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Tim Dubya

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Everything posted by Tim Dubya

  1. Cheers, you're right, well worth that extra length of track. I have a couple of T9's and have a Black Motor on the wishlist. Have to get my head around Templot but will get there in the end.
  2. BCK + BTK as on the Lyme Regis branch, other formations I'm not too sure about. https://youtu.be/jY6yXE4WnlM Basically, whatever the formation there'll be a brake at each end
  3. Thanks Captain Quackers has sent me some Exacterscale fishers (in the DuckTrackPak) but my eyesight is too poor to tell which way around they go. I don't have laser vision but I do have a lamp from the Co-Op mobility shop bought on the eBay, I'll have to settle for Hornsby scale, I suppose. Pekerco fish bolts and brackets will be obtained and I plan to have electricery feeds (lots). Will scribble up a track plan and attempt to convert it to Templot. TBH I'll only need the crossover & turnout templates as the rest will be SMP. The best bit will obviously be off scene, with a Faller coal mine, a steel works, harbour and all the other stuff one finds in rural Devon / Cornwall. Cheers Dubya
  4. I must thank Mallard 60022 of this parish for his extremely kind donation of track building parts to my little project (even if some of them are P4 - nothing that shaving a bit off won't sort) I shall, of course, be making a small donation to The Potting Shed charity in Bath, as exchange is no theft. I did open up Templot and close it several times this afternoon but didn't get too far... that's not true, I did retrieve my account details for Templot Club and draw a rectangle. Cheers Dubya
  5. has opened and shut Templot several times today... well it's a start of sorts isn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. bgman


      Hammer Time !

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I hadn't thought of using a hammer... top tip!

  6. One has got to have a P, if one needs a P. (I won't tell the Mrs I've pre-ordered a P just in case she thinks I'm 'back on the tablets' )
  7. Outside the Trains Don't Run on Time - Gang of Four
  8. A Black Motor is my hearts desire at the moment. (closely followed by roast potatoes [in any scale or gauge] which I believe can be achieved today at no extra cost). C. Ar-Bohydrate
  9. From a distance yes, it's another one from yesterday from my visit to the Bath &West Showground (a birthday treat from Mrs Dubya / Ms Edwards) to look at miniature traction engines at the ESSMEE (?) show. Unfortunately we sort of got the wrong day (actually fortunately, as I'm proper broke) to go as there is a mega toy train sale in Showering's Pavilion on the site today.
  10. Any suggestions for cat repellents now we don't have one (we both work, so no, we can't have a dog - as much as we'd both love one... or two). RIP Peggy, my dear friend
  11. Nice one and they obviously do the trick. Unfortunately in our garden they'd be cat feeders, especially since our beautiful little cat (not interested in birds in the slightest for some reason - mice beware!) shuffled off this mortal coil. One thing I have noticed is this year's generation of Robins use the sunflower heart feeders and not just for fly-bys, they're actually perching to feed. Clever little birds. Anyway, top effort mate!
  12. Was there one in the Jidenco/Falcon ranges?
  13. Hope everything picks up for you mate. Yes, we're about to get 'a visit' too. I'm sure Ofsted inspectors think that schools and colleges always smell of fresh paint
  14. You should see their fiddle about yard, looked EM scale from where I was.
  15. What a whooper! Fink it's an 'N', let me know when my tablets wear off... Nice coaches too... I didn't tell him his gauge was wrong or that Peco will sort it all out in the end.
  16. Only if one is talking about 'Carry On Screaming' and mentions the mummy, 'Rubba TeeTee'. I rest my case your honour.
  17. Talking of Babyspams, been down *Shepton Mallet today. *Known locally as "Sh1t & Smellit"... believe me they're not wrong! Saw this giant at the Bath & West Showground too.
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