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Laoson Valley - 1990's to modern day TMD, Oil Terminal & P-Way Yard


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The RHTT set has been slowly progressing only I haven't taken many pictures.... (too much superglue on fingers!)


As I have converted the FEA-B twin set into two seperate wagons I needed to add couplings. Whilst wondering around Warley I spotted Parkside Dundas had some molding that would take some Bachmann NEM fishtail couplings. After a trim and a file I glued them on the bottom of the new FEA-F wagons:






The Bachmann coupling pivots at the "fishtail" and the movement range looks pretty similar to the Dapol coupling on the other end of the wagon so hopefully it will get round the link to the fiddle yard. 


Both the wagons and the RHTT modules have had a coat of primer, a final sand and a topcoat of primer. I'm hoping Santa will be pushing an airbrush & compressor down my chimney so I can spray the modules blue!


The last couple of evenings have been spent folding up the etch brass details - mainly hand rails and steps - these are currently stewing in malt vinigar ready for priming. 


Will try to get some photos over the weekend.




<edit for typos>

Edited by sdw7300
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As promised last week, a few photos of the RHTT progress:




Automated signal circuit


Friday night I was getting high on solder fumes, the result of which was the signal dectection & timer circuit was assembled.




Then last night the baseboard was lifted onto its side and the signal, IR detector and circuit boards all installed



A view of the IR detector sitting in between the sleepers.



And finally a couple of test shots.


Firstly the signal defaults to "clear"



Then a train passes over the IR sensor and it changes to danger for 15 seconds. 



The circuit has a second IR sensor which I will fit at the throat of the fiddle yard so the signal will be changed to danger when a train enters the single track from either direction. 


I did have problems when I first tested the circuit but this turned out to the the halogen heater I have in the garage - it must throw off a huge amount of IR light as the IR detectors trigger as soon as I turned it on no matter which way it is pointing! Once the heater is off the signal works a treat.


At the risk of sounding smug I'm really rather chuffed!



Edited by sdw7300
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Very clever,

I like that, very ingenious indeed. Personally I'm not very good with electronics!!! :no:

Loving the RHTT as well, coming along nicely.

As far as the Hornby 97 goes, I'd find a SH Bachmann 37 and respray it, it might be quicker too!!!!!!  :jester:


Jinty ;-)

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Very clever,

I like that, very ingenious indeed. Personally I'm not very good with electronics!!! :no:

Loving the RHTT as well, coming along nicely.

As far as the Hornby 97 goes, I'd find a SH Bachmann 37 and respray it, it might be quicker too!!!!!!  :jester:


Jinty ;-)


Thanks Jinty


The electronics is not too complicated (despite looking like a dodgy James Bond style bomb). If an accountant can manage it, anyone should be able to ;-) Happy to talk you through it if you're interested.


I was expecting the Hornby 97 to be shipped this Friday (only 362 days after I ordered it!) but after your comment I thought I'd check the Hornby website again and...... expected delivery date has now been moved back (again) to mid Feb. :banghead:  I'm far too chicked to attempt a full respray.

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Ive noticed that "Hornby" have made mistake on there new network rail 97 :butcher:


I has 97301 on it,but has centre head code nose :scratchhead:the realy 97301 has flush welded door front... :senile:


I'd heard that somewhere too. I think the other three 97's all have centre head codes so I might have a go at my first renumbering job (when it eventually arrives......).  


[As a side point it took me about 10 seconds on Google images to confirm this - you would have thought someone at Hornby could have not the same.....!]

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Progress on the FEA-F's continues.


These have been primed and sprayed black (with Screwfix's No Nonsense Acrylic Laquer!) Next came the tricky job of adding the decals from the Railtec RHTT pack. Quite happy with how they came out but did manage to destroy one of the main TOPS code decals. Once it's got a good layer of weathering & grime hopefully the missing declay wont be too obvious! 




Apologies for the terrible photos. I'm only at home during the hours of darkness at the moment!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress on Laoson continues, albeit at a snails pace.


Another few feet of track has been ballasted - At this rate the whole layout might be ballasted by the end of 2015.


Slightly more exciting, the second IR sensor for controlling the signal has been installed. The way the circuitry works, the signal defaults to clear but as soon as a loco passes over either sensor the signal turns to danger for 15 seconds. The two sensors are located at either end of the link to the fiddle yard:



And now for something completely different.... 


The last few loco's I have bought have been a bit newer that the 1990's era in which Laoson is supposedly based and the latest purchase is no exception. Completed in 2008 she is ironically my most modern loco....  




Just need a lorry with a grabber arm to set up a cameo of her being re-coaled. 


And finally...


To everyone who has been following progress, offered suggestions & advice along the way, or has just stumbled upon this post, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


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  • 2 weeks later...



My longest holiday this (well actually, last) year is drawing to an end. I was hoping to get some serious modelling hours in but Christmas Day, I was struck down with Man Flu. It was so serious today was the first day I felt remotely interested in getting in the garage!




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Happy New Year to you Sam,

Hope the man flu has abated now.
New compressor, now there's an excuse for respraying a Bachmann class 37 into a 97xxx

How hard can it be, apart from the roof, it's all one colour!!!!!!!!! :imsohappy: :jester:

Jinty ;-)

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Thanks for the likes & comments


Happy New Year to you Sam,

Hope the man flu has abated now.
New compressor, now there's an excuse for respraying a Bachmann class 37 into a 97xxx

How hard can it be, apart from the roof, it's all one colour!!!!!!!!! :imsohappy: :jester:

Jinty ;-)


Ha! You're right Jinty but I think I'll learn how to use the airbrush on some less expensive items first.


Happy new year Sam! What kind of airbrush did you go for?


Hi Jeff. I went for a compressor with tank and 116AK airbrush package from RDGTools .


Updates might be a bit thin on the ground for the next few weeks. The flat roof on the end of my garage that sticks out from under the house is being replaced by a pitched roof so I can't get to the layout or any tools at the moment....

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Evening folks


I was getting withdrawal symptoms so managed to uncover the end of Laoson and my new compressor and airbrush. I have weathered the freshly laid ballast and I feel it looks miles better.








Whilst I was in the zone I mixed up some NR Blue for the RHTT's



All in all a very successful night in the garage!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all.


I have a new definition for frustration.... This arrived on Saturday;



But my layout is somewhere under here;



So no chance so run it or hear the TTS sound.


As I cant get in the garage I've been adding some of the numerous Railtec transfers to the RHTT modules. So far I have destroyed two of the big Network Rail logos, but slowly getting the hang of it.....



That's all folks!

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I'm sure it won't take long to get down to the layout and give it a run. I have heard good things about the budget TTS sounds.
You'll have to let us know what it's like. ;)

You're RHTT wagons are looking really good, should be brilliant when all together, but they never stayed that clean for very long, the last time we had a pair of Tractors and the RHTT up here, you couldn't see the colour of them for all the s@%t over them. :O

Jinty ;-)

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Thanks for the comments & likes.


Just a brief update today. The work on the garage is finished so I can now get to the layout. I grabbed 5 minutes to plonk 97301 on the track and hear some sound. I'll caveat this by saying this is my first sound loco, but I have to say I'm very impressed. I want to figure out if I can add lights using the current TTS decoder. Another project to add to the pile (along with renumbering & weathering the loco)!


I haven't posted many updates recently as I've mainly been adding transfers to the RHTT's (not very exciting). I reckon I've spent 7 hours on transfers alone - there are hundreds!


Transfers on the sandite / jetting and generator modules are now complete. Just the cantrails to go on the tanks (and then paint & add the roof details, paint & add the handrails and emergency stop buttons, varnish it all to protect the transfers add some pipework & the steps, weather it all up.......)




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