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colin penfold

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Everything posted by colin penfold

  1. Hi Mikkel, this is it. From Direct train spares. You can buy the number of axles you need and it push fits into a piece of track for support and power. It's a budget item in terms of quality as well as price but it works OK. It can be a little awkward to set up with the right spacing and can become a little unstable. I probably should at least get one more axle. They have an ebay shop which makes ordering easy. Edit to say it is now quite a bit cheaper to order direct from them than via ebay. They have a paypal checkout on their own site. Ordering 4 axles via ebay was £51 but £44 direct.
  2. Please God let me have the coaches in the right order.  Green one, green one, green one, green one. Simples.... Aleksander Bulleid
  3. Hi all. I have one half of a Ford railbus rolling chassis - seen here on the rolling road Currently travelling faster then it ever will in service!!!! The observant amongst you will notice a tail of four wires. This is the plug connector to the other car. Two wires will take the pick ups from this car to the DCC chip in the other one. The other two wires will bring the motor current back from the chip to the motor. Another similar plug will be needed for the headlight and interior lighting.
  4. Thanks all. I am definitely limited to commercially available sound files so whilst the model t suggestions are great I have no idea how I would translate that to a DCC chip. Im also pretty sure that a rail going vehicle will sound very different to the roadgoing version, not least due to the metal on metal and the altered drive train.
  5. Thank you for that. I love the horn but the engine sounds like a diesel to me. I've gone with the simplex from digitrains - I will post something when I get a rolling chassis.
  6. I have done a bit more on the Ford, because I am still waiting on the coupling rods for the Ilfracombe Goods Second chassis made, and then I pressed on to make bonnet, radiator, brakes, mudguards, drivers seat and controls. I also added the inserts to the slaters wheels. Just pickups and motor to fit and then repeat for the second car. At least having got this far will enable me to judge the space available for a suitable driver figure which I can shop for at Telford.
  7. I think he meant England put out their second team, which enabled the shock win.... Ducking..........
  8. Wiring diagram here https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.zimo.at/web2010/documents/MX-GrosseDecoder_E.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi66pr53orkAhWjSxUIHRXFDokQFjAAegQICBAC&usg=AOvVaw2eml0USHjYeIN3HAZ0xxjk
  9. Which decoder do you have Tricky?
  10. The blue wire from the chip goes to the + terminal of the capacitor, grey to the - If you are using the zimo supplied capacitor the longer tail is the + if you got a big black slug capacitor from Jeremy my assumption would be blue to blue and grey to black, but it's probably worth calling them to double check. Edit to say I am assuming you bought Zimo as I know you got it from digitrains. In which case NB they have the two dedicated wires from the chip for the stay alive.
  11. But the railway did move out of gauge items around the system. It simply required additional thought and planning, for example ensuring that the load did not pass other trains on double track - as explained in the Russell book on the loading of wagons.
  12. My motor which measured 1.7a by Phil's method had a stall current tested by Digitrains at 0.9a. They confirmed that a standard decoder would be fine for that so I'm sure yours will be too. They also showed me the size of a 2amp decoder and it would fill the entire tender on my Ilfracombe Goods!
  13. My results were 7 and 18 across the terminals so your 5.6 sounds feasible. 2.4a is high but not outrageous? Hopefully Phil may advise. I will update with the results of my visit to Digitrains.
  14. Hey Phil, Are you viewing on a mobile device? I can't see my signature on my own posts on my mobile but I can on the laptop. As the Saint has said, your signature is visible to me. C.Nasine
  15. That fly tipping story reminded me of a wonderful line in the Arlo Guthrie song Alice's Restaurant. The narrator is looking for somwhere to dump some rubbish when he happens upon a cliff with a pile of rubbish at the bottom. "We decided that one big pile was better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we decided to throw ours down"
  16. Im off to Digitrains next week to buy a chip for my Ford Railbus kit build. Any thoughts please on sound files? I am assuming that there won't be a sound file for these, so I guess im looking for a good equivalent. As I have never heard one it's obviously not a major issue. I am thinking of the petrol simplex. Im thinking petrol engine, manual gearbox, underpowered and rattly. What other considerations might there be? Any alternative ideas?
  17. Im off to Digitrains next week to buy a chip for my Ilfracombe Goods kit build. Any thoughts please on sound files? I am assuming that there won't be a sound file for the LSWR Ilfracombe Goods, so I guess im looking for a good equivalent. As I have never heard one it's obviously not a major issue. I am thinking of the Adams Radial. Same boiler, valves, safety valves and whistle but obviously a different wheel configuration. What other considerations might there be? Any alternative ideas?
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