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Everything posted by JJGraphics

  1. This makes interesting reading . . . http://watt-logic.com/2018/06/13/smets2/ Basically it implies that the Government are going to force this on everyone, come Hell or High Water, and we will have to pay a lot of money for their stupidity because they will not admit they have screwed this up. Nothing new there then . . . ! John
  2. Very definitely! It was not a near-death experience or anything like that but it cost her quite a lot of money for the hospital stay and the treatment (non-EU) as her travel insurance would not pay because she had not taken the precaution of carrying her medication with her!
  3. ALWAYS carry medication you rely on in your hand luggage. A friend learnt that the hard way a couple of years ago as a result of her checked luggage containing her medication being mislaid. She could not obtain replacement medication that she needed, became ill and ended up in hospital.
  4. The Inkjet paper will work fine for this sort of thing. If you are struggling with the image of the font, PM me. John
  5. Assume you talking about the very large "34" with the lines through the figures? If so, it's probably created as a graphic derived from a font, rather than an actual font. It should be possible to replicate it using graphics software. Are you proposing to print your own transfers? John
  6. You should not be charged a fee for the use of a Personal Credit Card. See http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/1239/pdfs/uksi_20171239_en.pdf John
  7. I have built a BLT with a traverser fiddle yard, DCC with sound and a variety of locos and stock from different periods from late fifties until just after the end of steam. The layout is indoors in my study so temperature and humidity does not influence my operating at any time of the year. I tend to operate mostly in the morning on three or four days a week whilst SWMBO is off doing other things, but also sometimes in the evening when its dark and can operate with the layout lit and the room lights down. I set up a "period" by putting steam or green diesels (or both) and some appropriate stock onto the layout and operate for an hour or a little less, bringing on trains, running round and shunting the goods yard, and so on until I have had enough. When my Grandson is around, the operating sessions tend to be around fifteen to twenty minutes but go on sporadically all day . . . Sometimes I will power the layout up and leave the sound on one or two locos going as "background" whilst I am doing something else. John
  8. Many people cannot see their own spelling or gramatical errors, despite having a clear knowledge of both. Years of experience in the printing and graphics industry has confirmed this to me time and time again. Having served my compositor’s apprenticeship many years ago in a small but very professional print shop, I had it drummed into me that you NEVER proofread your own typesetting. As other people have posted, this is a forum for modellers so unless something is significantly misleading in terms of spelling or grammar, when perhaps a polite PM to the original poster suggesting a correction would not go amiss, let it go and get on with modelling. John
  9. Absolutely agree about that. I would go as far as saying BA have pretty much sunk to the bottom of the heap. You can see the work of the bean counters everywhere. They are useful for the odd short-haul flight into Europe, but that is about it as far as I'm concerned. We had a massive amount of Avios accumulated over a long period and decided to blow the lot and went First Class return to Washington with BA last year. I won't bore you with all the details, but the food was poor, the cabin service half-hearted and the aircraft interior was less than pristine. Never again! I know this is a bit off-topic, but some carriers are doing a lot better than BA, even ones you would perhaps not expect to . . . My wife and I love South Africa and we have been there many times. We used to "Fly the Flag" with BA in Business to and from Cape Town or Joburg, but the prices kept on rising and several years ago the specialist agent with whom we book suggested trying South African Airways as the timings were more convenient for our journey and the fares were significantly lower in Business than BA's. What a revelation! OK, not the standard of some of the Asian carriers, but the cabin crews were cheerful and worked hard to make us comfortable, the aircraft were spotlessly clean and the food left BA's in the dust. The major difference is that things have kept on improving on SAA, not gone the other way. Earlier this year we travelled with SAA via Joburg and experienced their new A330-300 aircraft on both legs LHR-JNB and JNB-LHR. The superb cabin fit with warm subtle colours made for a relaxing journey, the cabin crew were attentive and helpful without being over the top and food was excellent. We have no connection with SAA other than as (very) satisfied customers. John
  10. Another load of round bouncy things . . . John
  11. This from last year: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/06/smart-energy-meters-giving-readings-seven-times-high-study-finds/ http://luxreview.com/article/2017/03/smart-meters-give-inaccurate-led-readings More recent: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4288180/Smart-meters-readings-SEVEN-times-high.html John
  12. There have been a number of reports of this happening, especially if using LED bulbs. John
  13. It was also saying "Hold tight please" after the tram had travelled some distance from the stop. John
  14. Was on 399 205 this afternoon from Cathedral to Meadowhall Interchange and the auto announcement system was talking garbage. As we approached various stops, the announcement correctly stated that "This is a yellow route service to Meadowhall Interchange", but on several occasions as we arrived at a stop, for example Attercliffe, the system announced, "This is a yellow route service to Attercliffe", much to the amusement of the passengers. John
  15. Had a Prodigy Advance2 for quite a few years and own a collection of locos all with ESU decoders and never saw any problems. You can only "Read" decoders on the Programming Track with the Prodigy. I agree with Rob that the response can sometimes be a bit slow. John
  16. We seem to have drifted quite a long way from the original topic of Smart Meter = smart move? I still strongly believe: "Smart Meter = dumb move!" John
  17. Well-known British Gas rip-off technique. They will "try it on" with just about anything they can think of. BG nearly conned an older neighbour of mine into having a £700 "power flush" done on his system about five years ago. He mentioned to me that he had signed up for one. I explained about the likely con and he cancelled it. He then dumped British Gas and went with a local GasSafe registered engineer who I have used for a long time. The system has never been flushed and is performing perfectly to this day. . . . "at least £3000" is excessive for a replacement boiler. A local engineer should be able to do it for £2000 or just over unless there is something very unusual about the installation. John
  18. I guess there is probably much confusion between the various suppliers as to who is supposed to do what. As I previously posted, the energy suppliers have absolutely no clue as to how old our meters are. John
  19. Yes you can swap the Function icons around, but you cannot create your own (as yet), which is what I understood Post 4 was asking . . . Apologies if I created a mis-understanding. John
  20. No you cannot change the function icons. This feature is a much-suggested update. John
  21. Recertification is required . Time frame is quite long. All the best Katy Ours had not been "re-certified" in the twenty-three years before it was replaced after the case was accidentally broken! John
  22. The capability to switch from the 3kV Italian supply to the 15kV Swiss supply exists at Chiasso on the Swiss/Italian border and traditionally needed a locomotive change. The use of multi-voltage traction will no doubt make this procedure redundant sooner or later. John
  23. I thought that Microsoft was a flaky little annoyance! John
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