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Everything posted by Coldgunner

  1. Depends who you're talking to really. I tend to attract the nutters who want a chat and its difficult to shake them off. Least when I head to the 16mm club we can talk trains.
  2. The amount I do pales in comparison to you Jim, the only takeaway you might find from what I do is that I like to listen to a good book while riding. Not necessarily safe to do on the roads, but in the woods and trails it might help eat up the miles. Been looking into bone conductivity headphones myself to allow me to listen to something and still have the spatial awareness to be safe
  3. Similar to the above, the Steampunk steam loco "Fearless" is also 19% off at £25.49 for Prime members https://amzn.eu/d/0DtVjNl
  4. Gotta be careful of these stations tbh, they'll pull out in front of you all the time. Bloody typical railway station drivers an' all that.
  5. I agree, thankfully its only a 2 car spot, There is space for 2 cars parking on the road between double yellows, with my car being in the rear spot (and double yellows behind it). There was roughly 6ft of space in front of the offending vehicle, but they seemed to just reverse blindly using the sensors. If I needed to jump start or check my fluids it would have been a nightmare.
  6. Have you simply disconnected and reconnected the battery? Mine has a quirk where the speakers stop working if its been jump started or messed about with, removing the + terminal for a minute and reconnecting seems to resolve it for me.
  7. Mums car has them and although the beeps are useful, they are secondary to me doing my normal checks (mirrors/rear window/shoulders etc). Her Mondeo feels like a I'm maneouvering the QE2 after driving my Golf which is more like a motor launch. The Mondeo is very comfortable mine.
  8. Ugh, someone decided to back into the front of my car. Only contact made, numberplate not damaged and no other damage so clearly just a 'tap'. Thankfully no actual damage done when checked but a bit annoyed at the carelessness. Managed to catch the driver as I was about to put a note on the windscreen. Genuinely apologetic and explained he was listening to the parking sensors. Had to explain that the sensors won't necessarily take into account the tow bar*, but kinda irritated at the over reliance on stuff like parking sensors. My car doesn't have sensors, mums car does. When either of us drive it, we still use the traditional methods of checking the mirrors/rear window. No shame in getting out to check your distances if you're not sure. *I'm guessing factory fitted tow bars might, or sensors could be adjusted but in this case I doubt it.
  9. Had to get a crash sensor replaced in my golf, £223 after parts, labour and VAT. Those German parts are damn expensive when things go wrong. The choice was to get it fixed to pass the MOT, or fail the MOT due to the airbag warning light being on. Plus its safer now its fixed, as there's no guarantee the airbag would've gone off in a collision. Think I might ride my bike more.
  10. I quite liked the final episode where it tied up Rodneys heritage. Its a shame no more Rock and Chips was made.
  11. Although autopilot does a lot of heavy lifting, I really do understand why pilots get paid the amount they do.
  12. I guess that's why on Flight Simulator the altitude dials look distinctive lol. I watch a lot of Mentour Pilot and 74gear online and its interesting listening to the breakdown of air incidents.
  13. "You might want to take the video down though, because I think posting publicly can mess-up the police process." That's true, I've removed it for now. She'd passed a parked car on her side of the road and I'd just passed 2 parked cars (again on her side). So rather than overtaking the parked cars and returning to the LH side, she'd overtaken the parked car and stayed in the my lane to pass the second set of vehicles.
  14. Just gone for my after work cycle, a mile or two loop around the area and some old duffer drove towards me on my side of the road even though her side was empty. Half a mind to report it, but feel guilt about reporting a really old lady. Am I being unnecessarily OTT or justified reporting it? Excuse the swearing. edit: video removed
  15. Mine are quite basic, they switch between off/dipped. None of this modern reactive rubbish that 'reacts' (15 seconds too late, long enough to blind you) to oncoming light sources. On mine, the auto lights are quite effective in that if you go under a bridge it won't really react, so never had a problem with people thinking I'm flashing the lights. Wipers are the same, automatic but quite simple and effective.
  16. Tactile buttons will always be superior to touch screen or otherwise non-tactile buttons, simply because you don't need to look at them to operation.
  17. On another note, I wonder how lots of basic functions being moved to touch screen interfaces have affected accident rates? If you've got to faff in touch screen menu's to change radio station, I wonder how often that causes a crash due to eyes not being on the road.
  18. I think I'm a bit old fashioned in the respect that lane assist shouldn't be needed. I do wonder if all the assistances cars use causes the drivers to be in a mental bubble and a false sense of security. I feel that with me slightly older cars with basic assistances, you are required to be more attentive. Though I do have a basic cruise control and automatic lights.
  19. There's a gate with a path that more or less takes you near enough to the tree. The 'road' takes you near to the tree and from memory its reasonably flat around the base of the hills. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.0000749,-2.3882061,3a,75y,88.63h,88.74t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sidfpxvHjvBgrMNYs7hx25g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DidfpxvHjvBgrMNYs7hx25g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D99.73714%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  20. Its not an easy location to get to. Not exactly far from the road as such but would certainly need a decent offroader. I certainly think this is a 'professional' job personally.
  21. I know what you mean, working in IT killed my love of tinkering with computers. It'll come back eventually if I move out of the IT sector.
  22. I don't think the show has ever been fundamentally nasty, although I know they like to poke the bear a fair bit. I think one of my favourites is the death road, they seemed to realise that effing about up there is going to be stupid.
  23. Local shop sorted it for me today, seemed to just need tightening but did comment that its quite worn and will need work, but it rides fine for now. If it weren't for my car needing a bit of work I'd have got the full job done but money is tight. That said, did manage to pick up a helmet today which wasn't too bad. Now I've got to find some bluetooth over-ear headphones that sit ok with a helmet on. Gah more money! (I like to listen to books when cycling trails/off-road)
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