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Everything posted by virginhst539

  1. Update all things yellow (must realy figure out how to change the name from modern to yellow work bench) 999606 UTU3 Almost got it first time with the milliput which i found rather surprising. Only a couple bits needing a bit more sanding and filler. Mostly round the engine air intake vent and a door panel line which has come out a tad wobbly. 975814 NMT While giving the UTU a quick sprey decided to give the first mk3 conversion a light rub down and a coat of grey to unify it all and make it look a little less of a disaster. Must say it looks better than expected. Only thing that really needs done is a bit of superglue on the back of the window blanks to try stop them cracking off again Next steps after a bit of filling a sanding will be to get these both primed with ammos sand coulor leveling primer and get them spreyed yellow, but i do have a german tornado which is ready of decals so that might take priority for now.... JT
  2. **New project post** This one has been a bit of a slow burner but finally decided to get stuck in to this. So a fair while back I posted some pics of a Airfix Mk2 which I had started to convert to one of the brake force runners to ultimately form part of the old structure gauging train. Skip forward a few years, few Hornby RTR test coach's, 3d printed parts and of course the introduction of Laserflex systems on the prototypes. I now have the components to throw together a Modern SGT. The modern Formations run mostly combined sets of SGT + UTU sets in Scotland which is the region I model so the next part of the project is to model the Ultrasonic test coach. My chosen Formation however has a couple hard to model items in so a couple subs are being made but who does not like a bit of modelers license! 99606 Motorail coach - Replaced by Bachmann Mk1 Genny or Hornby GUV 99666 72630 62384 UTU4 - Replaced as 999606 UTU3 9714 So no motorail coach available and UTU3 basically as its one of the simpler ones to convert using one of the MK1 coaches that come from the build your own railway mag. The most intrusive part of the coach mods is to cut out one of the doors for the fitting of a roller door as seen in the picture. the rest of the modifications where achieved using 3D printed window blanks from a popular online auction site with a few of them receiving a bit of modification to form the quarter windows and new door drop lights. these where then super glued to the body and should hopefully withstand the filling and sanding which will follow next. Its all a but rough just now and still a couple bits more to do to one side but trust the process, should all more a bit more refined in the next up date..... JT
  3. Normality at last! club room was back open a couple weeks ago so tonight I remembered to take something down to play about with and there was only one loco for the job. looking much better on the rails instead of the shelf/workbench. A couple of small additions still to do on the loco and of course sorting a corridor tender but I'm more than happy with it, Also the added bonus of finding out it actually runs as well tonight so that's one less thing to worry about
  4. Front end friday The front end is done (minus missing parts) smoke deflectors on, number plate and shed plate on and finished off with modern OHL flashes. Just needs varnished. Next will be respreying a tender to go with the front. An additional little mod was the addition of the air brake pipes, unfortunatly had to mount them as shown due to clearance but im happy with it. Club room has reopened so might even get to pose it for some better pictures!
  5. identity crisis over, renaming is done! Managed a few bits the last few days including most of the etched bits. Starting to look the part if I do say so myself Front end has been a bit more involved changing the handrails to match what is there now. Sharp knife and some light sanding took care of the old ones before new holes where drilled for the new brass knobs which came from wizard models. Thankfully had some wire that fitted which is normally reserved for adding details to armour kits so that was slid in, glued and cut. New lamp iron was from a vitrains bag. The smoke box was then masked and given a coat of vallejo black out of a WW2 raf set which has done the job nicely Front of the loco is about 80% done just a few more small bits to try and find to finish it off including a speedo cable and adding the new style OHL flashes. Smoke deflectors are on the way which should really finish it off as it looks a bit bare without them at present. Hopefully get cracking on with the tender next week
  6. Managed to get a bit done on the A3. Standard renumbering using Tcut or similar. Fox transfers numbers on and job done. Will get a coat of satin varnish to blend it all in. Now the modifying part. Removal of number board and changing the grab handle to be two smaller sections instead of 1 long one. A tiny bit of filler needed where the lamp iron was. This is slowly starting to turn in to one of those why did i do this projects. The speedo cable? Is in two bits. Theres a pipe thats split which should be a simple fix and the tender decals are currently still pending from modelmaster so who knows whats going to happen with them. And last of all there is bit that appeared when the body was removed. Absolutely no idea where its meant to go or has come from so any info would be a huge help. Recon i should stick to diesel and electric the way this is going!
  7. Back to work tomorrow and first bits have arrived. Typical! All the parts for the work on the loco have arrived so hopefully make a start on that next week. Next week should hopefully see the collection of a corridor tender body which will be repainted using humbrol brunswick green. Still trying to pin point a match for the black used on the smokebox. So hopefully be able to do a better post next time
  8. Bit of a spur of the moment project after a filming trip last week. 60103 Flying Scotsman. Donor model comes in the form of 60077 the white knight at a fraction of the price of hornbys latest Scotsman. First thing to be addressed will be replacing the missing parts such as the snifting valve before begining the renumbering. Major work will be addressing the tender once a corridor one is found. Looking very much like having to repaint a LNER tender as brunswick green ones are quite rare apprently. Should be a nice little project to kill some time while on leave
  9. Payday and Ebay dont mix! The usual hunting down of Ex RAF fast jet kits resulted in a bargain Hornby northern belle Mk2 to complete the rake and save a repaint of a blue and grey example.... Result! But things are never quite that easy are they. A look on the usual decal sites has resulted in no luck for decals. According to my list which is accurate for the Hornby DRS release of the northern belle I am missing 3174 Glamis, Just requiring the names and numbers same situation with the mk3 sleeper 10734 Balmoral. If anyone knows where a renumbering/renaming pack could be found or if one exists let me know. Once this is done then the rebuilding of the interior to the correct seating arrangement will begin.
  10. Also doing the variant with the dust bin fitted as well as far from what I have seen posted
  11. very quick sand down and misting of paint while working on another aircraft the other night. some bits a tad raised and others needing more filler. in other news the new Hornby IC DVT has arrived to become 82139 along with the full rake of IC mk3s awaiting there turn to be reworked into the LSL intercity set. A bit disappointed to be fair. Cab doors are stuck partly open and there is a fair amount of light bleed from the light, nowt some black paint wont sort when it comes to decoder fitting but come on. only other loco i have had to do this with is the vitrains 47s
  12. restrictions starting to lift a bit so time for a railway modeling up date (might even get to run trains on the grandparents layout this year fingers crossed) With that said not a ton of railway modelling has been done mostly due to not being able to get to my stock as its not been worth the risk to mine or family's health going to there home where the layout and stock is but it has given me some time to start hacking bits away at the latest Hornby network rail releases. Discovered a guy on facebook whos been resin printing various bits and came across the parts for the SGT lazer dust bin. I must say it is absolutely stunning in terms of detail and the end plate with lazer (fitted with LED) blanking end for the brake force runner and magnetic coupling bar wont bust the bank at £15. I my view well worth the money! he is also currently in the process of doing DC460000 which again looks stunning. ResinPrintedRailways is the name if anyone's wanting to look (I'm not part of the company just a happy customer) Those of you who have been following my rather sporadic post will remember 999666 was converted but never painted a fair while back so that's the SGT portion covered. Rest of the formations going to use a pinch of the old modelers license by modelling the formation currently running 9714,62384,9801,72630,99666 and swapping the ultra sonic test coach 62384 for 999606 which will probably be the simplest to convert from a mk1 coach. Just need Bachmann to do more DBSOs now, preferably of the flush front variety. The NMT coach has been stripped back again and a bit more filling and fine tuning is required before painting. To close the post off the last 5 months have not been spent doing nowt, might not have been able to get to the railway modelling stuff but I have made a fair dent in the 1/72 fast jet stash and hopefully some of the painting skills will be useful on the railway stock. Fair to say one off schemes and anything NATO tiger meet related is a favorite thanks for stopping by, hopefully next update wont take 5 months!
  13. pic appeared over on the company's twitter page of what the class 68/88 will look like with the new logo. basically just replacing the ones on the cab sides and the rest stays the same
  14. EX LNER 43299 now has black Network rail logos covering the LNER ones. No idea if its now part of the fleet or just a short term hire while work is done on the NWR ones
  15. gave the network rail sunshine yellow acrylic a try. Very good match for the Hornby stock and sprays nicely. The enamel paints by all accounts are the same
  16. Wow! first glance at the buildings and Roseburn street jumped straight to mind. You have captured the architectural style of Edinburgh fantastically. Looking forward to watching the layout progress JT
  17. They are absolutely stunning, looks like more overtime on the big railways will be required for some tarmac ones. It really is a vicious cycle
  18. absolutely superb. The thought of trying to bring my model of 22 to how it was when operating in Scotland on EMU drags has suddenly become absolutely terrifying after seeing the beautiful decorated sample!
  19. Just a quick question for all you repainters out there. Not wanting to put the correct paint on top of the humbrol stuff i have tried as it risks getting a bit too thick. Two ideas how to sort this. First option is to rub as much of it back as i can using fine sanding sticks and 1600 wet and dry and re prime over. Will no doubt be a couple bits i cant quite reach. Second option is to give it another dunk in the iso bath. Not my prefered option as im not sure how the filler, glue and the end that fell apart last time will hold up. Hopefully someone will know the best way to approch this. Thanks, JT
  20. Hornby, airfix and now accurascale in the space of just over a week. Im going to have to go speak to the bank manager at this rate! Looking forward to seeing what on the cards
  21. gutted by the Hornby annoncements.... its pushed the airfix annoncments back by a day. serious note some nice items in there

  22. Hornby dont seem to be having much luck with diesels at the moment. Logos on sector 60s, nmt logos and now these. Starting to get cold feet about the lner 800 thats on pre order now. Your 50s look absolutly superb
  23. no pre xmas update but to all those who take the time to look in on here when I do post I hope you all the very best over this holiday period and hopefully we have a better 2021. As i have no model updates due to work thought I would leave you all with a picture taken form some bridge (sure you will all guess it) at work pre pandemic in January. Enjoy and stay safe, JT
  24. not sure if its been mentioned but surely one that would not even hit the shelf as it would sell out on pre order would be northern belles RBR 1953? Hornby already have the rest of the stock and no catering vehicle has been produced RTR to date
  25. 3d printed blanks so not too sure on exact material. Next coach will be done with a 2 part epoxy
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