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Jessy1692's bits & pieces- Coaching stock and wagon bashing stuff with the odd loco

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I will try to add in photos again as and when I can but may have lost a few of some bits of various builds between laptops and various phones.




Here is how DHP1 turned out long before KR Models thought of it!











Evening all, thought id start my own thread for this one rather than do blog up dates which i always forget to do. JUst finished another deltic so i thought its time for something different.


Iv always wanted to have a crack at DHP1, probably one of the most elusive prototypes that only lasted 3 years or so. Having scoured the internet for pics & info and found as many articles in mags that i could i have kept an eye out for a Heljan Clayton going cheap on Ebay for a while. I got a chassis for 20 odd quid a couple of weeks back, it runs but is slow but for the time being it will do. No bodies were floating about on Ebay, i dont think iv ever seen one on its own on there so i emailed Howes and Martyn supplied me with a full body. I sat for about a week thinking up a plan and finally started cutting plastic a couple of nights ago, heres how it began:



Chassis demolished and cab section removed, plans were scanned in from an article in a magazine and blown up to scale, DHP1 is usually described as bigger than a clayton but its acually shorter, the cab is a lot longer than a clayton, bonets shorer and wider. Checking things over, it looks like 9mm has to be taken out of the Heljan chassis & body, bonnets widened by 5mm or so as well the bonnet side doors moving around.




Out came the razor saw & circular saw in the dremel, the Heljan body cut in 2 and the first bonet removed, i wanted to keep as much of the door details as possible as they are identical on DHP1 so it was a case of slowly but surely for the first bonnet to make sure i got the cuts right, basically making it up as i went




All went well thanfully, as you might be able to see i actually cut throgh the runing plate rather thank slicing the botom of the doors to ry keep as much detail as possible.





After that it was time to split the bonnet down to be widened, nice bit of masking tape to keep things straight on out came the razor saw.



THe next thing was to move the 2 cupboard doors towards the from of the nose, so that meant cutting and swapping around the doors/vetnts to match how they were on DHP1, luckily the doors are exactly the same, so no need to fiddle too much, just a case of cutting straight and not wrecking the detail.


Once the panel was removed, the rad grill was sliced off, filed flat to be re used to fill the gap up (glued back to front hence why its green). plasticard was stuck behind to give a good place to fix the re aranged panels





All was looking well for this side so repeated the same on the other side except i kept the door with the 2 louvred panels for use later on teh cab sides so substituted some plasticard. The area towards where the cab will be might look scrappy now but most of it will be hidden behind the new extended cab sheets when i get round to it (or thats the plan anyway) so ill sort them later. At vthe moment im just concentrating on getting the bonets sorted.


After all the cuting of the bonnets sides was done & set it was time to get the 2 halves back together but 5.5 mm wider, bit of a faff at first but a couple of plasticard stretchers went in frst then a strip of thick stuf was cut and cemented into the gap, for strength and also to start building up ready for filler. Widening really does change dthe look of the ends, just to show how much wider it is heres the streched bonnet sat with the unaltereed end inside, nearly a perfect fit!



PLenty of plasticard later all was set and when offered u to he plans is just a bout spot on, that was Sunday night and i couldnt believe how much id got done so spurred on i did the other end tonight, so i now ave 2 matching bonnet sections.




So thats where i am now, loads still to do, fill, fill, fill is the next job and onces im happy i will be marking out & cutting the new rad grill at the front and the indicator box and then figuring out how to make the louvres on top of the bonnets too. Then the cab oh and cut the chassis and create some new battery boxes....... and there was me thinking ill have this done in no time!!


Anyway i best be off, apologies for any spelling or bad punctuation. Next time ill try get some more background info on DHP1 added too for anyone who wants some more info.


Cheers for looking


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Nice to see some good old "kit bashing" to produce a real one-off.

Thanks Peter, im surprised i havnt seen another one but its quite a bit of work, should keep me out of bother for a while

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  • RMweb Premium

Got to say I had never heard of this loco. Looks like an interesting project. Looking forward to seeing more - I'll have to try and find a pic of the real thing too.

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So a little later than i had hoped heres a little potted history of DHP1, mostly cribbed from an article in May's issue of Railways Illustrated and also Modern Locomotives Illustrated (prototype issue)

DHP1 was a joint venture between Rolls Royce and Clayton, built primarily to test Rolls Royce engines & hydraulic converters.


It was an extremely complicated design, with 4 375hp engines, 4 torque converters, 2 gearboxes, one forward/reverse gearboxs al from RR and aparntly also 4 David Brown gear boxes. If it sounds a bit bit familiar, a certain Colonel Fell was involved in the development after the demise of his 10100, probably in the hope that Hydraulic transmission might be a bit better than the mechanical transmission in 10100.


Claytons received the order from RR on Jan 10th 1961, DHP1 was assembled at Clayton's Hatton works alongside production 17's, well not quite apparantly the workshops were full so it was built in a purose built shed at the rear of the main workshops. DHP1 was completed in June 63 and was rolled out for pictures in its striking red & cream livery, link to a pic on flikr, theres very few pics on the web, most of the pics i have are scanned from mags but obviously i cant post here



Testing started in July 63 when a few liht engine moves took place on BR betwen Tutbury & Stretton Junction, accesed directly from Clayton's yard, Loaded runs were made with freight stock on the line from Uttoxeter to Leeks in the Winter of 63 & 64. Pictures have been published for what looks like the first time of DHP1 with passenger stock on the Leek line in Railways Illustrated, again there are precious few images i can find with gogle image search.


Final trials ended on March 10th 1964, with the loco only clocking up 450 miles it was stored in Clayton's yard.


The final working on BR saw it move from Hatton to International Combustion (Clayton's parent company) in Derby when their own works shunter failed, it was needed as International Combustion were busy with the 10 'Cuban 47' order so a shunter was required desparately. DHP1 was made ready an moved under its own power over BR to Derby, heres a link to a few pics of it in Derby with the Cuban 47's and the last couple of Claytons being fitted with RR engines





After the works shunter was repaired, DHP1 was stored and on April 12th 1966 the order came for it to be scrapped, the engines went back to RR and other equipmnt returned to Clayton and the rest was broken up for scrap, and that was the end f DHP1



It is the most elusive of all prototypes, in fact my Dad didnt believe me when i told him about it a few years ago, iv been building up my collection of photos for a few years and its only been in the last year or so that I have found some detailed articles that has helped spur me on to have a go at making it.


Latest update on the model so far:


Tonights jobs were filling the bonnets and a start was made on stretching the cab


The cab needs extending by quite a bit so to keep the shape i decided to use the Heljan cab and to create some overlays with thin plasticard. 1st job was to cut the cab up ready for strecting



One side was cut to at the gutters to move the side 4.5 mm inboard so the door would line up with the plans, i did toy with the idea of keeping them as they were but then if im copying a new side overlay from the plans i thought i best do it properly. the centre section was set aside to dry & harden before any more work was done. The next job on this section will be to reduce the height of the doors as DHP1 doory were about 2 mm shorter in 4mm and an extra step will need to be added in once the overlays are on.


The end pieces has the exhaust boxes removed and the window from detail filed back, DHP1 had 3 windows at the from so a new window plate is begining to take shape, i just cut the plans and stuck them to plasticard and loosly cut the window apertures ready to file out fully.


Not as much progress tonight i feel but a lot of thinking has gone into it and a lot of tea drunk, the pln is coming together and over the bank holiday i hope to get some bits done.


Last job for tonight was to get a load of filler onto the bonnetts, it looks a bit messy but iv managed to keep all the detail so far, next job will be to slice off the lights to be kept safe whilst i tackle the sanding down, they will be repositions once i have cut the new indicator box and rad grill (which i have a cunning plan for but will require a trip to Buton's DEMU showcase)



Thanks for looking, and as always apologies for any spelling or wording errors, shouldnt type these up at gone midnight!



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Just to add to James' excellent post above, the International Combustion Works were situated alongside the Derby - Chellaston Jn line in the Sinfin area of the town.

Thanks Peter

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Well i didnt get anything done over the weekend, the sun was out so pubs & BBQs won.....


Anyway moving on from the sliced up Heljan cab, i traced out on some 10 thou plasticard the new side sheets for the cabs, cut them out, bent them for the profile and stuck the on. Filled up the gaps at the back with off cuts to create a much more stable cab. All looks square so iv left it to dry out. Last job was to fill in the door aperture by 6mm to match how DHP1 was, ill trim back the over size step once its all dry and likewise open the windows out, but thats for another day...post-5804-0-06128200-1432766737.jpgpost-5804-0-30146900-1432766739.jpg



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Proper cut'n'shut modelling. Just don't tell the insurance company!


Looking forward to the finished article.





Cheers Mick, yeah proper cut and shut job this one, wouldnt reccomend a crash test at the mo!

Ta fo looking

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers Mick, yeah proper cut and shut job this one, wouldnt reccomend a crash test at the mo!

Ta fo looking

Talking of crash test and DHP1, my scratch built model failed is crash test. I had almost completed the body work when I dropped it and smashed the cab , not too badly. It sat in my large pile of uncompleted projects. I had a clear out of stock that did not relate to my then layout Hanging Hill and it was never finished. I cannot find a photo of it, I am not sure if I took any.


The power unit was a Tensodo bogie, this was pre Heljan Clayton days. It is now under a scratchbuilt BTH Type 1 that was given to me by Robin Idle. 

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Whoops. Forgot to say it is nice to see someone having a go at modelling a diesel.

Thanks Clive, i did wonder if you had done one as you seem to have built most diesels from scratch, pity you never finished it would have been good to see.If it wasnt for guys like you bashing and building i would never have attempted half the stuff i do now, cheers for looking


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Looks really good! Makes you wonder how many other weird and wacky loco designs were around at that time (and how close they may have come to being built!)

Cheers mate, oh im sure there were a few more odd balls, ive got a few, GT3 is one of my favourites and iv done a super deltic out of a lima 50 n a deltic, details in my old blogs if your interested. Now wheres that drawing of a deltic engined class 20.....

cheers for looking, more updates due possibly Sunday night

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So another weekend passed without any progress but a bit of fishing and a trip to Burton for DEMU is a good enough excuse i recon, so progress this week has been fairly steady.

Id sanded the noses down a week or so ago and started marking up the ends ready for new radiators etc. My original plan was to find some grills that would do at DEMU, however the closest i could see were some A1 class 20 grilles but they wouldnt be perfect, so after a bit of a rummage around my scrap box i came accross a Tri Ang Blue Pullman, measured the side louvres near the cab doors and found they would be pretty good, out came the circular and files and a plan was formed.





Id also been playing with headcodes boxes and in my haste stuck one on bt was fair from straight so had to take it off and ruined it..... They are just some old craftsman boxes recycled from a home made baby deltic, it pays never to throw anything away!


Ill get a bit of filler into the bottom of the louvres to make it look at bit more like DHP1 later.


Next up was a lot of pondering about the bodyside louvres above the nose side doors, eventually i made my own slats out of 10 thou plasticard cut into 5mm wide strips, 1st layer glued about 1mm back from the edge of the bottom layer 2nd layer then glued on top but flush with the bottom layer and repeated to get my 3 slat louvres. After another but of thinking i reconed it would be best to cut a slot in the body side to fix them in so out came the cutting disc in the drill again and the files. I did a couple last night and finished the job tonight im please with how its looking so far, just need to let it dry off and can get a bit of filler in and think about the flat breading for the louvres.





I finished up having a think about the cab fronts and getting the windows cut so that will keep me out of bother for a while.

Thanks for the likes & comments, ta for looking


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Evening all, another bit of progress tonight focussing on the cab section. Last night id cut out the front view from a couple of plans and stuck them onto plasticard with PVA so tonights first job was to carefully cut out the windows and remove the paper, all went very well so next was gluing on some very thin beading id sliced off, once reasonable dry i rounded the corners slightly and got them fitted to the cab module. Now the plans show the top of the centre window as being flat but photos show it curved so these might be getting filed out at another point but for now its glued in.






Buoyed with success i tacked the job id been dreading, cutting the side windows, i probably shoudl have cut these before i stuck the side sheets on but after a bit of deliberation i figuered a new sharp blade was all it would take and some patience, things went well until i slipped and took a bit too much off one cab window sill so this hase been filed down to the original Heljan clayton sill and built up, filler will be chucked in tomorrow to even it up. The nagging thing now is the cab door window, its still the original clayton size wich is about 1mm too big all round for DHP1, shall i change it? shoudl i leave it? i dont know yet but all i know is i wish id thought on before i glued the thin side sheets on because it would have been easier to alter!




Ill have to have a think and see how it looks tomorrow, a couple of jobs left to go now, make a roof, cut foot holes for boiler access port, cabside window beading and filler here and there and i think it might be time to re unite the nose end and cabs, it all seems to be going a bit too well.......


Thats all for tonight i might get some more done over the weekend but first i need to book some tickets for Vic & Bob's tour, they are coming to Leeds Arena next Jan, too good to miss!

Ta for looking


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  • RMweb Premium

Very well played indeed! Looking forward to seeing how your DHP1 progress. Very reminiscent of Monty Well's seminal series of articles in Railway Modeller in the mid-80s which so inspired me to start hacking about diesel models.


Ah... yes, the Deltic Chopper. I have a copy of the Weight Diagram somewhere in my files. Longer than a standard 20 by 1 or 2 bonnet doors.


There was also a stretched Type 3 version of the 20, mounting a 12CSVT and riding on (probably) class 37/50/55-type bogies. I have a bunch of Lima 20 shells I started hacking in one of my crates (along with the double-cab 20 and the cabless 'slave')

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Very well played indeed! Looking forward to seeing how your DHP1 progress. Very reminiscent of Monty Well's seminal series of articles in Railway Modeller in the mid-80s which so inspired me to start hacking about diesel models.


Ah... yes, the Deltic Chopper. I have a copy of the Weight Diagram somewhere in my files. Longer than a standard 20 by 1 or 2 bonnet doors.


There was also a stretched Type 3 version of the 20, mounting a 12CSVT and riding on (probably) class 37/50/55-type bogies. I have a bunch of Lima 20 shells I started hacking in one of my crates (along with the double-cab 20 and the cabless 'slave')

Thanks Alan, its coming together fairly well, off fishing tonight so might get some more done tomorrow. Really enjoying this build so far most drastic bash iv done for a while. Think i may go after beefed up 20 next would be good to see your master and slave one

Ta for looking in mate


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Right then bit more progress today, first job as to get the roof on faily easy job and then i glued the ribs on and left it to harden. Next i thought id cut the 2 halves of the sole beams together to the correct length, bit tricky to get these to dry straight as they would spring inwards so much use of clips blue tac and spare weights were used to get everything flat & true.




Whilst that was hardening off, i turned to the bonnets, these need shortening by a fair bit to fit to the extended cab, also i cut off the bottom 3mm or so and levelled everything up. So the moment of truth arrived, time to rebuild the body and hope its still square, i glued one bonnet end on, checked for lever and its centered, all went well, next i grabbed the cab section and had to trim the window overlay to the bonnet ends, slowly but surely it came together. Id blu tacked some plasticard spacers in under the cab to keep the sole beams the correct distance apart and happily the cab sat pretty well so out came the liquid poly and a liberal application and the cab was left to set. Final job was to cut the second bonnet down just the same, except it wasnt as i was working from the plans when i cut it to the measurements i took from the left hand side of the plans its was too long, a bit of head scratching and measuring the plans, the bonnet on the left is a about 1.5mm longer than the one on the right! i think this is probably down to the home spun scanning & scaling method so a little more was trimmed off and the bonnet pushed a but further into the cab and thankfully i think it looks ok and isnt too obvious.








Thats about it for tonight, i was amazed at how when the first bonnet & cab went together it stopped looking like a clayton and into DHP1, i took a couple of pics of the body with my Dave Alexander Clayton for comparison, it really shows how much longer a Clayton is and also the beefed up bonnets on DHP1.




PLenty to do now, lots of filling, exhaust covers up the windscreens, hand holesfor boiler acces and to re attach the lights at some point, but at least its getting somewhere near now.

Cheers for looking


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