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Everything posted by spenc

  1. Happy birthday that's looking good is that a sound chip what you would put in a 00 loco or is it a XL one as I was thinking of using the smaller ones to go in my DMUs. Steve
  2. Hi When I built my 108 there was a gap so I filled it my roof &sides are fixed floor not and I trimmed roof.nice too see you have moved over to here Steve
  3. Hi Craig Thanks i had everything planned get all me stuff and cannot do anything I hate being ill but just lately I have had everything. Steve
  4. Well it's been 2 months and still nothing done today a class 31 joined the fleet its a green one and it's going to be painted blue i have ordered some bits from PH Designs and still nothing is going to be done Wednesday i had a fall on ice at work hit the back of my head/back and right hand resulting in a plaster cast there's a bone which they think is broken they think it could be six week before it gets removed so no modelling i have only been off 2 days and I am bored.i have kit's to pick up at Bristol I will be there son in law taking me i will be the one in plaster. Steve
  5. Ordered my 0 gauge 31 late Wednesday arrived today Friday first class service from tower models. Thanks you Steve
  6. That fall on ice I had yesterday and banging my head I have just brought a 0 gauge green 31 to paint blue arrives friday oops cannot paint it hand in plaster b####r

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Much sympathy, get well soon!

    2. spenc


      Thanks as I am right handed there's not a lot you can do got to go back to hospital next week but they say it could be another 6 weeks before plaster will come off

  7. That fall on ice I had yesterday and banging my head I have just brought a 0 gauge green 31 to paint blue arrives friday

  8. Well that's me out of action for a few weeks first got stuck up a hill driving my bus on ice blocked the road then went to help to put some grit down next thing I know looking at the sky I now have right hand in plaster bad back lump on back of my head the size of a golf ball no modeling or work for a few weeks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      I'd keep that last bit to yourself.... :-P

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Mrs tried washing me once - I now just sleep in the shed...

    4. Castleacreshunter


      I remember Harold Steptoe giving his father a bed bath OUCH!

  9. Well that's me out of action for a few weeks first got stuck up a hill driving my bus on ice blocked the road then went to help to put some grit down next thing I know looking at the sky

  10. Hi Brian Your TC looks good the kadees you are using what size are they will they be alright for coupling a 108. Thanks Steve
  11. Hi I know the feeling I managed to do some work on mine at the weekend might be able to do some more this weekend. Steve
  12. Hi Just a little update track wired and rails painted started doing the platform edges glued put the Base on where the sheds are going. Steve Top right is where the bag shed bottom right clay sheds top left platform two car length. Bridge sorry pictures look blur trying to get them to fit
  13. Hi Forgot about the crossing the stop was between the steps down to lower car park and crossing but on top of bridge you look over and saw the two lines to derby it did have a shelter don't know if it's still there. Steve
  14. Hi Heading towards town hall the stop was in between station and station hotel. other way facing town on top of bridge if you know what I mean. Steve
  15. Hi They used to be on route 14 to Stretton or route 3 to winshill that went past the station.also trent buses did have nationals on there villager service to Derby that also went past the station they was in red livery I think with a cream strip. Steve
  16. Hi Craig I only had track down last night I was looking at my old topic twice I liked that one so today I decided to redo it so it will have a clay work's it will have freight and passenger I will try and copy Spenford Halt. Steve
  17. Hi Day of today so I striped the layout put the backboard on then relaid the track it's like the one I did before spenford clay layout I liked that one so I decided to redo it. That's the track plan along the back will be the usual building's run round loop front will be single line to the small halt bridge to the fiddle yard this time it will have single arch at the front double at back. Station will be long enough for two car DMU. Track side shed and signalbox both peco signalbox undecided to have as in use or shut. Steve
  18. Hi Simon Thanks I will kept an eye on your Porth Dinllaen layout. Steve
  19. Hi two tone green Could you tell me what size kadees did you use I want so it's close coupled. Thanks Steve
  20. Hi Craig They are looking great just a few more bits to put on,got to sort out how to couple the 108 together might try wire with loops on each end ? Then next job is doing the layout while I save up for the next kit. Steve
  21. Hi Transfers on just got to put no smoking ones on really pleased with them thanks to Steve at railtec-models.com superb job,put the door handles on & the grab rails on still got other bits to do. Steve
  22. Hi Rob That looks really good this is the sort of layout space I have keep up the good work look forward to seeing more. Steve
  23. Hi Rod The lining is from Railtec it's got the two corners and short down line in one then you have the long lengths I will put some picture's on here on Friday or Saturday. Steve
  24. Hi Just a small update transfers arrived today from Railtec they look great long weekend off so Friday I will make a start to put them on fingers crossed all phone's will be switched off so work will not be ringing me . Steve
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