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Everything posted by DonB

  1. Only apply if you can use a scythe !
  2. This is for those of my older generation who do not really comprehend why Facebook exists. Presently, I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles. Therefore, every day I go down on the street and tell the passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel, what I have done the night before and what I will do tomorrow night. Then I give them pictures of my family, my dog and me gardening and spending time in my pool. I also listen to their conversations and I tell them I love them. And it works. I already have 3 people following me: Two police officers and a psychiatrist.
  3. Have we permanently "lost" the archive section of the previous incarnation of RMweb? or have I just not found it yet? Also my Gallery shows a series of black squares where the Gloucester Docks pictures should be... Do I need to reload them? Or not being a Gold member am I limited to how much I can load into Galleries, posts or Blogs? Thanks.
  4. Have we permanently "lost" the archive section of the previous incarnation of RMweb?  or have I just not found it yet?

    Also my Gallery shows a series of black squares where the Gloucester Docks pictures should be... Do I need to reload them?


  5. Just caught up with the last few pages... I thought that Religion was a subject to be avoided on RMweb. ?
  6. Item in last night's Midlands news.... Rosetti exhibition at Wightick Manor of National Trust paintings and sketches ... iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00034sl/midlands-today-evening-news-05032019 starts 19 minutes in. followed by item on new road crossing gates for SVR Sorry but the TV item only available til 7pm today Details of exhibition at https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wightwick-manor-and-gardens
  7. Ready made flour & water glue for primary school pupil's projects. ?
  8. We need a "do I really need to know that?" Button !!. Didn't have that problem with the key pad of the Sinclair computers.
  9. I'm sure that this has appeared (many times??) before ...but you must recognise that cats were worshipped as Gods in ancient Egypt. Cats have never forgotten this!
  10. On page660 (11 Feb ) ... ( I do miss the old post numbering system!), I noted that coal stacks were also used in the foundry industry . There is a photograph of hand unloading at Ley's foundry in Derby showing the yard gang carrying individual lumps from the wagon using a plank between the wagon side door and the coal pile / stack. I believe that the glass plate negative is in Derby Museum "local studies" section which seems to be currently closed due to lack of cash! i don't know whether transfer was effected by a one-man-one-lump to stack, with choreographed movement patterns, or by passing the lumps hand to hand along a line of labourers.
  11. Just had a "timed out" from rmweb. Error 522 

    1. Phil Bullock

      Phil Bullock

      Likewise! was just completing a large reply but luckily still there when I went page to the page...



    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I've also encountered that sort of stuff - my workround involves a familiar "cut & paste" sequence:

      1.   <ctrl> <a>
      2.   <ctrl> <c>
      3.   try to post the message - and, if all else fails
      4.   login (again!) - go to the "post reply" section of the thread and hit <ctrl> <v>.


      Unfortunately, although this works on a Windows PC, I don't know of an equivalent version for Android.


      Of course, I would prefer it if the site didn't auto-logout - and if none of this routine were actually needed. Until (unless?) that happens, I guess I'm stuck with the "finger dance" ... .




  12. Sorry.... But question answered in first two lines of text in this blog!
  13. Ley's Foundry in Derby Specified that their coal supplies should be in large handleable lumps since they unloaded by hand into neat(ish) stacks prior to feeding into a Pulveriser to give a very fine coal "dust". (a bucket full of the pulverised coal, if shaken gently, would produce surface ripples, just like water!). I think they first made and used pulverised coal in about 1890.when their first reverbatory melting furnace was installed.
  14. I have often wondered why dental plastic has not found it's way into the modelling world, it has the ability to replicate fine detail and hold thin sections. Getting away from Dentistry and back to Brickwork, the subject is really outside my industrial expertise, but I do know that over the years, say post 1960, there was a rapid decline in the number of clay pits, and accompanied by closure of the brickworks. and the use of the bottle shaped kiln was largely abandoned for a form of continuous production with modern temperature control of the firing giving a more uniform product. all these factors resulting in less choice of brick colours. This means that a modern brick house-extension to a pre-war house will generally stick out like a sore thumb.
  15. I don't recall a post giving the dimensions of the footprint and maximum height of the Drill Hall. Apologies if i wasn't paying attention...but could you enlighten me ? Like other parishioners, I was very impressed by the outdoor shots,... Magnificent!
  16. Martin, your problem with a lifting flap may be solved with a couple of these hinge stays. they would be hidden under the baseboard. there is a choice of sizes for the weight of the flap, and they feature a "soft close" https://www.marchesironmongery.co.uk/duo-forte-3666-lid-stay.html There are also a number of heavy duty hinges designed for use in such things as bar or shop counter flaps, some very robust and nicely engineered in brass. Sorry if I am doubting your woodworking capability, but I would have thought that your baseboard maker would the man to approach for fitting these items, and indeed he may have ideas too. With a lifting, hinged flap you do, of course, need to avoid clashes of scenic items. and also consider the problem of accidental damage to the scenic items when entering os leaving particularly during the layout construction phase. Other people have pointed out the need to keep points out of tunnels, similar strictures are generally applied to point work across gaps, as you have on your removable section at the platform ends. Consistent alignment of the rails at that point (sorry!) may be a problem.
  17. Can't remember where we got our (GWR / British racing green one) from, but they are sold as sit-on aids for weeding gardens. Personally I don't like it for the intended purpose, but I think it will do the job for Martin admirably,as rapid transport through a Duck-under. It has a useful tray in the base enabling hands-free propulsion through the access gap.
  18. I have a large scale OS map of Welshpool dated 1913 , the date of opening of the W&L , but it does not show even the proposed route of the NG track through the town. It was part of several NG projects in my youth, which never passed the back of an envelope stage. Found the map in the loft recently,anyone want it?? Gratis of course. (join the rush by PM !) Or it goes in the bin,
  19. Jumping the gun a little, You have not said how you intend to create the land-forms to cater for the inclines and dips on your layout. (And I apologise if I'm being presumptuous.) Looking through the "back issues" of the "Black Country Blues " layout, I came across a few demonstrative photos at Page 291 (post 7275) at https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56607-black-country-blues/page-291. Might give you ideas, or scare you rigid, with an indication of what you've let yourself in for! If you haven't seen the posts covering the inception and build of BCB you will find that a week or so of reading should give you a few ideas. Although there's a small amount of humourous asides, it basically stays on-topic!
  20. Martin.. I feel a trans continental scrap emerging here. You are one up on me... I can't get the hang of screen grabs! and don't get me started on Smart phones!! You were plodding along a trail which by my standards was correct and intuitive, just stopped too soon. It said as shown in your screen grab .. "reply to 1 post(s).." You have shown that you know how to do so. So. to add another Quote .. Just find the next one you wish to reply to, and click the multiquote button in that post, Rmweb puts that into a memory somewhere, and awaits your next move. The panel on the screen will now show..."reply to 2 posts" Click again to confirm, or go to another post on the same page to select. (see Simon's answer above) Go to "Reply to this post" where your selection will appear insert your comments as required by clicking between the copies of the selected quotes. Note that you can delete parts of the selection which are not included / referenced in your reply if you so desire. Invoice in the post! I see that others have said similar advice while I have been exercising my typing finger !
  21. Going back (only 25hours!) to Necropolis Rly, .... I found Mozzer's Necroplis layout thread in the RMweb archive at http://www.rmweb.co....php?f=9&t=16883
  22. Beaten to it .... Miss LMS of this parish says .. "Oh not forgetting I'm now taking over the NECROPOLIS layout, that will be a challenge! " edit see old RMweb http://www.rmweb.co....php?f=9&t=16883
  23. Part 1 currently on ebay uk : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264131223967 ( buy now £8.00) Part 1 seems rarer than Part 2 of which several listed at Bookfinder.com
  24. Especially if arriving at High Level Station ! Have a care Sir... Wolverhampton should be held in Reverence... I was born there!!
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