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My first brass model FINISHED ! - scratchbuilt

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I know at sometime I will want to have a go at making a loco or some rolling stock in brass but this isn't about that. I had a customer who need a specific model in 4mm scale. He wanted an older man in a wheelchair being pushed by a soldier. The soldier was easy the rest not so much to meet what he described.


In the end I decided to take the plunge and try it in brass - well actually some nickel silver wire, some brass shim and some brass dressmakers pins. The figure is just a very simple conversion of a Dapol figure ( just leg re-positioning )


Not a masterpiece I agree but you have to start somewhere - maybe I'm ready for that loco kit now - maybe not :-)

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Hi Rob,

That looks very nice and neat, well done!

I'd certainly like to see the finished article(s) when you're done, please.

As for kits, I'd say you're ready to get going but start on say, a wagon kit first as it's cheaper and easier & probably quicker too!

All the best,

John E.

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  • RMweb Premium

What a superb job, if as you say, that is your first venture into working with brass you need have no worries about building something more complex.  It is obvious you can solder well and that is the first big step that everybody seems afraid of. Soldering isn't a black art and after a bit of practice with the correct iron, flux and solder it is easy and nothing to be frightened of.


An excellent job and good luck with your next project.



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  • 5 months later...

I just took a few 'in progress' shots for the customer and thought I would show them here


As you can see I need to tweak one of the front wheels ( easy peasy ) and then one more coat of matt varnish and its done - you can see he is a veteran with a uniformed helper









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Hi Ian


The standing figure is from Dart Castings


The sitting figure is from Dapol ( ex Airfix ) 


He is very lightly modified to reposition legs and feet angles and the medals are just painted on


Here he is on the top right of a batch I painted lasted year





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Lovely work.

Making brass patterns is incredibly rewarding ,a sort gosh Mum I made all that from a bit of brass.Trouble is it takes   me another  year to grow my burnt ,filed down ,sawn through ,and ground to a bloody pulp fingers back .

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Must make some of there bum's hurt.




and with the sound of the door been bolted behind him OzzyO walks off into the cold wet streets of an unknown town trying to find his way to his home town. Such is the life of a wandering modeller carrying a fully loaded soldering iron.

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