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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. I don't presently, but I can see the appeal. There is a certain fondness generally for the 70s-80s period too i find personally. Growing up in the South (near Dartford), EMUs were all I saw as a kid really, however my father being a keen railway fan always planned the family holidays with 2, possibly 3 criteria. Preserved Railway nearby. Good bookshops nearby, and to appease my mum, a craft shop/fair of some kind nearby too. Consequently as a kid I got dragged along to virtually all of the preserved railways in the country, with a few notable exeptions, one being the SVR, not entirely sure why, but my parents seemed to prefer the NW, Yorkshire or the New Forrest/Ross-on-Wye areas (NW because of my mum's side of family living near Southport and Liverpool). I've been reading about nuclear flask movement recently, and so may do something BR blue period involving those sometime in the future...
  2. Kelly

    EBay madness

    The cynic in me always sees "Selling it for a friend" as business' selling items to avoid fees, etc.
  3. Thanks Ian, will investigate one when time/funds permit. Could just be the right size for West Cromwell Road, and a cheap starting option. Whats the weight like btw?
  4. I'm currently trying Gabapentin at 900mg/day, which seems to help. But gotta give tramadol a try before my GP will refer me to a pain clinic, and so far they don't seem to do much. Taking some time to rest and not go out during this cold period is helping too after over doing it so much in the last 6 months. I certainly have a few items on my 'to build' list, which I want to get on with, just gotta feel able to... and tidy the office so I can find some desk space...
  5. am awake and thinking of plans and stuff. First more tea... and to look forward to Natalie visiting and planning West Cromwell Road more perhaps

  6. Liking the progress so far. How are you finding the APA box? did you do much to it in terms of support/base for track etc? I ask as I'm considering getting one to use for West Cromwell Road that I'm planning.
  7. I have been over doing it recently has been the problem, and hence have paid the price for it as a result. The limits of my health are deciding a few things for me though with regards to layouts. Foamboard and lightness for instance. I enjoy the exhibitions when I get chance to go with Natalie, but they really do wear me out something hellish. I have a few kits and so on to get on with when I find the motivation to do so, and will when I've finanalised what the plan for the LU layout (I'd forgotten a name had been chosen for it, West Cromwell Road) will be and getting some track templates to work out sizes of boards etc and go from there. Joining Leamington and Warwick MRS also seems a really good option for me, as it isn't far from me and will potentially provide me with opportunities I can't manage otherwise. Natalie living close by also means car sharing will be an option too.
  8. Enjoyed reading through just now, especially your experiences with foamboard. I'm thinking of using it myself as weight will be a key concern for me really, so it being very lightweight will be rather good!
  9. Has been a while since I last visited the site. Other things and my health have kept me occupied really. Health has been very poor over the last 6 months. Am still going to exhibitions with Natalie when i/we can manage it. The last one being the Leamington Spa & Warwick MRS Show at the NAC, Stoneleigh, which we both enjoyed a lot. As well as that we went along to the LWMRS open day at their club rooms and had a very good, interesting day out there. We both left feeling like we'd join up and go along when money/time/health permits for each of us, etc. I am still planning on doing the 'Chilmark' MoD/Military layout, as well as developing the Lillie Bridge diorama idea into a small layout. The Lillie Bridge one may come about first. But more planning and research is needed on both still.
  10. forgot this site existed...

    1. halfwit



    2. Kelly


      Halfwit - I know! I got sidetracked by other stuff and health being bad.... am back now lol

  11. finally uploaded: http://tinyurl.com/69nspvn - being processed now

    1. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      That's really neat Kelly


  12. One of these days i'll have something resembling better than damp string for an internet connection... still an hour to go on uploading that video! maybe i should think about moving next month or September to somewhere with a better connection...

  13. in the meantime heres the Vulcan XH558 video: http://tinyurl.com/3udmp3h - not brilliant i'm afraid, but ok i guess...

  14. only 198 minutes till video is up on youtube (255 till it is processed...) ...

  15. stafford video now encoding and uploading to youtube...

  16. waits for iMovie to spit out video... not Stafford, Vulcan flyin stuff from september... will possibly do Stafford footage tomorrow sometime...

  17. Still recovering from Saturday, but a fantastic day it was! Photos are edited and online. Video to follow later. Been discussing West Cromwell Road (name for 2011 Challenge entry) more with Natalie, so a finalised trackplan and arrangement has been worked out with the aid of old stock and track to get impression of what fits etc. More work on track plan for the narrow gauge and standard gauge military layout, which is still without a name, continues also. I think the trackplan is almost sorted now, with a few minor details to figure out. Then it'll be onto making some kind of start hopefully. Have decided to get some Styrofoam to have a play with to see how it works for a base, will probably use it for the diorama initially and go from there. As halfwit predicted my workbench didn't stay tidy for long, especially as I came back from Natalie's with yet another Mainline Warship that was found in the cupboard (that makes 3 blue D827s! and a green one)... Eventually the two here will end up both as D827, one in Maroon the other in blue with full yellow ends. Also picked up a set of 3 Corgi cars, HA Viva, Ford Anglia and a Morris Minor. Am tired and sore, especially after I slipped and fell down Natalie's stairs Saturday evening! Kelly
  18. Managed to survive Godiva Festival today at least, though am absolutely knackered and sore all over, good day helping CovLUG stand again. Photos done too (on Picasa Web Albums and here).

  19. Very nice, SAM publications do a couple of very good Datafile books on the Spitfire (part 1 Merlin engined, part 2 Griffon engined), though I think both might now be out of print. Both the airfix and revell kits have their faults, but your effort captures the look of this distinqtive plane quite nicely. I've recently recovered a few of my older attempts (15-20 years old) at a airfix 1/72 Hurricane and Spitfire, and a airfix 1/48 Spitfire VB... Suspect I'll try to redo them, but they'll need a lot of work due to missing parts and so on and repainting... I wonder if the 1/48 Revel B17G is still in my parents loft...
  20. back home after a long fun day at stafford. Managed to slip down Natalie's stairs afterwards tho and now have a sore hip and foot!

    1. BlackRat


      All the excitement of the day got to much for you! ;)

    2. Kelly


      will be limping more than usual, but i'm ok otherwise i think...

  21. I quite liked the A-Team movie. IMO wasn't too bad considering some of the rubbish adaptions made in the past. Just as cheesy as the original but with a modern setting. As for Quantum Leap, no reason a movie *has* to end with him getting back home, only really the 'Hollywood way' that seems to dictate complete/happy endings for all films made.
  22. at least today i don't have last nights pounding headache, although i have QOTSA on BBC3/Sky+

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Then you should expect headache to follow... :-D

    2. Kelly


      nah, no headache thus far..

  23. ow, pounding headache do not want...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kelly


      yeah, first port of call was fluids quickly followed by paracetamol

    3. Mallard60022


      Followed by some wine I hope; better than certain recreational stuff.....

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I was suffering from frequent headaches over the past few days as well. Not sure what exactly may have been the cause, but drinking more water may have helped as I'm feeling much better today.

  24. too darn hot!

    1. CovDriver


      your not wrong there and some ofus have to go to work !!

    2. Horsetan


      Wail 'til tomorrow - they think it will be even hotter :-(


      Can't wait for winter.

  25. Is that true for all releases of it? I was sure for some reason it had one, must be my infernal memory again (that and the item is 10 miles away).
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