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Status Replies posted by DonB

  1. loves frozen yoghurt :-P

  2. fell in the Mersey today.

  3. Something has just popped.

  4. hopes his glazing doesn't fall apart this time round.

  5. wishes the world to know "IT WAS ME!!!!"

  6. need to motivate myself finish my 2011 diorama grrrr

  7. Driving in my classic car, rumble crunch from the rear axle, skid, stop,, AA, tow home, oil all over me, differential mashed, £££, no trainset tokens

  8. Just cleaned out the filter for the hoover.

  9. geeting ready to celebrate tomorrow as 1 year from next year

  10. Time for a new avatar pic?

  11. feels for the people of Norway today :-(

  12. is confused over electronics!

  13. Chosen my raffle prize, hope there's something good left for everyone else.

  14. Now Bombadier in trouble at Derby what is happening to our country?

  15. Now Bombadier in trouble at Derby what is happening to our country?

  16. I've lost my underpants in a poker game

  17. I am going to give up on Ebay, it seems to be crammed with morons with more money than sense...

  18. what does it mean when you see a gravity train running uphill?

  19. Here we go.........

  20. is taking the potentially controversial decision to have music playing during the Members' Day.

  21. Porridge or porage?

  22. Today mostly be sorting more stuff to sell at the members day

  23. Today mostly be sorting more stuff to sell at the members day

  24. The suns out!

  25. i hate having serious tonsilitus, really annoying as i can hardly swallow any food :(

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