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Sandhurst - So long and thanks for all the fish(plates)


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  • RMweb Gold

So, this is the new one from me. Get ready for even more slow progress and random changes of direction.

After loosing interest in my last project (http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71844-fulking-road-halt/), I've decided to go for something that combines my interests in scenery and operation and build a small branch line terminus.

The idea is of a line in deepest, darkest Kent, near Hawkhurst allowing for a mixture of normal branch passenger and freight services with hop-picker trains and whatever else I can come up with and justify in this part of the world. My original plan had been to build a model of Hawkhurst itself but this changed due to space available and wanting to be able to come up with some stuff myself.

Pictured below is the two boards measuring 2600mm x 840mm when together. I have started testing my track plan to see what fits before building legs and setting anything in stone.

Apologies about the quality, iphones don't do below 1mb unless they are reduced in quality.





Updates to follow



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

other  industry could be a small coal mine

Oddly enough, when I lived in Cranbrook I used to get my coal from a bloke in Sandhurst! Unfortunately, while there's plenty of coal in Kent, it isn't at this end of the county, being in the Dover/Canterbury/Sandwich part.


Nest has mentioned hop-pickers, which are a great excuse for a C-Class and seen-better-days coaches, but his interest in scenic matters - and previous positive form in this skill - makes me wonder whether a hop-field itself might be good along the backscene. Not far away, at Mountfield in East Sussex, there is a gypsum mine, so a further outcrop of that might be an idea, too. Indigenous industry by the time I lived there was largely confined to wood products, and of course Hawkhurst station itself became a timber yard.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys

With my band playing a gig tonight, not much time has been spent focussing on the layout other than some mild thoughts on it. As Olddudders mentioned, I have an interest in the scenic side of things. interestingly, I have thought about having at least part of a hop field modelled. I've deliberately left a lot of space for scenic. I want to get in at least three different 'scenes'. Namely a hop field, a corn field and a meadow, plus lots of trees.

Hawkhurst did indeed have a timber yard so I was thinking of including something to represent that trade, even if it's just a small timber merchants in the goods yard.

This is of course all just ideas still. I'm currently working out a definite track plan (still). Will post photos as and when



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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Woah, it's been a while (suppose I knew this would happen from the outset).

Not a huge amount to say other than this is definitely still a going concern...I mean project. I've been exhibiting at Modelworld Brighton this weekend with my club which has given me something of a kick up the backside so there should be some actual updates coming very soon.

Watch this space.



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  • RMweb Gold

As teased in my previous post, progress is happening. Or at least beginning to happen...

I've started marking out where things will be going. This is mainly for scenic purposes as I think it's important to plan ahead to give a realistic impression in the finished product.

These (poor) photos should show where I've marked out the first of the two scenic boards with the country bridleway and where it crosses the track, the outline of the signal box and the engine shed and finally the line at which the railway land ends and the fields that will make up the scenic setting begin. You might also be able to make out where I have started marking out the placement of trees and bushes.

First shot shows where I plan to place trees to create a kind of theatre like wing on the edge of the scenic section


Showing where the over-bridge will conceal the entrance (hopefully) to the fiddle yard


The beginning of track laying with the points put in place and marked out ready to be wire and tubed (technical term of course)


This will be the goods yard head shunt. It will end just before the over-bridge


A small engine shed will be provided, both my M7 and H class locos just squeeze in. The track has been marked for cutting down.


Shows the extent of my track testing so far. Safety pins have been used to keep the track in place for the moment


Finally, marking out the position of the signal box. This may be moved however if find a more suitable location on the second scenic board (or the station board as I'm going to start calling it)



That's all for now


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  • RMweb Gold

And so the long, slightly tedious task of track cutting/laying begins. This is all made easier with the appliance of my brand new track cutter as opposed large rusty pliers and a saw.







That's all for now folks.

More to follow over the weekend maybe.



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  • RMweb Gold

The action continues into the platform and goods yard.


The first shot shows the extent of todays progress.



Marking out where the cattle dock, platform and station building will eventually be placed




The proposed site of the goods shed with the coal siding stretching out behind it.



The goods yard is only small but features enough for me to find operating interesting



One major cock up so far, cut the track into the main platform road far too short. This has since been replaced with a bit of track going spare that matches up much better



At the other end, I've completed the mainline that will disappear off into the 'rest of the world'.



This engine shed probably won't be used on the final product but it provides a good measurement of the clearance on the mainline



And So that completes this bit...



...which means I have to move on to my least favourite bit, wiring :O

This is only because I could never get my head round electronics (very weak subject on my part back when I was at school). This will undoubtedly take a fair amount of time. 

Also, gotta get me some trestle legs...


Till next time






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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nest, It's coming along at a fair old pace now. regards adrian

With the wiring about to start, expect that pace to slow right down :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

So no track related updates. Instea I've been working in the layouts (and my) first building. It's a small cottage.

I'll post some photos later.


All for now


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


Being aware of a slight lack of updates recently, I am now committing to doing some work on the layout this week so there HAS to be something to talk about soon...

There, I've said it now, better get on with some modelling



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  • RMweb Gold

Well I said I'd get on with something and behold I have.

Progress has been light but important. it turns out my boards don't want to take track pins, which is mildly annoying. However, I'm instead experimenting with a little PVA instead. I'll have to wait and see how this turns out but I'm hoping it works.






I've also made a very small start on the scenic side of the layout. I've started preparing what will be used for a road surface. This will be raised up and over the track eventually.



I'm going away on Wednesday for two and half weeks so there won't be many updates for a while however I'll try to get something done before I head off



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  • RMweb Gold

I've now stuck down all the track on the first board (!) and am ready to start doing some electronics which i am not looking forward to. I am however now out of the country for two weeks and will have to wait till i return to move on.


Until then, cherio



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hi everyone


Now that I'm back from holiday I can resume work on the layout. Huzzah!


Of course Easter has once again shown it main benefit to railway modelling, a large amount of cardboard is now going spare. This can be used for landscape forming. As the above pictures show, I have deliberately left as much space as possible for non-railway related scenery as I find this particularly enjoyable to build. 


Pictures to follow



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi gang


Here are two pictures of the beginnings of the shell for the landscape. Plaster cloth will form the eventual surface, haven't decided how I'm going to support it yet (either scrunched newspaper or expanded polystyrene)





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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all


So, I'm currently resting the layout on two keyboard stands. This way I can begin wiring and get under the layout. and make sure everything lines up properly (scenically speaking) 

I've also carried on getting the shell of the scenic area ready for layering with plaster and newspaper and whatever else I can get my hands on.

This may take a little time due to student on gap year funds but hopefully not too long as I am now really beginning to get into the swing of it all.


Should also mention that since the photo was taken, I've raised the board nearest the camera up so that it matches the further one in height. Just need to find some clamps...







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  • RMweb Gold

Morning guys


So work continues in earnest on the layout (photos to follow) and I am begging to turn my attention towards the operation. Of course, it'll be a while before I reach a stage where this can be performed but I enjoy this aspect of modelling enough to not care right now :)


As with previous layouts, the layout will be run to a timetable which can also be used as a sequence if I so please. I think it's important at this stage to think about what kind of trains will be run other than the standard branch shuttle ,of which to Hawkhurst there were ten on weekdays for the time period the layout is set in. Freight on the line was restricted to one and run down train in the morning and the same in the afternoon. All of these freight services would have been mixed on a line this size (this where I can either, try to follow photographs of actual trains or run my own combinations depending on how authentic *cough*anal*cough* I am feeling). This being Kent, I also have the option to run the occasional hop pickers train and ramblers special. Both of these were interesting for their use of rather old and beaten up stock pulled by aging locomotives. Naturally, I am limited in terms of stock by money/skill. I have yet to attempt constructing a kit and a lot of what I would like to run is only currently available in kit form. This is something I would like to break into as it were as is does open up one's options a lot more in terms of interesting stock.

This is all just ramblings at the moment with nothing set in stone but as I said, I do enjoy this bit railway modelling quite a lot.


I will post some photos of progress later



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon guys


Some photos of the on going progress with the scenery. I've spent this morning packing newspaper/normal paper/bits of polystyrene in between the landscape formers. I will layer this with newspaper later...


Also, all the track is now laid!






More to follow...



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Hi Nestor,


Any pics/sketches of what you're aiming for as an end result? E.G. are you heading South Eastern or Col. Stephens in terms of buildings?

After having to disassemble my old Sussex layout, I'm following yours with interest as a kind of surrogate (no pressure... :)).


All the best,



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Al


I've got some plans of the station building and some early sketches of the track plan which changed slightly once I started laying the track as it didn't quite look right. I'll post some photos tomorrow.
As with the actual Hawkhurst line, I'm hoping it comes out as somewhere between south eastern and col. Stephens.


And now that the pressure is on, I better get a move on.... :O




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