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Everything posted by spenc

  1. Hi everyone A lot of things have happened this year not for the good still got next Thursday not looking forward to that .a bit of good news for me had a treadmill test & ECG yesterday so I can carry on driving buses.now to modelling I did a bit today mind still not back into it yet put the glazing in the 121 knocked a lamp iron off spent about half hour on the floor still there somewhere had a parcel the other day some platform edges from M&M models Bournemouth they do them in concrete, brick & stone the edge is about 11ins long & ramp is 8ins long Here's some photos. Steve
  2. sad day today lost my mom RIP will miss her always

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. KalKat


      My condolences. As long as you remember - she is not gone

    3. spenc


      Thank you all for your kind messages it has helped me get through this sad time

  3. Hi Rod What a great line up of DMUs you have they are far better than the modern units of today.Look forward to seeing the layout progress. Steve
  4. Hi Craig Sorry none at the moment car fixed which left me with £80 out of the £900,me mother got rushed into hospital so with work then going there after work not getting home till late now I have just got over from being ill my doctor straight to the point has told me if I don't slow down I will be in a box before i'am 60 heart not resting so according to that got to get my layout done within 3 years. Hopefully within the next few weeks I will start doing some more.The 121 is a good kit to build any problems building it let me know and I will try and sort it out. Steve
  5. Hi lan I will do see you all there. steve
  6. Hi lan Layout looking great you have done a good job looking forward to seeing it's first show at Wimborne I will be there Sunday. Steve
  7. Hi Chris Your layout is looking great is that brick paper you have used on the platform wall.the white stains on the walls might have looked better toning down keep up the good work. Steve
  8. well me &the wife set of for bristol at 09.00to spend what I saved for model stuff gets about 20 mile from there steering goes heavy sign say steering fault calls AA they say it's the electric power steering broke he said it will cost about

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. muddys-blues


      Oh Spenc, I feel your pain Mate, I really do feel your pain.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Goodness, I'd have been happy spending

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Was it A Chevrolet Captiva?


      Thats the problem with cars today - complex and expensive.

  9. wind & waves flood warning could be sleepless night tonight one good thing cleans seagull dung of the windows

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spenc


      Waves coming over its the wind gusts which are the problem making roof creak

    3. devonseasider


      It's a bit lively here but doesn't seem too bad. Take care.

    4. Horsetan


      I find RainEx works quite well too....

  10. sitting in A&E with the wife waiting for doctor to see her. don't thing I will at work at 5.am

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      All the best and may she be well soon!

    2. spenc


      Thanks after all the tests they did and another load of pills she has got to take no work today got home at 4am nice drive from Dorchester on the A35 road to ourself

  11. Man Flu has landed feel like crap started few days ago nothing done wife said the amount of alcohol I have drank over Christmas body should be 100% proof so should not get man flu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I always thought alcoholic beverages were part of the solution - getting drunk - which then ensures you get off to sleep & get a decent night's sleep.


      Well - that's the theory, anyway ... .

    3. Horsetan


      Man Flu have much to do if hey want to get past Man City in the Premiership.

    4. spenc


      Just shows how much the flu jab protects you not.hopeful bottle Whisky tonight will give me sleep tonight

  12. Hi Redone the seats today body fits on now test fitted the exhausts up the front knocked a roof vent off now fixed put the cab details in leaving it now to let the glue to set finished putting the track down so first job after Christmas is to wire it up and test it that's about it now work tomorrow.just became a GOG member so hope to put names to faces at Bristol in January. Merry Christmas to every one for looking at my thread they will continue & to All RMwebbers hope you all have a good one. Steve
  13. Hi Craig The platform will be about 4ft long 9cm wide there will only be a waiting room on there.i was going to have the platform at the back but the factory will only be half relief and that line will go into the fiddle yard as part of the run round loop so viewing will from platform to factory.have you got plans for yours yet. Steve
  14. Well day 4 of 5days off after the first 3 days Christmas shopping wished we done it before we went on holiday I now know what a mule feels like glad the wife was at work today.so I decided to glue the seats straight to the floor of the DMU waits till set then tried the body on i though i allowed enough room wrong so got to take them of again and move them in a bit more then some of the under floor stuff fell off so glued them back on so seats will be redone tomorrow so I started doing the track tried doing a track plan on any rail but I could not get it to work so here's a pen & paper one.The layout is 10ft 6in x18in 7ft 6in scenic 3ft fiddle/cassettes. Steve
  15. Hi Craig You will enjoy 0 gauge the Easy build kits are great to build if you have built a DC kit the EB kit is easy plus better for your eyes got 5 days off now so I can crack on with the model & layout got some track & points so I can see what plan I can come up with I still have a class 33 kit which I started building when I first had a dabble in 7mm I keep looking at it but the lack of instructions I don't know if I will ever get it built I should have got a JLTRT one.Saving me money now ready for Bristol in January hoping to have a good spending spree.I am going to get another 121 from Shawn that will be painted in NSE colours.Hope to see some fellow RM members. All the best with your build Steve
  16. back off our holidays it's flipping cold think it's back to Egypt

    1. Horsetan


      Egypt is still a bit "hot" in all senses of the word. If you didn't go, would that make you a bit of an al-Sisi?

  17. Sorry no updates been busy at work plus into our last couple of days left of two weeks in Egypt so when we get back I will crack on with the layout. weather is hot Steve
  18. Hi Richard Nice to see you & Ray today nice to see Orchard road with extra details added.Have you put the freightliner signs on what was it you said 6x66s 2x70s 2x08s with sound?. Steve
  19. Hi Richard I will be at Thorncombe when I have done the rest too the model you will see it work got in the way so done nothing 60hours this week See you Saturday Steve
  20. Hi Railwayrod Thank you for your comment this time I will be staying with 0 gauge it's better for my eyes I have had a quick look at your site this week on my phone now I have got my iPad back from the Phone shop I can have a better look that's why I have not replied fingers to big for phone.The kits go together really great only thing with mine I broke two air pipes. Steve
  21. Hi Steve Fay Thanks for your comment this is a second one I have built the first one I sold they are great kits to build not done much this week been too busy at work off this weekend so get some more done after I have been to Thorncombe show. Steve
  22. Hi Done some more on the 121 the last few days I have painted the body started putting the under floor details on.the next stage is to start putting the seat on and windows in and other bits to Finnish it. Steve
  23. Hi Darren Thanks glad to be back into 0 gauge put the primer on the body & started the under body details on still a lot to do.How are you getting on with yours not had any updates latterly. Steve
  24. Hi cromptonnut It's great to be back I wish I could have stuck with 0 gauge that bit longer but things happen and it's all behind me now so I will be staying with 0 gauge. Steve
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