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Chris Heighton

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Status Updates posted by Chris Heighton

  1. "No, I'm building a new layout so that my nephew can play on it when he comes over"

    1. LMS_LNER_SR_GWR_fan2004


      That’s always the best excuse ;)

    2. Lancaster622


      Oooo can we all borrow that one?

    3. Kylestrome


      That could come back to bite you later.

  2. Oho! A week off beckons! Now to see what this "Real Life" is that everyone is going on about.

    1. Luke Piewalker

      Luke Piewalker

      'week off'... what is this concept of which you speak...

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I'm not entirely familiar with the concept myself, but I forsee a sea voyage from Lancashire and several 3-foot gauge Beyer, Peacocks.

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Don't forget Groudle Glen and Laxey Mine....

  3. GReat Holiday, only problem is that I have to come home again.

  4. Well, that's me holidays booked. Of to the Hartz mountains for ten days of culture, sun fine German wines and lots of steam engines! Roll on July 20th!

    1. bgman


      Got any room in ya bag mate ?

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      I think the Eurostar folks may be a little suspect of the grumbling luggage.

  5. Ask yourselves this, rail users: Would YOU travel on a railway that allows ME to be a COSS?!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Why not? Is there something we should know?

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Trying to be glib about it. I finally passed my COSS exam! (Just in time for it to be replaced by Safe Work Leader)

    3. Southernman46


      You've done the easy bit - make sure you get PROPERLY mentored

  6. Curse you, Network Rail! That was I grade 2-listed beard I had to shave off!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DonB


      Why? Where in NR's rule book does it list beards as unacceptable? Have you asked the PR dept. for an explanation? May have case for discrimination.

    3. big jim

      big jim

      if its facefit then anyone who works with ballast, ie track workers have to be cleanly shaven, absolute joke in my opinion, what if your muslim or hindu

    4. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      The thing is, my work usually doesn't take me near the HOBC. Ah well, Just enough time to grow it back in time for Christmas.

  7. OCD? What's that? Sorting Smarties by wavelength is a perfectly normal activity, isn't it?

    1. railroadbill


      It should be CDO. That's the way the letters go, isn't it?

  8. Night Shifts working with the High Output Ballast Cleaner. Best part? It's only a ten-minute drive from home!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Are you going to be working in the 'TPOD' as well in a couple of weeks?

    2. beast66606


      Unless your in the loco at the far end when it's a 20 minute drive

  9. Working on the WCML at Shap this weekend. Hope the weather stays nice, I had to wring myself dry after last night's shift.

  10. Hey Tyneside, I'm fixing your Metro. You're welcome.

    1. Boris


      Lifetime supply of work on that....

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Especially when their new

    3. Boris


      I can sell you a dodgy one

  11. Today I are mostly been condemning sidings.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      May I ask why and where?

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Hartlepool Pipe Mill. The exchange sidings and internal network have not had any real money spent on them in years, so are slowly falling to pieces. As part of a fortnightly inspection, we decided that some of the sidings were so bad that they should be taken out of service immediately.

  12. Is one considered eccentric if one has an entire drawer dedicated to the storage of hats?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      If you are sane, I know where there is a house full of similar minded persons.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hats are good but may not necessarily go so well with one's Christmas jumper

    4. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      Hats off to you!

  13. Ying-Tong-Iddle-I-Po!

  14. I am still alive and modelling, despite real life intervening. I'll update the Wickhan thread when there are some decent photos to post.

  15. I'll tell you what, I wish laying real track was as easy as it was on model railways!

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Using Plastic sleepers helps the back a lot ( and yes that is real track not PECO!)

  16. Got onto the Preperation and Disposal roster: Footplate, Here I come!

    1. steve22


      Well done, that man!

    2. 69843
  17. Going to give up being a guard on Tanfield - everytime I'm rostered, it snows!

    1. Horsetan


      Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas, etc......

  18. Have just qualified as guard for Tanfield Railway: at long last, a break van to myself!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      Remember Rule H 4.5.5 - all unattended food in the van automatically becomes the property of the guard.

    3. darren01


      well done and have fun.

    4. gazmanjack


      Relaxing today, about 25*C with a little rain, compared to yesterdays 45.8*C...!

  19. Important lessons learned on the Tanfield Railway, No. 46: Don't go for a massive chinese buffet the night before you have to spend all day inside an enclosed firebox!

    1. steve22


      You mean they could use you (or your 'output') as fuel?

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      could you get out?

    3. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well, let's just say it's a tight squeeze through the Austerity's firehole door, and it was just as well that there were no naked lights in the shed!

  20. Uploaded pictures and topic of my latest 7mm build. See the "Industrial Break" post in the 7mm+ modelling forum.

  21. Coal Train day this Sunday on the Tanfield. Should be spending all day working loose fitted freight in a BR 12t Brake van. Fun times ahoy!

  22. Guard training again tomorrow on the Tanfield... Should be my last turn before they give me a passing out run!

    1. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well, that was fun, certainly learned a thing or two today!

  23. Managed to find time to make a start on that project I've been hinting at since easter: an Ex-NER V1 brakevan converted into a colliery tool van.

  24. Worthwhile visit to York MRS. A plesent five minutes talking to Jim McGeown has set the seeds for an interesting first foray into kit-bashing... Watch this space for more!

  25. Off to York MRS this Sunday with my secret stash of savings. Massive Spending Ahoy!!

    1. aberdare


      I've just been and spent much more than I intended, but I could still have spent more!!Great day out though.

    2. Chris Heighton

      Chris Heighton

      Well worth the 200 mile round trip, plus it coincides with my Dad's birthday. Handy trip out!

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