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Public walk over the Royal Albert Bridge

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  • RMweb Premium

To close lanes on both main routes into and out of Cornwall at the same time any time of year is highly undesirable. 


Given that the works on the A30 are due to last for over a year, it would be almost impossible for there not to be lane closures on the A38 as well during this period. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Given that the works on the A30 are due to last for over a year, it would be almost impossible for there not to be lane closures on the A38 as well during this period. 


True.  So just hold off until after the summer peak.  If the bridge is suddenly in such a critical state that the work can't wait a few more weeks then why was this not picked up sooner?  The media reports suggest it is routine maintenance and as such it can surely be programmed at a quieter time of year.

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  • RMweb Premium

Have heard nothing further on this.

I assume walk is going ahead as planned and

arrangements have been made for transport back to Saltash?

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  • RMweb Gold

True.  So just hold off until after the summer peak.  If the bridge is suddenly in such a critical state that the work can't wait a few more weeks then why was this not picked up sooner?  The media reports suggest it is routine maintenance and as such it can surely be programmed at a quieter time of year.


Rick, that very point has been made in the media, by local traders and business leaders. Why pick the beginning of the main holiday period which is going to cause weeks of disruption at the busiest time of the year? It could have been done earlier (even over Easter) with the relatively good light and weather.


The bridge company's excuse is that they couldn't have done the work earlier because of 'the weather' and 'the light'. It would have necessitated night working that "would have upset the residents". Well, the residents of Saltash will certainly be inconvenienced by longs delays when trying to get to work, not to mention the certain perception of tourists that delays will be inevitable so may not bother to visit Cornwall.


The smug unapologetic spokesman for the company showed utter contempt towards the business and tourist bodies who are incandescent about this. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, the walk is still going ahead. Additional buses have been organised by the Saltash Community group to take walkers back over the road bridge to Saltash. My contact in the group was not at all optimistic of persuading the bridge management to suspend the work for 3 hours on the Sunday morning. He should have also been monitoring traffic levels in Saltash this morning, because this weekend was the first of the two weekends of works on the road bridge.


There is a chance - and only a chance mind - that the group may also be able to organise some water transport to take walkers back over the Tamer, but I suspect that most, if not all, will have to go on a coach from the car park on the Devon side.


What could be interesting as well is the fact that we have invited representatives from the media to the walk itself, so I hope that there aren't any hold-ups in getting walkers back to Saltash...

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  • RMweb Gold

 My contact in the group was not at all optimistic of persuading the bridge management to suspend the work for 3 hours on the Sunday morning.


Just goes to show the arrogance and disinterest that the bridge owners display towards business and charities alike.


"**** you lot, we're alright" seems to be the attitude these days.

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  • RMweb Premium

I had a phone cal from the organisers today, just to confirm that all was going ahead. Only got the call however as my email system bounced the email saying the same thing. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, all is well. 3 or 4 coaches, each with the capacity to accommodate one group of 50 walkers have been laid on, and there is also apparently a 40-seater ferry option, but that will entail walking down to the waterside on the Devon side and waiting for the boat. This may prove popular, so be prepared to wait a while. I will be warning everyone accordingly when I give each group their ''Elf 'n Safety' briefing before they start walking on Sunday morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well just got home after the walk; very wet but very happy.

A very interesting and we'll organised event.

A big thank you to all involved; especially the stewards who had to stand in the rain.

Full marks to Captain Kernow for the Elf and Safety briefing,

if only they were all that entertaining.

Not sure what happened to the road bridge closure;

did the works finish early or don't they like working in the wet.

Whatever, it made things a lot easier although may have involved unnecessary costs in extra buses.

However the ferry gave some extra unusual views of the bridge.

One event to cross of the list of the things to do while I can,

if I'm still able when the next opportunity comes up I'll definitely do it again.



Should add thanks to the guys at Ashtore Rock for the lovely breakfast.

Much appreciated after the wet walk.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'd like to echo Rab's thoughts and thanks to those who worked hard to arrange this walk. Despite the rain it was a great event, and the H&S briefing worked well, I failed to break myself on the walk  :no:


I'll add some of the many photos I took today. I've tried to pick the ones without the raindrops on the lens, I've more than enough of those!




























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  • RMweb Premium

I guess I should have asked this yesterday

while the engineering guys were around

but does anyone know:

1. Why the track on the bridge is raised off the base of the bridge.

2. When this change was made.



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  • RMweb Gold

I guess I should have asked this yesterday

while the engineering guys were around

but does anyone know:

1. Why the track on the bridge is raised off the base of the bridge.

2. When this change was made.



Are the longitudinal timbers raised above the deck level?   Presumably you mean the change from ordinary 'cross' sleepers to longitudinal?

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  • RMweb Premium

I guess I should have asked this yesterday

while the engineering guys were around

but does anyone know:

1. Why the track on the bridge is raised off the base of the bridge.

2. When this change was made.




Early (narrow gauge) photos show longitudinal timbers, later photos show normal sleepers (from memory). Obviously it's changed again since then. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Are the longitudinal timbers raised above the deck level?   Presumably you mean the change from ordinary 'cross' sleepers to longitudinal?

Photo 3 in Kris's post above shows the current arrangement

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So after a busy week at work I wasn't able to make it down to Devon for this but my parents made it over from Kingsbridge for the day and really enjoyed it. They said it was really well organised and said the health and safety talk at the start was very well done. I enjoyed seeing their photos and hopefully I'll be able to get down next time (if there is one). For those one here involved in any way with the organisation my parents were very glad they went so thanks to everyone who had a part to play in setting it up.

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