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Everything posted by aureol40012

  1. Does anyone know of any producers of appropriate 4mm etched or printed nameplates for the Deltics?
  2. And just like the real thing, it really comes alive at night……. Cab is just stunning.
  3. Well spotted, love the lighting on the garden railway on a clear summers evening. I went out the front of the house to check and, yep, you could hear it on the street!
  4. The memory most of us have of them, at the head of a rake of air cons…….
  5. Yep, got it Tuesday. When it asked for my DOB and bank account details it was fairly obvious it was a scam! It was asking me to pay a £2.50 additional charge.
  6. Great, when I stop shaking with excitement I’ll try and refit it with a steady hand! I know I’m probably teaching my grandmother (or rather RMweb members) to suck eggs here but knowing how many detailing parts are fitted I took the loco out of it’s “sock” over a tray so I could hear and see any loose bits fall out. Loose bits are always going to happen and you don’t want to be scrabbling around looking for something as small as the part I found, believe me!!! Pays to be prepared, even if loose bits aren’t common, which I’m sure they won’t be.
  7. Hi Fran et al, Thanks for my Deltic! Just a quick question (and this is not a moan, these things happen!), I’ve got a little floating piece that was inside the poly-sock holding the loco and I can’t see where it is from (so many detailing parts!!). Thought I’d post here just in case anyone else has a similar bit they are trying to refit!
  8. Due in a 1 hour time slot starting 09.27 this morning! I liberally went to bed early last night like a little kid wanting Christmas to arrive earlier!
  9. I can ask Rob Fraser (for it is he kissing 55022 and crying) if he would be willing to be scanned by Accurascale to sell a “weeping Deltic basher” alongside the driver packs…..
  10. Nope, got my despatch email from the boys at 10.58, so 55005 is the lead nag at this point!
  11. I genuinely don’t understand why you think people are complaining about not having them yet? I’ve not seen a single moan, which for this site is remarkable.
  12. Lets not go looking for negative vibes where none exist, hmmm? I swear some people jump at any opportunity to finger wag like a teacher.
  13. Suspect they’ll all be uploaded together at the end of the packing day. Can’t imagine the system notifies in real time.
  14. I can’t wait for the internal squabbles along the lines of “my order number was xxxxx, why has Bob McRivett-Counter got their order before me”……
  15. Yep, that’s the original order number with deposit paid, but people were saying that the order they are sent out is based on final payment and that that has a separate order number. That’s what I was asking about.
  16. Oh god, I don’t keep any invoice or receipt for anything! That’s far too middle aged (despite me being 51)…….
  17. Where do you find these reference numbers, specifically the final payment reference? I think you can only access order numbers on the user Accurascale orders page?
  18. Damn, at 51 I’ve never thought of myself as the “older crowd”! They were, and always have been, Peds or Goyles to me and my lot.
  19. I don’t think anyone on here is being critical in any way shape or form about when they will receive their Deltics, are they?
  20. please for the love of god tell me that this is a joke?!
  21. That nickname for goyles (toilets?!) must be post 1988 as the term was never used amongst Manchester cranks when we ruled the roost.
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