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Everything posted by E3109

  1. Informative post, Eatus Maximus. Agree with Bod, what if you don't have a camera? I'm rather uncomfortable with where this is all gonna end up. First off, cash is king in my book. Secondly, this seems to suggest that the remaining Northern booking offices are indeed under threat. At least the permit to travel option is available, and full marks for that. LUL don't have that option, at least as regards Priv rate. Had to get a bl***y Oyster card.
  2. Excellent post Mike. It does aggravate me the way the term 'fine' is misused, for everything from taking your kids out of school for an educational trip, to a FPN on Asda car park. As a society we really need to ensure that the real meaning doesn't become blurred through misuse. Sadly I fear it's already too late...
  3. I did hear from more than one source, a few years back that BR offered MOSI 76039 (aka E26048 Hector) in its entirety, but they declined. Something along the lines of "we've already been promised an EM2 so why do we want an EM1". No idea if this is true, seems feasible enough though. Maybe it's in their minutes. At least we have a 'shrunken head' off it. Rather macabre, but better than nowt I suppose. My old boss helped cut the cab off at Reddish when he was an apprentice BTW.
  4. Quote: "Northern bosses say there is little excuse for not buying a ticket now that you can pre-purchase online or through the app." I don't have (or desire) a smart phone. "App"?? Secondly only a COURT can impose a fine. Please note that I'm not condoning fare evasion, if there is a ticket machine then buy a ticket or obtain a Permit To Travel. They seem really keen to push the cashless society, don't they.
  5. I'd say they were all the same, and as you say the AL3s' were on a backing plate so presumably they were cast as part of the plate. It's a pretty distinctive yet neat style and the flat-topped 3s were, I think unique to the classes of that era.
  6. https://www.flickr.com/photos/the-evanses/7211554676/in/photolist-bZg6XA-9tK9mL-m5tcHX-K6578-6Tvp4s-SPYgQo-6p2PmL-SqH3pe-rPkX2q-9kePnJ-6Q5nMc-9WM3NU-g8wxF7-iK3ETY-iKfniy-CGj7F3-Xyfaf9-iK5D43-GqPnxW-FWNJKE-rVFVuP-NDp8Vs-97ezRH-kM1okd-fkrA7g-VHT83W-Nh2Wcf-Nc6o1k-Ax3Cd4-Q8UpTg-SC35AP-NPWE4N
  7. AL1 to AL6 had a distinctive design, different from the Hymeks. I'd say it was off an AC, as the numbers were wider than those on Hymeks and yours looks to me to be the wider version? There's an image on Flickr of E3147, shows the cabside from a rear 3/4 view. Incidentally, does anyone have typeface drawings for the AC numerals?
  8. Don't wanna thread-drift this topic to Bulgaria particularly, but just to mention that I saw plenty of enthusiasts out and about, taking photos and so on. Maybe because of the snow, must've clocked at least two dozen people photographing the train I was on on the narrow gauge Dobrinishte route, which admittedly very scenic. And about the same number of 'cranks' on the bits of main line that I travelled over. Not suggesting the market is anything like the UK, far from it: but even the guy who let me pan up 87020 was a massive railway enthusiast, both real and model versions. A 'Limby' 87 in Bulgarian liveries would sell pretty well over there I'm sure, same for the old Hornby 86 (and a Floyd version for Hungary, no doubt). I don't think they'd be too bothered about the scale at the mo. After all,those hideous CIE renditions that were produced in the 1970s sold well enough in Ireland at the time, presumably? (Hornby Hymek/Lima 33) Just my two pennorth!
  9. I'm sure this will be of interest, just got back from Pirdop and Sofia to look at the 87s (and 86s) over there. Here are some pics I took. Wonder if Hornby will do Bulgarian versions in the fullness of time? (yeah, I know they use HO there but still). https://www.flickr.com/photos/barang_shkoot/40351558084/in/dateposted-public/
  10. There was a post on FB yesterday or the day before, 020 was seen at Edge Hill depot in 1977 taking fuel, after working a football special. I have no idea if this is accurate, but thought I'd pass it on. I've a feeling the post was on the 'All or Yesterdays' page.
  11. Interesting thread, just got in from nights so I'll have a proper look later. My own preference would've been something with an Alco 251 in it... purely for audible reasons.... Obviously politics prevented US-built engines making an appearance, but not entirely sure why as Sulzer is also a foreign company, and these were built here under licence in their hundreds/thousands (as well as the WR hydraulic stuff).
  12. But surely that would've been specified in the franchise contract before they signed for it? Or am I missing something here. (That was in reply to Ron by the way).
  13. I get a sneaking suspicion that they won't be getting their guards to encourage passengers to sign the protest this time around... (when First won, but Beardie cried foul)... I've noticed a sea change in VT staff in recent years regarding that company. C'mon now 20 years is enough, time for someone else to have a go. In an ideal E3109 world, it would be a new BR. Not holding my breath on that one although as suggested on LBC the other night, if Mrs May renationalised the railway in the right way, and reformed the NHS to cut out the waste and put the money into CARE rather than red tape, then she'd be picking the curtains at Number 10 next time round. Don't really wanna get too political here, although the subject matter tends to make it unavoidable. But I think something like 70% of Conservative voters would prefer to see a renationalised railway. Yes we know that the Tory backers love to make money on anything and everything they can, and I don't have a real issue with that BUT certain things should be protected against rolls of the dice. Two of those things are the NHS and the railway and surely they must acknowledge that when the ECML was temporarily back in public ownership, HM Treasury did rather well out of it.
  14. Well I was at the NRM earlier, visited the archive dept. The staff there were absolutely first class, and extremely helpful. The little building at the Hyde Rd/Gorton/Fairfield end of the shed was indeed, as I suspected, labelled as a sand tower/dryer on the blueprints. Incidentally I'm distinctly unimpressed that 26020's pans are bent, looks as though they were left raised during shunting operations.
  15. Looks like you're local to Wigan Ian, me too. Last pic looks like an 81 I'd say?
  16. I walked the new tunnel a couple of times after closure, now I know what the little room we found was for! It's a long time ago now but I seem to recall that it was nearer the Dunford Bridge end. Also not commonly known is that there were some vent shafts in the new tunnel, three I think, again towards the Eastern portal.
  17. Having read other comments, I thought I'd add this. The break-up of our industry created an (artificial) internal market. Thus, train drivers' salaries were only ever going to go one way. I respect the fact that Aslef have capitalised on that, although I think its going a bit too far when they claim that they actually created the higher salaries. That said, there have been some damned good negotiators within the process so they can be proud of that achievement, but actually claiming all the credit for it is stretching a point methinks. Incidentally, I read somewhere, ages ago, that a driver's salary was roughly equivalent to a policeman's back in the 1950s. If this is true, then clearly there were significant pay squeezes during BR days.
  18. These are to die for. I suspect one or two will sneak onto my 4mm OLE layout somehow.... http://www.auscisionmodels.com.au/L%20Class%20Locomotive.htm Built in Preston too
  19. (In my opinion) they should've merged decades ago. There was some spat around 1914 between the two unions, and I don't think either union have ever got over it. Very condensed version, I've been a member of each. I don't wish to elaborate! As unions go, both ASLEF and RMT are pretty good at what they do. I'm no rabid leftie by any means, but what I will say is if you're considering joining the railway industry, my advice would be to definitely join up. The railway unions (inc TSSA) are better than most.
  20. Nice one Simon. Very much appreciated. Quality username, by the way! Interesting to note that 76052 still has roller bearings under it. I think only ten or a dozen locos were fitted with these. ISTR it was originally the latter ones such as '52. that had them from new.
  21. This is a cracking thread and one I can relate to in many ways. I've always been passionate about trains (both real and model) and any 'missus' Ive ever had has to either accept that, or off. The one thing I've always got from girls is "you love your trains more than you love me" etc etc ad infinitum, they don't get it (apologies to the ladies on here that do). The point is, I may love my missus more than life itself, BUT (big but) I will still always be obsessed with railways and nothing you can do will ever change that. Yep trains (and restoring old buses) is a very important part of my life but that doesn't mean I think any less of my the girl I happen to be involved with. It's like comparing apples with oranges. I often take time out from this ferroequine obsession, but it will never leave me and for those who think they can change that (current girlfriends, let's be honest) are on a hiding to nothing. Be who you are. Some people are obsessed with golf, or football, or aircraft or whatever and GOOD ON THEM if that's what they're passionate about. Doesn't mean you have to be any less passionate about your current partner but sometimes it's impossible to explain that to them that getting off over 306017 is not the same thing as getting off over them. Not the same emotion at all, and if it were then perhaps we should all be in prison. If your current missus/partner cannot accept you for who you are, then perhaps they don't deserve you as an other half in the first place. Rant over For now
  22. 66s are a bit of a paradox for me. With crank head on, the truth is I can't abide them. Bloody ying ying nonsense... However. With driver head on, they're fantastic locos to work with, even if a bit rough and ready... But they always get you home. Never failed with one yet, almost did but got around it thanks to the old school EMDEC menu. Whatever you think of these engines they've certainly left their mark on our industry and their enduring legacy is that they've improved reliability astronomically. Just a pity they weren't built here. In fact if they'd repowered or built domestic kit with Alco 251s... We can but dream.
  23. Also. If an air braked loco has jacked and requires assistance then by turning the dead loco into a wagon (by isolating cocks) then it's a pretty simple procedure. As I suggested above, surely the same would be true for vac loco assisting vac loco? Vacuum brakes are before my time, so I can't say for sure. Interesting topic you raised there squire, I look forward to the replies!
  24. I only know about air brakes so shoot me down here if I deserve it. But my understanding is that if an air braked loco is to work vac braked passenger stock then provided there is a loco inside that is dual braked to act as a translator, then it can be done. Thus, my (quite possibly wrong) assumption is that the reverse is also true? Incidentally I know of one example of vac braked diesels that had both vac train brakes and 'vac straight air' if you will. The Malayan EE 20 class, the 'direct brake' (to use imported terminology) was also vacuum on these.
  25. Gents I was talking to my workmate earlier about this very subject. He's now aware of this forum and it's possible he may join. He informed me that he'd started looking through his diaries and has found at least one entry where he worked a 76 on the test route stated ie Reddish to Hadfield, Hadfield to Picc and Picc to Reddish. Late 1980. Cheers E3109
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