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Hello Everybody!


I have finally managed to get the lattice work finished on the top of that building.  I had to make a new bit today just to finish it off because the long strip stopped being square about halfway down...





There's plenty to add after I've painted it - like weeds and trees and stuff - I almost cut a new window into the roof but decided against it, mainly because I'm not very good at making roof windows!  I also started to fill in the hole at the bottom, I've got a few bits to stick on around it, but apart from that I reckon there's nothing left to stick on to the front of this building!



From the back.  Time for a bit of paint I think...


Lots to do!



Edited by MrSimon
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  • RMweb Premium

Very impressive Mr Simon. Top marks from me as always :)


Can you remind me how or from where the fiddly green detailing across the very top of the roof came about please, and thank you?


Thanks Mark!


The green fiddly bits are the top half of some Langley etched fencing.  I'm pretty sure its Langley A44 Fencing and Gates - a really useful etch with three different types of ornate railings.



The building is looking spot on Simon, your attention to detail and the way it's produced are excellent.




Thanks Graham!


I've just got the back and roof to finish, its been a bit of a monster to get done - despite being only 2" wide - but I'm really pleased with how its turned out.



I slightly, accidentally, half designed Gresby's replacement over the weekend... it'll be a while before I do anything about building it yet though :D





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I need somewhere to run the electrics :D  Its only sketches at the mo, nothing as organised as actual measurements or anything - and I doubt anything will happen until Gresby's finished - but it is pretty intriguing





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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!


BIt of a photo-heavy post this afternoon, but you don't really mind that do you? 


I've had a bit of a building building session after it cooled down last night - and got the grills stuck on the exchange building that I've been meaning to get sorted since February...



A close up of the grills.  They all need tonight down, and bits of paint need a bit of touching up, but the outside is almost complete and ready for weathering now :D


I walked passed the building I based it on this morning and decided that a pair of pipes going up to the roof would look quite good too:



I'll see about adding them when I finish the inside of the top floor and start on the roof.  Here are the other pictures of the model I took this morning:



The side facing the track



The side facing the road



Corner view.


I also got the new bits on the front of the old office painted - again it needs details and weathering, but all the main work is now done on the front of this:





I did the boarded up cellar windows too but I'll revisit them when I bed the building into the pavement.





The side and the back need finishing off - the side won't need much work because it butts up pretty close to the viaduct - but I need to finish the lift shaft and stick it on (I didn't want to do that bit until I'd finished fiddling with the front)



Final shot today - the plan view of the roof.  I'm in two minds about chimney pots, but there'll probably be no handrails on the roof access steps.


I'm going to measure up the plots for the two remaining buildings next week :D


Lots to do!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Thanks David! 


I'm glad the baseboard wasn't wide enough for me to model more of the office front, but I'm really pleased with how its turned out.  Both buildings seem to have taken ages to finish though.  It does look like the Addams Family house :D - it will even more when I add the weeds and trees growing out of the roof. 


I moved house again this week, so I should be able to get cracking with finishing off the new office and start an exciting new building when I've unpacked my desk. Woooo.





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  • 5 months later...

Hi Simon


Excellent work you have done, how many hours as it taken you to do what you have achieved so far... not to mention the hours left till completion of the whole thing.


Great work, keep it up.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Everybody!


Thank you for your comments - its been a while since Gresby was in the top few pages :D


Hi Simon,


 Any updates on the layout? 





I don't have any updates I'm afraid.  I moved to a new flat in the summer and Gresby has remained at my parents house; I don't have anywhere to store it in its present form and while I've been working out my options I've not done any work on any of the buildings.


Realistically I think my options for the layout are to sell it, or convert it to fit the space I have.  I have space to set it up (but not permanently) but not store it.  There's loads more to do on the layout to finish it; in its present state I don't think I'd get enough for the old layout to buy track for a new one.


So I think I'm heading towards taking up the track, scenery and wires and transferring it all onto boards that will fit under the bed and on top of the wardrobe.  I've been doing sketchy plans to fit a modified trackplan onto two boards, but I've not decided on anything yet (except that I want to keep most of the buildings I've built).


While I work out what the plan is I'll carry on with the rolling stock (on my workbench thread)


Lots to do!







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Hello Everybody!


Thank you for your comments - its been a while since Gresby was in the top few pages :D



I don't have any updates I'm afraid.  I moved to a new flat in the summer and Gresby has remained at my parents house; I don't have anywhere to store it in its present form and while I've been working out my options I've not done any work on any of the buildings.


Realistically I think my options for the layout are to sell it, or convert it to fit the space I have.  I have space to set it up (but not permanently) but not store it.  There's loads more to do on the layout to finish it; in its present state I don't think I'd get enough for the old layout to buy track for a new one.


So I think I'm heading towards taking up the track, scenery and wires and transferring it all onto boards that will fit under the bed and on top of the wardrobe.  I've been doing sketchy plans to fit a modified trackplan onto two boards, but I've not decided on anything yet (except that I want to keep most of the buildings I've built).


While I work out what the plan is I'll carry on with the rolling stock (on my workbench thread)


Lots to do!






Hi simon,


I'm in a similar predicament myself....just waiting to move so as I can start another layout.


It's been great watching Gresby progress, I'm sad to hear of it's possible demise, but I'm chuffed to hear your holding onto the stunning buildings you've made. Hope to see them on another venture of yours soon :)


All the best,


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Mark(s),


It has been a pretty difficult decision, but the layouts 120 miles away and I've not got anywhere to keep it here - if it was finished I'd probably exhibit it up north a few times and then sell it, but its not and I can't really finish it off - so  conversion/rebuild is probably my best option.


I've planned out where most of the buildings are going - if I go down the Gresby-2 route I'm keeping the station with the streets at each end; so the offices, terraces, station building, old shop and car lot will be coming on, to the new layout - as well as the tunnel and country road bridge.  There was always bits of the layout that I wasn't happy with, so a rebuild would be good to sort these... but its a nuisance.


I'm looking forward to seeing the next iteration Shawbury, so good luck with the move!





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  • 1 year later...
  • RMweb Premium

This is not a drill... Work has restarted on Gresby!


Not a lot of work admittedly, but enough to keep me occupied and hopefully get the layout finished enough to do some exhibitions.


Firstly, you remember the tram I bought?





It got taken to bits (which was surprisingly difficult compared to the cars I'd cut up)



Then I filled in some windows and accidentally bent the roof (I've straightened it up a bit, but not much).  Then I filled in a load more windows, covered over some more, and re-roofed the upstairs:







I thought it might have been a dilapidated chicken coup that used to be a holiday cottage.  Now I think it might be a bit derelict even for the chickens!



Planks through the roof.  It's all going to take a lot of painting!



While I was visiting home at the weekend I tried out a few plots; now it's going on the desk to finish off and hopefully I'll be able to fix it onto the layout.



I took some buildings up with me to try them on the layout.  This is the first time the exchange has ever been on the layout.  It doesn't quite fit!  I need to alter the side slightly so it sits flush with the backscene, and change the back corner so it fits into the curve I put in the backscene.



I brought the nearly-finished brewery back too.  I'm not sure if it had been on the layout before, but it certainly hadn't in this state.  I had to carve a few mm from the pavement, and I need to glue the floor down firmly where the balsa has slightly warped, but I'm happy with what I've got so far.  This is a general shot I took that hopefully showed a lot of bits I need to get done.





The front and back of the brewery building, it needs a lot of detailing, weathering and finishing off.  I'm happy the van fits though, but when I glue it down I'll need to make sure it looks like its driven in.



I spent quite a lot of friday night building up the backscene so it was flat, then I cut out and fitted a sky.  I'm not sure whether I'll do anything else to it or leave it plain.



I'm going to have to have a go at stacking...


I want to try and get at least one of these buildings permanently fitted and bedded in when I'm back at Christmas.


Lots to do!



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good to see Gresby back,


with regards the van looking as though it's driven in, turning the wheels will help with that as though it's been wiggled into the space and "that'll do" and the handbrake yanked on.


I've never seen a work van parked with it's wheels straight!

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I feel like a long-lost friend has come back into my life :)


I've been missing all those wonderful buildings full of character and love the work on the tram (although at the same time always feel sad to see trams dilapidated - but that's just my affection for them).


Anyway, hopefully there's more to come / more regularly on Gresby in the near-future :)

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Thanks for your messages everyone!


I have a strange fondness for buildings like that too Ben - both my schools were slightly less heavy duty versions of the CLASP design - it should make for a building just as characterful as the older buildings.


I'll see what I can do with the van wheels Black Sheep! They're the moulded in type on those older style continental transit vans - but turning the wheels is exactly what the van needs :)


It's good to be back Mark, and there are still at least four buildings that I haven't started yet! My plan is to build/finish the buildings and then fit them onto the layout when I'm up in Newark visiting. I know what you mean about the tram, but without a lot of holiday cottages and chicken coups we wouldn't have trams like Chesterfield 7 (etc) to ride on. It's been pretty difficult to convert the tram, working out where the delapodation would be and then making it look like a repaired shed rather than an old tram.


How's Frankland?


London will grind to a halt tomorrow if the threatened 7 flakes of snow fall, so I should be able to crack on with everything :)


Lots to do!



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The idea over Christmas is that since Hawthorn Dene isn't going anywhere before February it can stay on end at the back corner of the workshop, Furtwangen Ost can be stacked next to it when it returns from Bournville on December 5th.  As No Place is currently on the workbench that will leave the workshop clear enough for Simon to erect and work on Gresby over the holiday- in return for helping me re-erect Hawthorn Dene when he goes back so I can prepare it for Doncaster.


Doesn't life get complicated when there are 4 layouts using one 16' by 10' shed......



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