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cornish trains jez

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Everything posted by cornish trains jez

  1. Hi Cav, Definitely would like some for my MK2 air cons and china clay CDA's. Best regards, Jeremy
  2. Count me in on those couplings please Cav! They look awesome!
  3. Might be worth just keeping it all on one level then as it shouldn't show from a normal viewing angle, especially in N.
  4. The gradients would look good mate. Does the land level out through the station? I decided not to have the elevated section at the western end of Par as it would have been a nightmare going into the fiddle yard.
  5. Cheers Marc! I hope to enlarge my fleet of 37's and currently have 37207 "William Cookworthy", 37206 and 37181. All in BR Blue. (207 and 181 have Cornish lizzie the lizard emblems and 37185 will join the fleet once I get round to it). I am currently having 37196 "Tre Pol & Pen" being resprayed for me into railfreight grey, no red stripe. Best regards, Jeremy
  6. Hi Ian, I've bought a selection of bits from plastruct and evergreen so hopefully I'll be able to build a fair representation. Best regards, Jeremy
  7. Thanks mate! It's fun scratch building but a very time consuming operation. However it's a far more pleasant experience building the signal box than building the footbridge! The next structure will be the island platform canopy......mmmh which could prove tricky with all those joists and cross beams to model!!! Agghhhhhhh!!! You're going to have fun with Millers Dale, I was looking at the station building on the disused railways website and it sure looks challenging! Best regards, Jeremy
  8. Thanks Ian. I was going to use OHP transparent sheet to make all the windows and I happened to stumble across an old etch of windows and luckily enough they seemed to fit the aperture quite nicely. That's saved me a job of scribing the frames into the transparent sheet!! Unfortunately I'll have to go through this process though for the main windows. Best regards, Jeremy
  9. Hi all, Couldn't resist a couple more shots of the signal box placed into position on the layout. Best regards, Jeremy
  10. Good morning, A few hours spent on the signal box yesterday and I made a little bit more progress. The chimney stack to the rear of the box has now been fitted (which was an absolute nightmare to build and fit!) and just requires a little bit of filling and filing. The western side has now been fitted and just requires the installation of the sash windows. I also need to install the sash windows to the rear of the box and then I can crack on producing the windows and doors. I have also fitted the smaller windows in the brick elevations which were etched brass windows salvaged from an old ratio GWR signal box kit which actually really look the part. I have fitted the window ledges to the front and now just need to finish the ones to the rear. Here are some progress shots.... Best regards, Jeremy
  11. So was it class 47 hauled throughout? Or was it an 86/87 hauling initially then passed over to diesel? Best regards, Jeremy
  12. Great photo buddy! What was the typical formation of the Milton Keynes! Best regards, Jeremy
  13. Another nice set of photos Craig. I'll definitely be modelling the rake in those first two photos!! Do you know which 50 was hauling it? Also, was the DVT rake running in the 80's?? Best regards, Jeremy
  14. Superb Craig! A wealth of information for my 80's based Par station layout. Cheers! In the second photo, was it 5x MK1's behind the 50? Best regards, Jeremy
  15. Hi Simon, Many thanks for your kind comments. When I first started Par I intended to build it with a view to exhibiting if one day. However since starting the layout I have moved home and now have the opportunity to have a permanent home for it. I am hoping to build a large garden shed at the beginning of next year which will have enough space to allow me to also build St Blazey depot. So it has now become more of a long term project. If you ever visiting Sussex, feel free to PM me. Best regards, Jeremy
  16. Hi Cav, The difference in height is about 2.5mm. Code 55 is about 4mm in height from the bottom of the sleeper to the top of the rail, code 80 is about 4.5mm, and easitrac is about 2mm. Once the code 55 had been taken up, I added sheets of 1.5mm thick card onto the cork base to increase the height as I had already laid down my platforms and it looks ok, albeit slightly below 2FS standards but it's hardly noticeable. Like you, I'll be using code 80 in the fiddle yards as it will be more cost effective and less hassle than "Easitracking" the lot. Hope this helps and good luck with Millers Dale. I am watching your progress with interest. Best regards, Jeremy
  17. Hi Steve, Cheers for the links on those, some fabulous pictures and bang on the era that I am modelling, early to late 80's with a hint of 90's stock every now and then!. The scenic section of the layout runs from the road bridge up to about halfway along Chapel siding. I'm hoping to add a little more to the Western end once I have a bit more space but need to concentrate on getting the sections done first that I have already started. Best regards, Jeremy
  18. Good afternoon, More progress has been made this week as I managed to get an evening's work in on the signal box (whilst my wife and 6 week old son had a long nap on the sofa! ) and have now finished fitting the sash window frames to the front of the box and all also the side. I'll start work on the back over the weekend and fit in the lower windows and the floor. A few progress shots. Best regards, Jeremy
  19. Hi Tim My grandparents used to live in Harpenden and when i visited them, I used to spend hours at this very spot in the early to mid 80's watching the trains go by. Different motive power scene back then!! If only I had taken some pictures!!! Best regards, Jeremy
  20. Hi Tim, Nice photo! Was this taken just off Westfield Road in Harpenden as the location looks familiar? Best regards, Jeremy
  21. Really taking shape now Cav. It's starting to remind me of the dramatic scenics on "Kirkby Mallersdale", which featured in railway modeller a number of years ago. Can't wait to see more of your layout mate. Best regards, Jeremy
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