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Sandhurst - So long and thanks for all the fish(plates)


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  • RMweb Premium

Steve, I use SEEP or H&M double solenoid motors mounted directly underneath the points, operating through a wire "horseshoe" arrangement to ensure there is enough throw to work the switch that changes the frog polarity.




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Steve, I use SEEP or H&M double solenoid motors mounted directly underneath the points, operating through a wire "horseshoe" arrangement to ensure there is enough throw to work the switch that changes the frog polarity.



Thank you, that's very useful (and apologies to Nestor for the intrusion - although I am sure turnout operation is something he will need to think about)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

hiya guys.


Sorry for the lack of updates. In the last two weeks I've had all of two days off from work (including weekends) and one of those was spent in London. This is why I have unfortunately not been able to find the time to any modelling for a little while. However, next week I have Monday and Tuesday set aside for track building! I then go away for a while on Wednesday. But updates will appear Monday and Tuesday...


Nestor (very tired of Brighton)

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  • RMweb Gold

It certainly does Jaz.

It's mildly frustrating as I was all ready to go and then it just sort of stopped which has meant the momentum has died. After the Brighton MRC show (of which I am a member) this weekend, I'm hoping for a return of momentum and modelling mojo...



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It certainly does Jaz.

It's mildly frustrating as I was all ready to go and then it just sort of stopped which has meant the momentum has died. After the Brighton MRC show (of which I am a member) this weekend, I'm hoping for a return of momentum and modelling mojo...



I know exactly what you mean Nestor! When your Mojo's gone.....it's gone! You can't force enthusiasm...your modelling will only suffer. I've not managed much railway modelling on Swanhurst lately - I can only work on it every other week, so hope to get the control panel sorted out next week.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

A case of a few steps forward but a tonne more backwards today.

Starting with the positive. I'm beginning to actually to get on with the track building. Although the progress is slow, I am enjoying it. It's the knowledge that I'm on the (very long) line to being able to say I've produced my own points. Today, I've been continuing to cut sleepers and rail. The next step will be having a go at a frog and also gently reminding myself how to solder...

I've also been given a load of old hand built track to do with as I please. The rail is unfortunately code 80(?) however, I can salvage most of the copper clad sleepers bringing down that cost by a heck of a lot. 


Now the steps back. It's more one giant leap back but still...

Looking at baseboards, it appears that the wood has warped. This is probably down to my own craftsmanship rather than any outside influence. Tomorrow I go away for a week (visiting friends and family) and have to decide whether I find a way to carry on with what I have, trying to perhaps give more bracing to the wood and see if that helps or start again (I know which option I would rather but I'm not sure how possible this will be). This is annoying but not disastrous. Whilst I figure out what to do with this issue, I can carry on with the point building.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold



Well I'm back and I can confirm that it appears my enthusiasm is also making a return. I'm hoping to get some work done tomorrow so watch this space...

Work will basically involve point building. I'm still debating what to do about the baseboards but this is currently secondary in my mind as I've been talking points for too long now without actually doing anything.


On a side note, whilst on my trip to see family in Ireland, I had quite a nice (if I may say so myself) idea for an Irish based layout but I'll write about that in greater detail either at another time on here or elsewhere. This isn't going to be attempted by me anytime soon but maybe one day...



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I was musing this morning about track plans and how much mine has changed since my initial idea all that time ago (nearly a year now). My very first idea was for a model of Hawkhurst but that had to be adapted to fit in the space available. I tried to keep certain aspects, such as having the engine shed coming off the run-round loop and the cattle dock at the end of the bay. The influence on the final track plan, however, would be hard to spot to the uninitiated.  


Anyway, enough of that, back to track building...

I'll post some photos when it's all at the stage to be photographed. Make take a little time (despite how fast it's been so far :jester: ) but we'll see how it goes.



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I don't think photos of sleepers and cut rail will be that exciting Andy...



HAHHAHA Nestor, you'd be surprised, just look at the rubbish that has brought conversation to Bitton, hahha


Go for it my Son.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


At the request of Andy, here are two photos that show how far (or not far depending on how you look at life) I've got with the first point. I've just run out of copper clad so will be ordering some tomorrow when I get paid (along with a load of other stuff that's been patiently awaiting payday...)





I've also been trying to scrape off some of the PVA from where the Peco track used to sit. As is often the case with the lifted railways, the words "there are still some remnants of the old line" come to mind... :) 





Will post some more progress hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday...



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Good to see some progress.

One small point - it looks as though you are using 3.3mm wide copperclad : turnout timbers were wider than plain track - it would be more appropriate to use the 4mm wide copperclad strip (also available from C & L).

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Hi Nestor, a good start at least, yes I was put right this week by Clive Mortimer, apparently normal rail is on 10'' sleepers and Points are built on 12'' sleepers, I was recommended to use the C & L 4mm x 1.06 thick as that matches the SMP track I will be using on the main with no packing underneath. apparently its advertised as 1mm thick but is actually 1.06 thick.


Hope that helps, but thanks for the pics and the best of luck with the build mate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nestor, a good start at least, yes I was put right this week by Clive Mortimer, apparently normal rail is on 10'' sleepers and Points are built on 12'' sleepers, I was recommended to use the C & L 4mm x 1.06 thick as that matches the SMP track I will be using on the main with no packing underneath. apparently its advertised as 1mm thick but is actually 1.06 thick.


Hope that helps, but thanks for the pics and the best of luck with the build mate.


You see, this is why sites like this are so useful. I would never have thought to check that. It's terribly useful having a group of people willing to point these things out for one's benefit.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Nestor, a good start at least, yes I was put right this week by Clive Mortimer, apparently normal rail is on 10'' sleepers and Points are built on 12'' sleepers, I was recommended to use the C & L 4mm x 1.06 thick as that matches the SMP track I will be using on the main with no packing underneath. apparently its advertised as 1mm thick but is actually 1.06 thick.


Hope that helps, but thanks for the pics and the best of luck with the build mate.

That's interesting. As a matter of interest SMP's own copperclad is 1.2 mm thick. Perhaps C&L rail is a slightly different height from SMP, which being Code 7.5 is about 1.9 mm high, so SMP rail soldered directly to an SMP sleeper/timber will have an overall height of 3.1 mm. The overall height of ready-made SMP track is about 3.2 mm, depending on how hard you squeeze the verniers on to the plastic sleepers. I don't think the odd 0.1 mm makes enough difference to worry about - it's certainly not a problem on my layout.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all

No progress on the points. Instead, I've been planning out the track plan in the small yard. I'm going to be using some old hand built stuff that we had lying round at our club rooms and volunteered to take out of the way save both time and money. It is far more crude than the C&L stuff but this is unimportant considering the kind of environment I want in the yard. The sleepers will be mostly buried under ballast, soot and grass. There were also several points in the same style, however, these are unusable as they are a little too crudely built. They can be used for mapping out where the points will be eventually planted.


Apologies for the photo quality





In a small side note, I've finally got round to knocking up a small workbench, something I've seriously needed for a while as I was getting looks from the other kitchen users...



All for now


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Hi Nestor,


I found all that track, a pannier body shell, a turntable, and some wooden body shells, all hidden in a bin bag at the back of a wardrobe, at some sort of charity shop in an old mill in rural Derbyshire. As it had no markings on it, and the guy running the shop didn't have a clue what it was, I picked up all that for a fiver. Glad it's getting used at last!


 With appreciation,



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I brought it along one night, from where it had been sitting (in the back of my wardrobe in a black plastic bag, funny that), the track got perused over, then put in a box in the shed. I think the body shell was sitting on DC's layout somewhere last time I saw it. That was probably more than half a year ago though, so its anyone's guess where it is now.



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