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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. So, today I went along to the Warley National Model Railway show. I had a good time there catching up with a few people and grabbed a few bargains and some tools. Didn’t really get chance this year to see any layouts as I wanted to also check out the memorabilia convention on in hall [...] Source
  2. Unfortunately my health has been poor in the last 6 months or so. I did manage to go to a few exhibitions when health allowed. These included Alexandra palace and rmweb members day. I’ll be at the Warley show on the Sunday this year hopefully too. Sadly I missed this years Model Rail Live, after [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=d827.wordpress.com&blog=24582877&post=303&subd=d827&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> Source
  3. I keep meanign to write a blog post (or several) of what plans I've got to work on, except i keep forgetting or getting side tracked by life and health, damn!

    1. class"66"


      Thats life for you,no what you mean,never get 5 mins .....

  4. lots of ideas, never any results... ah well, the research is always fun!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kelly


      Pete: my primary interest tends to be history anyhow, so researching and learning about things is never bad in my view. Just one of these days a layout idea might become a physical reality!


    3. GC Jack

      GC Jack

      Agree the research can be just as good but can lead to an ideas overload

    4. scots region

      scots region

      Ah your a woman after my own heart

  5. been too ill of late to contemplate anything railway or modelling related. Though enjoyed RMweb members day and made a few purchases :)

    1. nigelb


      hope your fully recovered soon Kelly

    2. Debs.


      Get well soonest!

    3. Kelly


      @nigelb @Debs. sadly won't recover, its ongoing. But goes in good and bad bits, weekend was busy so tired me out, resulting in monday in bed


  6. I’m a bit late writing this as I was ill for most of the beginning of the week as a result of the days exertions. As per usual I went along with my friend Natalie, who graciously did all of the driving (again). This year we went on the Sunday (26th) and I had pre-booked [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=d827.wordpress.com&blog=24582877&post=270&subd=d827&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> Source
  7. Ally Pally was great today. Worn out and going to pay the price most of the next week. Worth it though.

    1. Timara


      That makes two of us....!

  8. was nice to get to see Lime St today at Ally Pally. That station roof just isn't done justice by photos! and seeing the car system in action was nice. Didn't get a huge amount of time to look at it sadly as other things distracted me, but I look forward to seeing it progress.
  9. Thanks Pete, not bad for a smartphone I feel now I know how to use it (only had it about a month) it seems to produce reasonable results, just have to do a bit of exposure/colour temp. adjustments i find and they tend to look ok. Am mostly recovered, just in time to be wiped out by Ally Pally lol! Thanks That it is, been going for several years now, with a few years gap till last year. Certainly one of the 'must see' shows on the scene I feel.
  10. Enjoyed St. Ruth at Nottingham. Lovely looking layout, but sadly with it being 2mm and curving away like it does, the barriers felt too far away to do it justice.
  11. a bit late but finally gotten round to organising the photos from nottingham and acton, and doing a blog post about nottingham... ally pally soon though :)

  12. Sunday just gone saw Natalie and myself go along to the Nottingham show. This show has always been a highlight I’ve found. It seems for me to find the right balance between the number and variety of layouts and the trade stands. It also I find is much easier to navigate than bigger shows such [...] Source
  13. Enjoyed seeing the layout again Sunday, although because of getting side tracked and having to spend a fair amount of time sat down I didn't get to see many of the layouts properly. But I did get photos of most that were there on the Sunday. IIRC I took a short piece of video to test the video feature of my phone of this layout too.
  14. Nottingham yesterday was good. Enjoyed the show a lot. Utterly exhausted still from it though. Lots of photos to sort through. Looking forward to Ally Pally next Sunday now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kelly


      andy: went on the Sunday.

    3. retroaudio


      Yes, I enjoyed Nottingham. Came away with ideas and spent a few quid. I need to accelerate lining the roof now so my invasion of the loft can start!

    4. andyram


      You must have a double then!

  15. looking forward to Nottingham Show later, but wishing I'd managed to get some sleep... caffiene and sugar it is today then!

  16. Set off to what has been a very good event in the past later than originally planned. Getting to Hillingdon by car for about 11am and getting new S Stock on the Metropolitan line to Rayners Lane. All great till we (Natalie was with me) got to the depot and found a long queue. [...] Source
  17. So I’ve been really rather ill again last week, not really managing much more than existing from one day to the next. This is sadly rather normal for me sometimes, being the nature of my illness (fibromyalgia). But I try to see the positives when I can, however small. Yesterday afternoon provided one positive, meeting [...] Source
  18. having been ill all of last week and not really looking online much as a result. Was a surprise to find rmweb under new ownership, but the statement bodes well I think.

    1. Matloughe


      Yes Kelly, I just stumbled on in my zombified half-asleep state with tea in one hand. Saw the colour scheme and assumed I hit the wrong bookmark, so I closed the page & then reloaded it. :-D

  19. Looks great Interesting with the modulular walls to aid lighting. Look forward to seeing how it looks lit up.
  20. There is a saying in Cricket ‘Rain stops play’. [i don't like or watch cricket myself]. In my case, recently it has been my ill health that really is stopping play. Too much pain, too tired all the time and not sleeping well don’t make for making even the slightest attempts at doing any kind [...] Source
  21. seem to have a stinking head cold... bah!

  22. I'm sure one of the Mods or Andy would clarify that point. But when they are available I'd like the details. Look forward to seeing the final product.
  23. Looking good WBF, where can these be bought? got a direct link to the shapeways page for them?
  24. Very tired, and feeling worse for wear after a busy weekend. Saw Andrew Lawrence this evening at Warwick Arts Centre. Sadly wasn't as good as I'd hoped.

  25. looking forward to seeing Andrew Lawrence tonight. insomnia not helping tho..

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