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Everything posted by MarcD

  1. I know Ragstone models do one in 7mm you could use the picture to make one in 4mm
  2. Does anyone know were I can track down a copy of the G.W.M. Sewell's loco and Coach books on the North British rly. I have had the wagon book for a lot of years but I have never found the other 2 books. Having gone through the internet countless times with out luck does the collective have any better ideas? Marc
  3. We use Lenz very good for our layout its pritty small we only have 2 locos running at any one time and all the points are manual. Marc
  4. The bishops castle rly had a mix of coaches over the years latterly they were using ex H&BR 4 wheelers that had come via one of the south wales companies. However the Metro and Ashbury coaches were bought by a number of small companies not just the ones listed. These coaches were standard designs that customers just ordered of the peg. Marc
  5. We also do a range of mixed media coaches 3 Metropolitan C&WCo (1875 3rd/Brake 3rd/Luggage 3rd - Furness/Cambrian/NBR/LSWR/LNWR/C&WR), 2 Ashbury C&WCo (1880 3rd Brake/Composite - Furness/Cambrian), 3 HR/CR/North Sunderland (1880 3rd/2nd-3rd Comp/1st-2nd Comp), 4 LSWR/B&MR (1890 1st/1st-2nd Comp/3rd/3rd Brake), 5 NER 3rd/Brake 3rd/Luggage 3rd/ Lav Comp/Lug Comp) Marc
  6. W We are just about to launch a Beattie 2-4-0WT mix media kits that will be ready to run to order. we are just waiting for some parts to get back to us. MArc
  7. Just started on some Barry, Taff Vale and B&M in 7mm but It wouldn't be hard to do them in 3mm and 4mm if there was any interest. I'm also looking at doing some PO wagons. Marc
  8. Hi still looking at doing the loco as a kit. I have been off my feet for the last few months so I'm running a little behind with the business hoping to have things back on an even keel within the next few months. If there is sufficient interest shown in the loco in the next few months then I would be looking to start work on it in the summer. Marc
  9. The real "Flanders pigeon murder" has been revealed! Marc
  10. I used M3 magic tape. I stick the transfer to the tape but making sure that the tape it longer than the transfer and stick it down on the side. the rub down and peal off. I have attached a few shots of wagons that I have done.
  11. Unfortunatly we have had to cancel going to the GOG Kettering show tomorrow, due to family illness. I hope that this does not inconvenance anyone, but in the circumstances I hope people will understand that I have to put my family first. If you have ordered kits and Ready to runs that were to be picked up at Kettering I will contact you individually to arrange delivery or alternative pick up dates. Apologies for any inconvenience. Marc
  12. the look good if you do some In 7mm I will have some Marc
  13. How hard would it be to turn the sheets into 7mm? Marc
  14. I think your right we are not taking the layout on the road again until after Telford so might pick up a kit or a blue one and repainted it. Marc
  15. We are putting to gether a mixed meduim kit with a resin Smoke box, Boiler and fire box. N/S bolt together chassis and brass cab and foot plate. I'm in the process of building the test etches together at the moment. So watch this space. Marc
  16. I would be happy with one of their terriers in LSWR green. Putting my Manufacturing hat on if I was going to produce a RTR loco a Jinty or a J72 would make the most of who would be likely to get one. Jintys were build from 1924 and lasted through to the 1960's so there are 3 LMS liveries, 3 BR liveries and 1 SDJR livery not to say that the preserved ones were painted in some strange liveries. As for the J72 there life was even longer and there distribution over the eastern half of the country was extensive. There were 3 NER liveries, 4 LNER liveries and 3 BR liveries and at least 2 Private liveries. Marc
  17. Don't know how they expect to sell them if no-one knows they are making them. Marc
  18. I had a word with POWsides I was told they did do the transfers in 4mm and 7mm. My next question was why were they not on their website. The answer was their didn't know. I was told that they were going to send me a set of both the early and late sets. When they arrive I will tell all. Marc
  19. We have addtional show date we will be attending the Workington Model railway show on 19th/20th of November 2016. This will be with "Scratchy Bottom (LSWR/SDJR)" on the Saturday and Sunday Mornings and the layout will turn into "Lowick (Furness/NER)" in the afternoons to allows us to run some stock that doesn't normally get a run out.
  20. This year Feb 14th ALSRM North Manchester (Furness Wagon) March 5th GOG Spring Show Kettering (Furness Wagon) April 23rd North West O gauge Show Leigh (Furness Wagon) May 7th ALSRM South Reading (Furness Wagon) May 14th Kirkby Stephen Model railway show (Scratchy Bottom SDLR) June 4th GOG Summer Show Doncaster (Furness Wagon) Sept 3rd/4th GuildEx Telford (Furness Wagon) Oct 8/9th Furness Model railway show Barrow-in-Furness (Scratchy Bottom SDLR) Dec 4th Guilford O gauge show Reading (Furness Wagon) Dec 10/11 Blyth and Tyne Model railway show (Scratchy Bottom SDLR) At shows marked as Furness Wagon you can buy from our selves but shows marked a Scratchy Bottom we will be at the shows as exhibitors and we will not be able to sell you however You will be able pick up prepaid orders. Marc
  21. Unfortunatly I have not been very well over the last month. I'm hoping to make some progress on the 4mm stuff in the next few weeks. Marc
  22. This is very interesting I will have to contact POWSides. We looked at producing 7mm Welsh transfers but the cost of buying the software required and the time taken to produce them meant that it would get in the way of our core business of rolling stock. Marc
  23. That is just inspiered I will be looking at adding these to Scratchy Bottom before its next outing better solution to what has gone before. Marc
  24. Why have I got tears in my eyes? Marc
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