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Paul Cram

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Everything posted by Paul Cram

  1. The original K&L track had thick sleepers. It was when Alan Gibson became involved in the sale that thim sleepers were produced to match existing OO track. Thick sleepers were also produced. Allof the track work I have done has used thick sleepers. The track o Hawes was started in the mid 90s and despite being kept in a variety of conditions is not a problem. It has been painted. Some of the chairs from 1 batch were very brittle but these were produced when the moulding was outsourced.
  2. I decided to model in P4 in 1976 and have never had second thoughts. Ready to run isn't something I worry about. I have a couple of models which I will alter using an easichas. The rest I build from kits (or in the case of some buildings scratch build).
  3. Yes I always group the 2 together as they were all Len Newman productions and ended up in the same place
  4. As far as I am aware only C&L do the correct pattern 2 bolt chair the GWR used.
  5. if i remember correctly I paid £28..00 for one from him direct. I expect tey will be more now.
  6. My plan would be to either reduce the height of the comet frames or alternatively I have a set of branchlines frames I could use.
  7. Hi Mike I would prefer P4 to OO. I had assumed that it would fit P4 without modiification Paul
  8. Hi Mike Having considered all of the input I would like to change my choice to the Bachmann version and I'll modify the Comet frames to the correct depth. Thanks Paul
  9. Can you be a bit more specific as to where the comet chassis is too high please?
  10. Hi Mike I would like one to fit a Comet chassis please. Regards Paul
  11. That is some of the most realiatic brickwork on a river bridge I have seen. Which layout is this?
  12. Hi Tony Maaaking one isn't an issue as most of my models are kit built. I had aquired a couple of Bachmann bodies and Underframes from Comet and Branchlines plus a set of Exactoscale wheels and was making it before I beacame ware of the deiencies in the Bachmann body at which point I lost interst in the project. I only need a body as the rest iof no use to me. Regards Paul
  13. I'd certainly be interested in one. The new Bachmann will be too expensive to dump half of it.
  14. Next on the bench is Arthur Kimbers Tenant. Frame together just need to add the compensation beams.
  15. Its been a long while but I thought I'd add pictures of the latest project that now needs painting. NER class b (LNER N8)
  16. I was thinking of a 4 wheel version similar to plates 414,415.416 in Midland Wagons Vol 2. There was one permanently at Hawes for loading stone but I don't have a picture or details.
  17. looks to be the same size as the one I use on my 25w Antex
  18. I have built the Dia 352 wagon. The only issue was the 3d printed buffers were 2 deep for the springs so I replaced them with turned brass.
  19. A midland rail mounted crane would be good
  20. I do all my brass soldering with a Antex 25 watt iron. Mainly 145 but for parts where there is smaller part sto be added I use 60/40 and never had a problem. I also have a Weller 75 watt iron which is worse then useless as I can't keep the tip clean to be usable. I have replaced i but that didn't solve the problem.
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