone arrisovertitt??  Snivel snivel in a facebook manner?}



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I have had someone pull out of a side road to turn right in front of me, forcing me to stop, then demanding to know why I hadn't got my headlight on?


I have been unable to find any law that requires motorcycles to have their lights on at all times!


I did question whether I was traveling too fast? (no, because I pulled up without drama)

Was I tucked into the verge? (No, I was 60/40 away from the verge) 

Was I not observant enough? (No, I make a point of checking sideroads and driveways, which is how I spotted the errant white Audi driver)

Did she have her sparkly I-phone clamped to the right side of her head? Restricting her movement and hence peripheral vision to her right?

Distracting her from the task of driving?


Yes on all three counts.


And if you don't have a passport but want to sample the kind of driving you might expect in downtown Fallujah, try Forest Gate London in rush hour.


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  • RMweb Premium

I used to have a caravan a few years ago, towed with a large engined car. (V6)


The amount of times people HAD to overtake because caravan was ridiculous.


Steep hills normally. This is when their lack of power leaves them looking stupid as the speed not changing outfit stays at the same speed, as their lawnmower engines run out of puff.


One made it as far as the car, before puff ran out.


Oh and I had a weird "race" (from other person in a really rubbish people carrier) I kept passing up hill, then down hill they HAD to overtake, again constant speed from me.


They also had to overtake when I was slowing for stationary traffic, I was well prepared to say my bit in court but they managed to stop in time.



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14 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

have had someone pull out of a side road to turn right in front of me, forcing me to stop, then demanding to know why I hadn't got my headlight on?


I have been unable to find any law that requires motorcycles to have their lights on at all times!


 My point, exactly?


MInd, I don't do much, if any driving in cities or urban areas at all any more [Cannot see why, for the life of me, I need to go to any city or urban area any more??


But I often see urban drivers going to the coast on a weekend round here....That's when we get the prangs left right & centre...hopefully keeping it to themselves?


Anyway, this has just popped up not far away..







Stamford Bridge will now be closed indefinitely!


I don't think that's ever happened since that Norwegians decided to hold up Harold's army?  Amazing what a large Norwegian axeman can do?  Maybe one of us locals should try it?



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On 30/06/2021 at 15:11, MJI said:

I used to have a caravan a few years ago, towed with a large engined car. (V6)


The amount of times people HAD to overtake because caravan was ridiculous.


Steep hills normally. This is when their lack of power leaves them looking stupid as the speed not changing outfit stays at the same speed, as their lawnmower engines run out of puff.


One made it as far as the car, before puff ran out.


Oh and I had a weird "race" (from other person in a really rubbish people carrier) I kept passing up hill, then down hill they HAD to overtake, again constant speed from me.


They also had to overtake when I was slowing for stationary traffic, I was well prepared to say my bit in court but they managed to stop in time.




You get a similar situation when driving an old car or motorcycle. People see that black number plate and have to overtake you, usually somewhere stupid, because they assume that you will hold them up, or perhaps to show how much better their modern car is.

They often find that you are going much faster than they thought and often as fast as the road will permit. They usually end up braking in a panic once they get past and holding me up. 

Or they pull out on you, assuming that you are doing 25 not 55, whilst forgetting that you have a lot less in the way of brakes.

I wish I had £1 for every clown who tries to barge his way past me at traffic lights who is unaware that even a seventy year old sports motorcycle is going to beat the living #### out of their Civic type R or whatever in a drag race.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, alastairq said:

 My point, exactly?


MInd, I don't do much, if any driving in cities or urban areas at all any more [Cannot see why, for the life of me, I need to go to any city or urban area any more??


But I often see urban drivers going to the coast on a weekend round here....That's when we get the prangs left right & centre...hopefully keeping it to themselves?


Anyway, this has just popped up not far away..







Stamford Bridge will now be closed indefinitely!


I don't think that's ever happened since that Norwegians decided to hold up Harold's army?  Amazing what a large Norwegian axeman can do?  Maybe one of us locals should try it?



It appears to be a special machinery and plant carrier. It is obviously over the legal width of 2.5 metres so if running unladen it should be adjusted to the legal width. 

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There are a lot of toys on modern cars that I don’t want. And some that are useful.


Lane assist, cruise control, automatic gearboxes and similar features I do not want. As in I would pay more not to have them. I hate the way they encourage me to drive. I need the stimulation when driving (and for example regularly changing lane on a motorway to overtake, etc, is a necessity for this). These kind of functions just remove more stimulation. Fuel consumption trip computers, tend to get me paying attention to things that don’t really matter.


Sat nav just feels like being nagged. As a map, useful and will happily use an electronic map, but not constant directions. Not yet had a car that nags much about gears or speed, but they would drive me mad - or just trigger a ‘stuff you’ reaction, and have me change down when I get sick of it beeping at me to change up!


Things that take away control such as automatic lights, automatic wipers, indicators that do X number of blinks when touched, heater systems that turn on the a/c automatically when demist is selected, etc, I don’t want.


Plenty of convenience features I do like. Electric mirrors, so I can adjust them both while able to see what I am adjusting them to. Electric windows (but please, not one touch electric windows). Electrically adjustable seats (so seat back angle and base angle can easily be adjusted). Remote boot release (but not fully electric opening - I don’t want to wait that long).  Central locking. These are things that effectively give me more control, and I am prepared to take any small potential hit on reliability.


Might explain why I am driving an MX5 these days!


While modern cars have got more reliable, when things go wrong it is often harder and more expensive to fix them. Very easy for an older car to be written off just from a component and labour to fit it. And sometimes with components keyed to the car, parts become unusable 2nd hand for no good reason.


A friends car needs a new knock sensor. Small bolt on component, but position means removing the intake manifold, hence add the cost of gaskets. That is going to be fun. And a thermostat on an MX5 is harder than in should be, hidden under the intake.


All the best



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  • RMweb Premium

I do like auto boxes. For me more reliable.


I have driven manuals with great gear change and ones so bad I broke them.


One car (pool) had on off switch clutch and a terrible gate. Down from 1 was 4. I cooked that one. As 1 2 never worked.

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"Delete" options have always been expensive. Paying extra to have model badges off BMW's is an especially interesting one. 


Of course with many features you have the option of simply turning them off - or at least you can on Peugeot's  and as many electronic systems are from OE suppliers such as Bosch, etc. - then I expect that applies to most cars.


Many of these features seem unnecessary, especially to these who have driven for many years. However, as car design ha changed, forced by safety, economy, reliability and manufacturing demands and has the car has become a transport necessity and a status symbol for many, convenience, ease of use and the removal of any need to think about how you use these expensive items is important.


Currently we have two cars, an 1973 MGB roadster and a Peugeot 3008. The MGB is more fun to drive but the 3008 is more practical , safer, economical, reliable, etc. I'll happily take the B out on high days and holidays but the 3008 is the realistic  choice for everyday use, long journeys, etc. There are quite a few driver assistance features on the 3008 that we don't use, hands off auto parkin parking, Sat Nav voice directions (although my wife prefers it), Lane Departure Warning, choice of ambient lighting colours, instrument display options. Others I welcome.


This one looks better too.



BT at Nigel's.jpg

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Well said Jol, you've put it much better than I would have done. On today's busy motorways I wouldn't do without adaptive cruise control either. As you say most if not all the things mentioned in Kickstart's post can be switched off if need be. I suspect many of the newer features such as ACC and Lane Control are precursors to driverless cars. I may be wrong but I have a suspission that if you turn off Lane assist it can affect your insurance as its classified as a safety feature? 


I enjoy my classic, certainly, but for any long distance run, emergency run or commute I'd have my new Octavia all the time. 


I have no problem with people like Alastair who prefer the basics but no amount of his long winded posts will persuade me to swap my modern for my classic for daily use!

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  • RMweb Premium

More about gearboxes.


With manuals I need the lever bolted to the box, otherwise it does very strange things. Plus some makes love very strong gear lever springs.


I one I cooked had a gate like (FWD), and the clutch was on off




My own car was (RWD)




I did blow one box up (too much power on old box) and the permanent fix was a full overhaul with new bearings. I had the equivalent of a brand new mid 1970s box, very nice. Lasted the car out. Was 5 years older than the car!


I had driven a lot of cars at that time and the pool car for that job had the worst manual gearbox I have ever driven. Was nice that the replacement vehicle was an Astra van (which I greatly prefered).


Best box was the overhauled one I blew the bearings on, lovely fast smooth, easy gear changes. Was a closish ratio Rootes box.



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  • RMweb Premium

My current cars toys are

Cruise (only mods required to fit are the switches) already in software.



Traction Control, GOOD traction control (but not as good as the CDL)

All switches run through control modules so can open the windows with a code reader!

Self levelling suspension

Anti roll


Too old for self parking or lane assist.

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  • RMweb Gold
19 hours ago, MrWolf said:


You get a similar situation when driving an old car or motorcycle. People see that black number plate and have to overtake you, usually somewhere stupid, because they assume that you will hold them up, or perhaps to show how much better their modern car is.

They often find that you are going much faster than they thought and often as fast as the road will permit. They usually end up braking in a panic once they get past and holding me up. 

I often get the same if I'm driving my wife's Micra - people assume Micra = slow and are desperate to get past or get out in front, even though I'm driving at or near the limit...

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  • RMweb Gold
On 30/06/2021 at 10:35, boxbrownie said:

About reducing risk etc, I have seen several of these “Britain’s worst driver” video compilations on YouTube, yes I know I’m guilty…..but many of the “accidents” shown are when the driver of the filming vehicle who purports to be in the right just carries on as if to make a point rather than trying to avoid the accident, almost as if “your wrong and this is what happens” if you do something by mistake…..to my mind the filming driver is more in the wrong than the twit who made the mistake.


Just another pet hate of mine. :mad:

A common one on those videos seems to be the camera car accellerating onto a roundabout so that they can complain that another vehicle (usually a bus or lorry) pulled out on them - when it's quite clear from the footage that the large vehicle started it's move well before they got there. Frequently a lack of situational awareness on the camera driver's part too.

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I must have missed something somewhere. 

I could have sworn this was a thread about old cars.

Gadgets that you simply couldn't manage without? 

Judging from the age of most of the posters on here, when you passed your test, those gadgets (if they even existed.) were only found on cars that cost as much as a house.

You don't need a dishwasher, satellite TV or an espresso machine either.

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14 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

It appears to be a special machinery and plant carrier

 Would one of those account for the signs saying ''Heavy Plant Crossing?''


I had mental pictures of triffids queueing up, and  a lollypop lady?

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28 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

Judging from the age of most of the posters on here, when you passed your test, those gadgets (if they even existed.) were only found on cars that cost as much as a house.

 Oddly, much of what folk rave about as 'new', isn't really new at all. All that has changed is the way the idea is worked.


1 hour ago, Hobby said:

have no problem with people like Alastair who prefer the basics but no amount of his long winded posts will persuade me to swap my modern for my classic for daily use!

  I never ever set out to convert people, or change people's minds about things.


[Really rather irrelevant to me, in all respects, especially at my time of life?]


All I do is put my thoughts onto 'paper', so to speak....Or sometimes, experiences!


All quite appropriate in my view, to 'old cars?'

Edited by alastairq
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