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Hi all

My new project is called Depot


It is a small 30cm x 100cm section of a BR depot in the 1980s.


I wanted a non working plank with which to store my locos on.

And then I thought why not turn it in a modeling exercise.


It also has to be stored in a small area. So that is why it is in two sections. With the locos sitting on the top section when stored in the cupboard


Below - a loose idea of track layout and the glass fronted cupboard it needs to be stored in




First building





Begining to scatchbuild the low relief locoshed which will be part of the backscene






This will not have any power. It will be for storage /photographs


I want it too ooze atmosphere. Rusty rails, weeds, oil sludge all over.


So boards painted the appropriate muddy black




DaveF´s and JeffP´s pics are great inspirational starting points.


Loads of great depot shots on Jeff´s thread, Showing track and grime





I now await two long Y points through the post and when get those I can lay the track.




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  • 1 month later...

Well I have my first day I was not working in a month!

So I got up late and then cracked on with the project


Finished scratchbuilding the shed.

So the buildings are basicaly complete. However they need guttering drain pipes and weathering ect.

The scratchbuilt shed has been designed so a loco can be stored but seen through the windows.


The track went down and the buffer stop was built.

So all in all a productive day.


As you can see it is designed to be stored in a limited space in two sections.


Lots of work to do but the basics are now done.

Walk ways, hard standings , building weathering are all still to come.


It will have power but just for the lighting.

The tracks will not have power and it is designed as a loco storage/photo plank area

But as you can see a fiddle yard and power could be added if so desired. But I do not think I will ever bother.


Want to go heavy on the ground scenics, just like in Boxchester.

Just like the pics in the JeffP photo thread



A few pics of today progress here























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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Happy New year all  :)


Slow progress.

Both buildings now finished

Concrete hard standings, storage shack, lighting, cable trunking now on


Next with be ballast and lots of polyfiller on this one.

And then the moment of truth. The ground scenics will be painted and weathered and it will all come together or it wont!


As it is Sunday. Pic of 33045 leaving Boxchester with a short permanent way train. I was hoping a lightly weathered 73124 would be pulling it.

(Very disappointed about cancelling my order for Dapol 73124, as I have waited for ever for it ....but 120pounds for something the wrong colour, no thanks)


A few pictures of progress so far

















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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I almost gave up on this, as it was going badly.  But it seems to coming together again.

A few pics of progress so far.








Good stuff - lots of nice muck and grime in all the right places - maybe C&L track would've been better for upclose detail - right up my street.



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Yes totally agree about the track Ian.

This is my second model.


So I think the next stage on number three is to build my own track

Or perhaps this




Yes - look at the fishplates! - I have a mixture of 100 -  75 flexi then C&L for the near fine detail on the latest attempt - cheating a bit -  but the courser stuff is in the distance and not too noticeable  -  time saving.


When and what will the backscene be? - Art Printers are generally very good.



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  • 1 month later...

I still need to blend ground scenics on the two boards a bit more.

Finished pics here




































More pictures that show the weathered locos are here





A little bit of point in the right direction needed here





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Great model, and I love the blue diesels.


I have a fair few for this period as well running on " Appleton yard ".

How did you do the 47 dominos ? Are those precision decals versions, which is what I have ?


Hi Rob


I have been working on the plank and the locos tonight to try and improve things.

I am going to build another plank but with better track and take more time with it.


As far as the 47 dominos on the Heljan 47s goes. The two you see here I did in Microsoft word and printed them out on a sheet of A4. It obviously takes a few goes with fine tuning. Removed the bodies and placed them under the perspex front.


I am now trying transfers (mine are from fox) on my class 25190 project. I have placed them on top of the perspex panel with the 4 digit number on. They have a gloss finish but my hope is, is that with carefull use of weathering powder I should knock them back enough to look OK

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I am not happy with the track on this. I am going to rip it all up and put some bullhead stuff down and spend more time getting the ground scenics looking better. Waiting for ready made turn outs from DCC and I will get the rail from them too.


I am thinking this as the backscene



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I am not happy with the track on this. I am going to rip it all up and put some bullhead stuff down and spend more time getting the ground scenics looking better. Waiting for ready made turn outs from DCC and I will get the rail from them too.


I am thinking this as the backscene




Like the look of that backscene.


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I used that backscene before - it's pretty good and reminds me of port talbot area in Wales.


I didn't realise your 47s were Heljan....i didn't get on too well with them.probably because I had the original releases with pizza cutter wheels. Mine are all Bachmann now.


Can't beat a load of blue diesels .im still working on this Hornby 31 making it a 31/4. I'm slowly stripping off the factory weathering and I have ETH sockets to add, not to mention spraying the white line on theother side.



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I very much like your white stripe 31. I might give one a go at some point.

I like the look of this one as a wethered project




I have 3 47s  47076 and 47285 are Heljan.

And large logo 47436 in Bachmann.

The Bachmann is a newer and better detailed model. So I am a Bachmann man now.

I was disappointed in 47001. Especially as it still had the rivets around the windscreen. So I have given it a miss for now. But would like a couple if they bring out a revised version as I want some 47s that are non domino as well.

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