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Everything posted by virginhst539

  1. so it might have been mentioned but anyway here we go. Bachmann do the metalair PCAs Accurascale do the VTG PCAs maybe time the Vee tank PCAs get some TLC....
  2. Cant remember where I got too now all the dusts settled, hopefully pics might come back but if not oh well. Anyways, 37099 now near enough complete, just need to fill in the boiler port when I either find thin enough plastic card or get the milliput out again. Basic renumber job using decals from railtec and additional lamp irons from a vitrains 37 detailing pack finished off with handrails and other irons picked out in white as per prototype. hopefully get it back on the chassis toward the end of the week once varnished. Not sure what the next railway project will be yet, probably something yellow for the UTU set but we will see.
  3. If we are playing this game again 320/321 and 322 or the 31* classes. Countless routes and must have just about covered every corner of the UK where electric traction current is supplied. Problem is with the price of everything going up the now don't think many could justify 3/4 car new tooled EMUs....
  4. Reports of scuffed and chipped paint work as well
  5. A nice little project. First of all 37099 bought from Bachmann spares and decals from railtec tansfers. Old livery elements removed in the usual fashion before renumbering and new logos. Buffer beams where also spreyed red. Just need to raid the vitrains detailing parts to finish off the other nose before sticking them on properly. Also need to blank the boiler exhaust off. Body screws should arrive next week for final assembly. 37175 has been on the to model list for a long time as its the loco that started my railway career on doing various odd jobs as a volunteer and still manage to catch up with the loco on the big train set. Started work on 43062 but unfortunatly the livery elements where a bit more hardy than those on the A3 so the yellow will need respreyed but a bit more on that later.
  6. Also sighted in Edinburgh area... pick mine up next week. Funny in a way as its about 2 years late but 2 months ahead of est delivery on the last order update I was sent towards the end of last year. Atleast that's 2020s pre orders closed off at long last!
  7. its moments like this that the forums worth its weight in gold! I had not even started to think about all the minor differences between members of the class
  8. painting a couple bits and a renumber jobs probably easier than poking holes in nose ends, wiring leds and sticking on head light surrounds
  9. Spare a thought to us who have gone down the awkward route to model 022 in its 2011 condition! The smarter option probably would have been to order 55009 twice and renumber one and repaint the fuel tanks / roof.... But where's the fun in doing it the easy way!
  10. long shot buts does anyone make the 'central wales' headboard brackets for class 37s in oo gauge? vitrains detailing bits has not produced any and the next project that is almost complete ready to be shared but needs them to finish it off. Had a look at the likes of shawplan but they done do them and doubts I could make up four uniform brackets
  11. Managed a few pics on the club layout of the JNA yesterday. Engineers chalk markings and partial ballast loads added to give the appearance of a unloaded wagon. Granted it looks like the RRV operator was just trying to get them emptied as quick as possible and has missed a fair bit.... must have been the last wagon before home! The wiped down data panels panels are perhaps a bit stark compared to the 1:1 scale ones but I'm happy enough with it. Main outcomes of doing this is I have figured out I can weather rolling stock to a level I'm happy with but more importantly go my mojo back for spraying enamel paints! I have also been looking a various bits I should probably dig out and finish off and the MK1 Ru seems a good contender with this new found confidence, Found a jar of BR maroon 306 and GWR Stock Brown 602 packed away with it so I must have had some plan for getting the correct shade of northern belle brown but it seems I never wrote down the ratio for it.... typical!
  12. I got the standard Bachmann release and it did not come with the bell. one was bought off the usual auction site from a guy with a 3d printer. One thing I have noticed with Hattons which is not limited to the class 66 is the lack of re runs on products. I understand that factory/company who produced the models for them have there own products to deal with but there is a market there for them. Modern warwells, Network rail Beilhack, Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 and the class 66s are all fetching silly money if you can find them that is!
  13. This has probably been asked and I was meant to ask at Glasgow but you where mobbed but how easy will it be to add a sound decoder to a DCC ready model and will they run Loksound V4s?
  14. Nice little half day project and my first venture into weathering using a Dapol JNA as the first test subject. Step 1 - paint inside of wagon with shadow rust by mig Step 2 - dark brown wash for german DAK camo Step 3 - chipping applied with a sponge and mig chipping colour along the top edge of wagon and some panels. Interior also treated with powders at this stage. Step 4 - frame dirt. Steps, handbrake wheel, valves and data panels wiped off For a first attempt at weathering im fairly happy with that.
  15. Well that was a hectic month with not much time for modelling. What feels like a interveiw everyday has paid off and it made the trip to glasgow that little bit sweeter.... still on the railway just better. Speaking of glasgow hows that for a haul! Plenty to be cracking on with including my first venture into the art of weathering wagons once i get hold of some underframe and sleeper grim enamals so any points would be greatly appreciated. Also on the way is a 37099 body to become 37175 so i will be looking to off load the bodyshell that appears on here a few pages back as well as hornbys intercity 43013 and a NMT one so keep an eye out for those once i remember how to sell stuff on here or the usual selling site again. Progress shots coming soon.. JT
  16. speaking of mk2 coaches 977969 would be a great candidate to go with the class 97.....
  17. Mine seems to flash at any applied voltage, could no see any obvious issues with the body off the loco that could cause it
  18. Appart from the poor fitment issue with the glazing on the headlights as pictured, Has anyone else had issues with the head lights flashing on and off constantly on DC? No tried it on dcc yet but it does only seem to affect the headlights. There is also a high pitch sound emmiting from the unit in both directions when powerd applied
  19. superb, noticed some sites have 9702 now unavailable for pre order so already seems to be selling well, hopefully this will encourage Bachmann to do another network rail one with the narrow center window as seen on 9701,9708 and 9714
  20. who needs a tag line when you can provide a loco with such a high degree of detail and engineering to market for only £40 more than a ex lima model from another company's 2022 range.... they did get one thing right it is 'For keeps' probably in a warehouse in the Margate area when these beauty's come in and no one buys them! As always Fran and team your updates are still a much welcome breath of fresh air when it comes to customer relations and they certainly will be well worth the wait. Can wait to see them in person at Glasgow in under a month.
  21. just take your time with it and it will turn out great. especially when it comes to drilling the holes for the new brass parts. mark out where you want them with a pencil and check everything all lines up how you want it too. I was a little heavy handed with the drill bit which caused to to slip off the mark slightly but I'm happy with how it turned out. Looking forward to seeing the finished article
  22. I used Vallejo model air 71.057 Black out a RAF battle of Britain paint set from the aircraft modelling. No varnish over the top yet as it was boxed up awaiting a suitable donor corridor tender for repaint. It was airbrushed on in 3 light coats at around 20PSI. You can get all three coats in in under 5 mins with an airbrush as the Vallejo acrylics dry quite fast on there own or if you hit them with just the air from a dual action airbrush you will see it flash off to a satin finish in seconds, almost totally touch dry.
  23. My model came with them unfitted and no where to be seen in the box. It was secondhand model and a steal compared to the latest 60103 releases. If you are going to airbrush the smoke box I would mask off the green closest to the smoke box just incase of any overspray and just take care not knock them too much as the locator pins and legs on them are a bit fragile. If you choose to brush paint then masking is not an issue. That's the part number and name for them. some reason it wont let me copy and past a web address for them RM10: Medium Handrail Knobs (pack of 12) - Wizard Models Limited
  24. I can only comment on what I have seen but anyway here we go. So there are your rail head treatment trains, in my area its MPV on one circuit and TnT class 67s on the other. Normally doing a day time run and a night run, 7 days a week. On top of this there are also a dedicated team that covers known trouble spots that will inspect railhead condition, remove leaf fall from the track and scrub and treat contaminated rail head areas. Obviously the ones who will detect contamination issues are the drivers who phone it in and the teams will respond to clear it. As for the trees its a bit of a catch 21 situation. People want the trains to run with out delay but they also don't want you to cut the trees down near there property which blocks there view of the railway. There are other things to consider such as sites of scientific interest, areas with protected species sightings, nesting birds and tree preservation orders which greatly limits what can be done in these areas.
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