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Bachmann OO Announcements July 2014

Andy Y

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In the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along? I've never seen such negativity over something so trivial compared to what is going on in the world! Pretty depressing really! I for one love Bachmann stuff and am happy for any new additions even if there aren't many or aren't on my wish list. I'm sure they'll come one day. I wanted a new Blue Pullman and it may have taken 40 years but I got it! As my mum used to say All good things come to those who wait! Hats off to you Andy, you must have the patience of a saint!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have enquired about Bachmann doing a run of ROD O4s and the answer was (again) that a number of tooling changes would be required to do it properly. Their worry is that if it was done off the existing tooling, they would be castigated for not doing it to the exact ROD spec, including items such as the Westinghouse pump which are not included in the suite of tools for the O4. Personally I think most people would be happy to live with it, or fit their own extra details, but I do see their point.

I can't say any more about it, but having instigated the Model Rail steam locomotive limited edition that they're about to announce before I changed jobs, I think it will be very nice. I hope it does well for them, and it will be worthy of our support.

Thanks for that Ben  - I think Bachmann have made the correct decision in respect of an ROD version as it would clearly have to command some sort of premium price for the tooling changes and it would be heavily slated if it was priced in that way and failed to deliver all the features of these engines as delivered.  The only saving grace would perhaps be the opportunity to also produce them in various company liveries to represent examples which ran in that form for the comparatively short period following the war which would at least broaden the market and boil down simply to livery changes in most cases.  We would however be talking about a very small time band right at the end of the Pre-Group period and as such it can't represent a very noticeable part of the market so would probably be a risky venture.


Meanwhile we await their work for 'Model Rail' with interest - clearly notwithstanding the small range of introductions in their own name Bachmann have been busy on the commissioned model front even if that might only amount to livery changes.

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I think Bachmann are absolutely right to focus on the announcement of their entry into 009 Narrow Gauge. This is a ground breaking move which deserves the highest commendation. The fact that there are relatively few other 00 gauge announcements allows full focus on this brave and innovative development .............. and I get an early LMS Red L&Y 2-4-2T!


There is plenty to look forward to over the next few months anyway without anymore announcements and what will follow in due course, will I am sure be worth the wait. Anyway it is only 6 days to the NRM announcement and the sun is shining!


My money is on a GNR Large Atlantic or a SE&CR D Class 4-4-0.

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  • RMweb Premium

Whilst I take your pint Weathengman about the 47xx I have to disagree with some of what you write, for instance they worked between Paddington and Penzance and most points in between.. I think that constitutes a wide sphere of operation. They worked parcels, freight and goods trains so versatility is not a problem. Let's face it many people said that the Blue Pullman, Lion, Falcon, Kestrel DoG even a Garrett would not sell, but they did. The Star despite reservations has done pretty well, as I expect would a new tooled County and Saint. As for a small group of locos, the Clans too were a small group of locos, I live in hope and given that all locos are relatively expensive these days, to me it would be worth it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst I take your pint Weathengman about the 47xx I have to disagree with some of what you write, for instance they worked between Paddington and Penzance and most points in between.. I think that constitutes a wide sphere of operation. They worked parcels, freight and goods trains so versatility is not a problem.

I seem to have seen 6 of the 9 examples. Since I only "spotted" at Paddington/Old Oak, Reading and Plymouth and beyond, they must have been pretty visible. And probably less route-restricted than a King, of which plenty of models have been made and sold.

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Whilst I take your pint Weathengman about the 47xx I have to disagree with some of what you write, for instance they worked between Paddington and Penzance and most points in between.. I think that constitutes a wide sphere of operation. They worked parcels, freight and goods trains so versatility is not a problem. Let's face it many people said that the Blue Pullman, Lion, Falcon, Kestrel DoG even a Garrett would not sell, but they did. The Star despite reservations has done pretty well, as I expect would a new tooled County and Saint. As for a small group of locos, the Clans too were a small group of locos, I live in hope and given that all locos are relatively expensive these days, to me it would be worth it.


Now heres the perfect example of what we have been talking about.

I replied to a post from 7013 and effectively disagreed with something he said therein.

7013 has clicked the disagree button for my post - obvious really as clearly between the two posts there was a disagreement - not an unpleasent one but two people expressing differences of opinion.

Now here we have 7013 posting to tell me what his reason for clicking the 'disagree' button was.

He has done me the courtesy of telling me personally. This has also benefited other readers of the postings as they too can now see the wider line of thought. 

My original comments were valid and based on fact in themselves

7013 has offered his line of thinking - also based on fact and correct in themselves.

Therefore we now have a wider view open to all.

Others can now agree, disagree or walk a middle line.

But above all else the matter has been laid open for all to see.

Thats what this community is all about is it not.


Now if only all those who click the 'disagree' button adopted this course wouldnt things be better for all.

Thankyou 7013 for your courtesy.


All the best


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Now heres the perfect example of what we have been talking about.

I replied to a post from 7013 and effectively disagreed with something he said therein.

7013 has clicked the disagree button for my post - obvious really as clearly between the two posts there was a disagreement - not an unpleasent one but two people expressing differences of opinion.

Now here we have 7013 posting to tell me what his reason for clicking the 'disagree' button was.

He has done me the curtesy of telling me personally. This has also benefited other readers of the postings as they too can now see the wider line of thought. 

My original comments were valid and based on fact in themselves

7013 has offered his line of thinking - also based on fact and correct in themselves.

Therefore we now have a wider view open to all.

Others can now agree, disagree or walk a middle line.

But above all else the matter has been laid open for all to see.

Thats what this community is all about is it not.


Now if only all those who click the 'disagree' button adopted this course wouldnt things be better for all.

Thankyou 7013 for your curtesy.


All the best



Perfectly put, weatheringman.




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  • RMweb Gold

I have to say you are being very nice about 7013 - as if you read his post carefully he says he taking your pint! Surely that is the next stage up from just pressing the disagree button.





Now heres the perfect example of what we have been talking about.

I replied to a post from 7013 and effectively disagreed with something he said therein.

7013 has clicked the disagree button for my post - obvious really as clearly between the two posts there was a disagreement - not an unpleasent one but two people expressing differences of opinion.

Now here we have 7013 posting to tell me what his reason for clicking the 'disagree' button was.

He has done me the curtesy of telling me personally. This has also benefited other readers of the postings as they too can now see the wider line of thought. 

My original comments were valid and based on fact in themselves

7013 has offered his line of thinking - also based on fact and correct in themselves.

Therefore we now have a wider view open to all.

Others can now agree, disagree or walk a middle line.

But above all else the matter has been laid open for all to see.

Thats what this community is all about is it not.


Now if only all those who click the 'disagree' button adopted this course wouldnt things be better for all.

Thankyou 7013 for your curtesy.


All the best


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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst I take your pint Weathengman about the 47xx I have to disagree with some of what you write, for instance they worked between Paddington and Penzance and most points in between.. I think that constitutes a wide sphere of operation. They worked parcels, freight and goods trains so versatility is not a problem. Let's face it many people said that the Blue Pullman, Lion, Falcon, Kestrel DoG even a Garrett would not sell, but they did. The Star despite reservations has done pretty well, as I expect would a new tooled County and Saint. As for a small group of locos, the Clans too were a small group of locos, I live in hope and given that all locos are relatively expensive these days, to me it would be worth it.

On a point of detail the 47XX were barred over the Royal Albert Bridge - so they didn't go to Penzance, they were also barred from South Wales (via either route, the furthest they were allowed being Over Jcn on the old route).  So while they covered some goodly stretches of GWR/WR mainline, and looked very impressive in BR lined green livery (when they were clean, which never lasted long from what I saw) they were not quite as universal as some might think - not that such things matter too much to modellers of course.


I think they are most likely a contender to suffer from the present economic climate and, even more so, from the era of rising prices - should one appear/be announced in the coming 12 months it is unlikely to be with us before the end of next year at best when it is going to retail well in excess of £150 and that is bound to limit the market for it.  I think, to be honest, that it has missed the boat of the cheap price era and would now be subject to very strict financial analysis plus, possible dumbing down in production costs in order to shave the price.   As usual i will probably be wrong!

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I have to say you are being very nice about 7013 - as if you read his post carefully he says he taking your pint! Surely that is the next stage up from just pressing the disagree button.



Hi Rob,

Yes indeed - I did notice his typo but didnt mention it as I felt that the more important thing was his courtesy in posting.

However in future i'll keep a tight grip on my glass if I see that he is online !.


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just logged in again to catch up and im gobsmacked by the posters who have issues with the uh hum "D" button.


i am yet to hear anybody suggesting that when somebody presses the "Agree" or "Like" buttons for example those same people are not also similairly calling for explanations as to why those people like or agree with their comments.


surely the shoe fits both ways? is it more provocative, more personal when somebody does not agree with you and its a question maybe of wanting to further the "debate" or even hoping for acresponse to try and savevface on a public forum (instead of maybe taking it off to private message) rather than the disagee-er turning the other cheek, disagreeing without continuing or feeling the need to enter into further OT debates or justifications or proof or whatever (or even on topic !) then walking away from further maybe unnecessary written conflict? strikes me that it could be better this way because without the option of the D button poster and disagee-er could endctaking over a complete thread battling out their differences of opinion. ive used the D button on a few occasions for these reasons and it seems to have served me quite well without upsetting folk and its scotched any further more boyish or barbed retorts from the original poster.


the fact that you will always feel out a few that just use the D button as a device for their own means is their problem not yours or ours......


pheweee....it gets a bit too hot under the collar in here sometimes.

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Not being brought up in the GWR church, I only know what I've heard video narrators tell me. And that was the 47XX's were night machines mostly. What this tells me is, even if they were seen during the day at times, they couldn't have been common and garden GW engines. I could also add they were 'red dot' route restricted and a small class, but since when did such minor matters count for anything when the old 'Gee I must have one' is levering at the card-wallet. It would be a brave man that put 47XX head-to-head with a Q6 in terms of numbers they would sell. I could imagine the big GW 2-8-0s on through trains over the S&DJR  (cos of the Mendips ol' boy) as well as the local branch goods (it gets well loaded on Wednesdays)... ;)

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Apart from the spelling...... (grabs coat and rushes out of thread)


Appologies if any errors crept in.

Modern dam nuisance spell checkers, a cat trying to type with me by walking on the keyboard and worst of all that I have days when the arthritis in my fingers causes big problems (no modelling on those days as its impossible) all have their effect.


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  • RMweb Premium


Appologies if any errors crept in.

Modern dam nuisance spell checkers, a cat trying to type with me by walking on the keyboard and worst of all that I have days when the arthritis in my fingers causes big problems (no modelling on those days as its impossible) all have their effect.



No need for apologies. Even I make speeling pistakes from time to time :O , but occasionally someone's spelling error just comes across as particularly humourous and I find it difficult to resist the temptation to point it out.

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Perhaps Bachmann doesn't think the O4 will sell well enough for a standard production run. My money is on it being the Model Rail Limited Edition to be announced in the Summer 2014 edition out at the end of the month.

I have enquired about Bachmann doing a run of ROD O4s and the answer was (again) that a number of tooling changes would be required to do it properly. Their worry is that if it was done off the existing tooling, they would be castigated for not doing it to the exact ROD spec, including items such as the Westinghouse pump which are not included in the suite of tools for the O4. Personally I think most people would be happy to live with it, or fit their own extra details, but I do see their point.

I can't say any more about it, but having instigated the Model Rail steam locomotive limited edition that they're about to announce before I changed jobs, I think it will be very nice. I hope it does well for them, and it will be worthy of our support.

Perhaps relatedly, Bachmann Branch-Line has cancelled their planned additional GWR ROD.


The model in question is: 31-129A, 3000 Class ROD 2-8-0 Steam Locomotive No. 3028.


I believe that this item was from the 2013 catalogue.

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It is a shame that your post has a sour note.Why,I ask,,should it....or your guess...be worth nothing ?


Ha. No inside info or logic, it's just a pure 100% wish :-) I'd be first in line to buy a dozen or so!

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Bitterly disappointed that the 47xx has yet again been overlooked, come on DJM it would be a sure fir winner.

Understood. It would be nice to have a 47xx made, but for me it's in the 'nice to have' bucket. It's not necessary to represent most GWR operations. Criticisms of the recent Hornby 8-coupled tanks aside, there's no shortage of GWR 8-coupled motive power for freight. (Churchward 28xx 2-8-0s, the Bachmann ROD, etc.)


I would seriously question if the 47xx would be a 'sure fire winner' - and i'm a GWR/BRWR modeller.

A numerically small class with restricted operational areas. ...

Whilst I take your pint Weathengman about the 47xx I have to disagree with some of what you write, for instance they worked between Paddington and Penzance and most points in between.. I think that constitutes a wide sphere of operation. ...

I seem to have seen 6 of the 9 examples. Since I only "spotted" at Paddington/Old Oak, Reading and Plymouth and beyond, they must have been pretty visible. And probably less route-restricted than a King, of which plenty of models have been made and sold.

On a point of detail the 47XX were barred over the Royal Albert Bridge - so they didn't go to Penzance, they were also barred from South Wales (via either route, the furthest they were allowed being Over Jcn on the old route). ...


I think they are most likely a contender to suffer from the present economic climate and, even more so, from the era of rising prices - should one appear/be announced in the coming 12 months it is unlikely to be with us before the end of next year at best when it is going to retail well in excess of £150 and that is bound to limit the market for it.  I think, to be honest, that it has missed the boat of the cheap price era and would now be subject to very strict financial analysis plus, possible dumbing down in production costs in order to shave the price.   As usual i will probably be wrong!

Not being brought up in the GWR church, I only know what I've heard video narrators tell me. And that was the 47XX's were night machines mostly. What this tells me is, even if they were seen during the day at times, they couldn't have been common and garden GW engines.

A good discussion gents. Route availability is not a determinate in whether an RTR model will sell. As one of the few distinctive, (essentially meaning not a 4-6-0), later and unmodelled (in RTR) GWR classes, it has an appeal to many punters. My hunch is that it will be the top polling GWR locomotive in this year's MREmag and RMWeb wishlist poll (unless enough people come to their senses and vote for the steam railmotor that is.)


Do people need them to model representative GWR traffic? No not at all. There were only nine of them after all and as Larry says, they mostly ran at night.


Would it be nice to have one? Sure, why not?


Would it sell? Yes, I think so, but as Mike points out it would be north of £150.


There are probably other things 'western' that will sell better and interestingly, I learned yesterday that Bachmann cancelled their second issue of the ROD 2-8-0.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Weatheringman, always good to have a civilised exchange whereby we all learn something. Thanks too Stationmaster for pointing out that the 47xx did not reach Penzance, my enthusiasm for the loco got the better of me!

Quite right Ronny using the word 'why' to my wife is fraught with danger!


PS I don't drink so Weatheringmans pint is safe ha ha.

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Hi all,


This is probably a daft question but are all of the diesel locos been released in 2014? Or will some be released in 2015?


I will definitely be buying DRS Compass 37405 and possibly 20118.


Shame their is no HNRC 20 or DRS 20.


Thank you in advance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not being brought up in the GWR church, I only know what I've heard video narrators tell me. And that was the 47XX's were night machines mostly. What this tells me is, even if they were seen during the day at times, they couldn't have been common and garden GW engines. I could also add they were 'red dot' route restricted and a small class, but since when did such minor matters count for anything when the old 'Gee I must have one' is levering at the card-wallet. It would be a brave man that put 47XX head-to-head with a Q6 in terms of numbers they would sell. I could imagine the big GW 2-8-0s on through trains over the S&DJR  (cos of the Mendips ol' boy) as well as the local branch goods (it gets well loaded on Wednesdays)... ;)

I doubt I saw more than half the class (one of those irritating types where I kept seeing the same two or three) but they created a big impression, whether on a Summer Saturday Torbay Express or the Westbury - Exeter Central Presflos and seeing one always made the day a bit special.


They weren't actually supposed to go 'upstairs' at Exeter, but despite only occasionally visiting the city on weekdays, I recall two arrivals, one piloted by a Hall and another a year or so later by a BR 2-6-4T. I think the latter may have been the last revenue earning duty performed by a member of the class.



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